二十筆實用成語 1109

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二十筆實用成語 1109

帖子 royl » 周三 9月 14, 2022 6:31 am

二十筆實用成語 1109

01. to one's credit
定義: 由於某人的努力或貢獻, 歸功於某人, 某人值得推崇.
例句: To his credit, he has donated consistently without requesting anything in return. (值得推崇的是, 他一直定期地捐款卻沒有要求任何回報)

02. to one's face
定義: 公開地, 直接地當面跟某人(講話).
例句: At school, no one would ever say anything to my face because they were scared of me. (在學校, 沒有人敢當著我的面說三道四, 因為他們都怕我)

03. to one's heart's content/desire
定義: 痛快暢懷地, 心滿意足, 稱心如意地.
例句: I've made plenty of food for everyone, so please eat to your heart's desire. (我為大家做了豐盛的食物, 所以請大家暢懷地吃個痛快)

04. to one's liking
定義: 中意, 喜愛, 合胃口.
例句: I was really disappointed by the appetizer, but thankfully the main course was much more to my liking. (我對這道開胃菜很失望, 但是還好, 主菜更合我的胃口)

05. to one's name
定義: 在他名下, 擁有的財產.
例句: By the time I was out of college, the only things to my name were the clothes on my back and the broken-down old car I had bought in high school. (到了我大學畢業的時候, 我唯一擁有的財產便是我身上所穿的衣服和我讀高中時候買的老舊不堪車子)

06. to one's satisfaction
定義: 心滿意足, 稱心如意地.
例句: The work was not done to my satisfaction. (我不滿意這項工作)

07. to oneself
定義: 屬於自己; 獨自; 只對自己.
例句: Now, that's private information, so just keep it to yourself. (喂, 這可是個人資料, 所以你最好私自保藏, 不可洩露給別人)

08. to put it bluntly
定義: 說句不客氣的話, 直率地說.
例句: To put it bluntly, your friend isn't welcome here. (說句不客氣的話, 這裡就是不歡迎你的朋友)

09. to put it mildly
定義: 客氣地說, 委婉地說, 不誇張地說.
例句: She was angry at everyone – to put it mildly. (不誇張地說, 她就是生大家的氣)

10. to say nothing of
定義: 更不必說; 除此之外.
例句: Their newborn will be difficult enough to take care of while they're away, to say nothing of their temperamental toddler. (他們不在家的這段時間裡, 照顧他們的剛出生寶寶就已經很困難了, 更別說還要帶他們喜怒無常又正在學走路的幼兒)

11. to say the least
定義: 最起碼, 至少可以說, 客氣地說, 退一步說, 不誇張地說.
例句: We were disappointed, to say the least, but we decided to put it behind us and get on with the project. (不誇張地說, 我們很失望, 但我們決定將它拋諸腦後, 繼續將這個項目做下去)

12. to some degree/extent
定義: 在某個程度地, 有些, 部分地.
例句: To some degree, we'll have to compromise. (在某種程度上, 我們將不得不妥協)

13. to speak of
定義: 值得一提, 值得注意; 有任何實際意義. (注: 經常使用在否定語氣上, 例如: to have nothing to speak of, 即乏善可陳或毫無建樹)
例句: I already shared with you that I had some damage to my knee, so I didn't do anything to speak of last month. (我已經告訴了你我膝蓋受傷的事, 所以上個月我毫無建樹, 沒做出什麼成績)

14. to start with
定義: 首先, 一開始.
例句: She wasn't very keen on the idea to start with. (她一開始並不是很喜愛這個想法)

15. to such a degree/extent
定義: 到這個地步, 到如此程度.
例句: The house had deteriorated to such a degree that they had to tear it down. (這棟房子已經破落到這個地步, 他們不得不將它拆除)

16. to taste
定義: 按自己口味.
例句: Cover with aluminum foil and bake in 350º oven for 1 hour, or until lamb is done to taste. (蓋上鋁箔, 在350度烤箱裡烘烤一小時, 或直到羊肉烤熟至符合你自己口味為止)

17. to tell the truth
定義: 說實話.
例句: To tell you the truth, even though I majored in English literature, I've never read anything by Hemingway! (跟你實話實說吧, 雖然我主修的是英語文學, 但我從來沒有讀過海明威的作品!)

18. to that/this end
定義: 為了達到這個目的, 目標, 想要的結果.
例句: We need to cut costs if we're going to stay in business. To that end, I suggest a suspension of bonuses and a freeze on all raises across the company. (如果我們要繼續經營下去的話就需要削減成本. 為了達到這個目的, 我建議暫時停止發放獎金, 並且全面凍結公司加薪)

19. to the best of my ability
定義: 盡我能力所及.
例句: Police have been searching to the best of their abilities, but so far there has been no sign of the missing teenager. (警方一直在盡其所能地尋找, 然而截至目前為止還沒有找出這名失蹤少年的跡象)

20. to the best of my belief/knowledge
定義: 盡我所知. (注: 意指據你誠心誠意所知曉的資料, 你相信某件事是如此發生的, 但事情真相並不一定是如此; 然而, 這並不意味你故意說謊)
例句: So far, I've answered all your questions to the best of my knowledge. (到目前為止, 我已經盡我所能地回答你所有的問題)



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