二十笔实用成语 1110

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二十笔实用成语 1110

帖子 royl » 周四 9月 15, 2022 3:19 am

二十笔实用成语 1110

01. to the bone
定义: 彻底地, 到心子里, 不折不扣地.
例句: He was wet to the bone after staying out in the rain for two hours. (在雨中待了两个钟头之后, 他淋得浑身湿透)

02. to the contrary
定义: 恰恰相反.
例句: "Don't you hate Brussels sprouts?" "To the contrary, I think they can be very tasty if they're cooked the right way." ("你不讨厌吃孢子甘蓝吗?" "恰恰相反, 我认为如果烹调得当的话, 它们会非常好吃.")

03. to the core
定义: 彻底地, 彻头彻尾, 核心重点地.
例句: That company is just rotten to the core. I wouldn't be surprised if all the employees were embezzling money! (那家公司已经腐烂透了. 如果所有员工都在盗用公款, 我也不会感到惊讶!)

04. to the day
定义: 不多不少, 正好...(多少)年. (例如: almost a year to the day, 几乎整整一年)
例句: It's been a year to the day since I left my husband, and I haven't looked back once. (离开我丈夫正好一年了, 我一次也没怀念过去的日子)

05. to the effect
定义: 大致就是...的意思.
例句: I didn't catch the whole meeting, but I heard something to the effect that we would begin receiving yearly bonuses again this year. (我没有听完整场会议, 但我听见了一件事大致是今年我们将再度开始领取年度奖金的意思)

06. to/till/until the end of time
定义: 永永远远地, 天长地久.
例句: Their heroism will be remembered until the end of time. (他们的英雄事迹将永远被人们铭记于心)

07. bring to the fore, to
定义: 强调某事或使其更引人注目.
例句: All the talk about costs brought the question of budgets to the fore. (所有关于成本的讨论都将预算问题带到了台前, 引起大家的注意)

08. to the full
定义: 完全地, 充分地.
例句: If you live in a tiny home, efficient use of space is a must. Here are some ideas to help you utilize small spaces to the full. (如果你住在一个小房子里, 有效地利用空间是很重要的. 这里有一些主意可以帮助你充分地利用狭小空间)

09. to the gills
定义: 充满地, 十足地.
例句: I was doped to the gills for about two weeks after my surgery. I'm off the painkillers now, but I still feel pretty out of it. (手术之后大约两个星期, 我被灌满了麻醉药. 我现在不再服用止痛药, 但我仍然感觉晕眩和昏昏沉沉的)

10. to the good, be
定义: 有益处的, 有优势的, 有利润的, 赚钱的.
例句: Lucky me, I bought the painting for $250 and then sold it for $550, so I'm $300 to the good. (我真幸运, 我花了250美元的买下了这幅画, 然后以550美元的价格卖掉它, 所以我赚了300美元)

11. to the gunwales
定义: 达到容量的极限, 到最顶端.
例句: The car is packed to the gunwales, so if you want to bring anything else, you'll have to hold it on your lap. (车子已经装得满满的, 所以如果你想要带别的东西, 你只能把它放在你的腿上)

12. to the highest bidder
定义: 给出价最高的人.
例句: The antiques will be sold to the highest bidder. (这批古董将卖给出价最高的人)

13. to the hilt
定义: 到最极限地, 十足地.
例句: The farm was mortgaged up to the hilt. (这家农场被抵押到最高的额度了)

14. to the last
定义: 直到最后一刻; 直到结束.
例句: He died protesting his innocence to the last. (他至死都坚称自己是清白的)

15. to the last man
定义: (战)至最后一人.
例句: They vowed to fight to the last man. (他们发誓要战斗至最后一人)

16. to the letter
定义: 直到最细节地, 彻底地, 不折不扣地, 准确地.
例句: We did everything to the letter, but something still went wrong. (我们完全按照操作指南的步骤执行, 但还是出了问题)

17. to the life
定义: 酷似, 跟真的一样.
例句: It's unbelievable, she is her grandmother to the life! (真不可思议, 她长得跟它奶奶一模一样!)

18. to the manner born
定义: 与生俱来优雅高贵教养, 品味与习惯.
例句: She grew up in poverty, but since she became famous, she has taken to rubbing shoulders with the upper crust as if to the manner born. (她从小在贫困中长大, 但自从成名之后, 她便习惯于与上层名流紧密交往就像她与生俱来就是如此高贵优雅似的)

19. to the max
定义: 极限地, 极致地.
例句: The film is cheesy to the max, and intentionally done so. (这部电影俗不可耐, 而且是故意拍成这样的)

20. to the nearest ...
定义: 精密到, 接近到某个数字或数量.
例句: What is the weight of your baggage to the nearest pound? (你的行李重量最接近多少磅? 注: 这句话乃是询问乘客所携带的行李重量以四舍五入计算至最接近的整数磅)



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