二十笔实用成语 1114

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二十笔实用成语 1114

帖子 royl » 周一 9月 19, 2022 7:21 am

二十笔实用成语 1114

01. too much of a good thing
定义: 太多好处或活动反而带来害处.
例句: The added security features on the new phone proved to be too much of a good thing, making it difficult for even the owner to access the device. (新型手机所增加的安全功能反而证明了太多好处反而带来害处, 造成即使电话的主人也难以操作他自己的手机)

02. too much play
定义: (论到机器零件)过大的松动, 过大的活动空间. (注: 机器要运转顺利, 零件与零件之间自然要留点适当空间, 但零件松动或磨损会留下过大空间, 反而会造成大问题)
例句: No wonder the fanbelt is slipping: there's too much play in it. (难怪风扇传动带滑落: 这个零件过于松动)

03. too rich for my blood, be
定义: 令人反感的富裕; 太油腻, 口味太重, 太甜了; 成本太大, 过于昂贵; 风险太大.
例句: "Do you want to come with us to Disney World next summer?" "Sorry, too rich for my blood, I'm afraid." ("明年夏天你想和我们一起去迪斯尼世界吗?" "对不起, 对我来说太贵了, 我恐怕.")

04. too right/true!
定义: 说得太对! 说得太好了!
例句: "You can't do anything in this town if you don't have any money." "Too right." ("如果你没有钱, 你在这个城市什么事都办不了." "说得太对!")

05. too small to make much of a dent, be
定义: 太小而不够造成影响或冲击.
例句: The stimulus checks mailed in the past month are probably too small to make much of a dent. (上个月寄出的经济刺激支票可能数目太小, 无法对经济产生多少影响)

06. toodle-oo
定义: [俚语]再见, 拜拜.
例句: Thank you for your hospitality, but I had best be going. Toodle-oo! (谢谢你的款待, 但我也该走了. 拜拜!)

07. tool around, to
定义: 兜风, 没有目标地开车闲逛.
例句: We tooled around for a while and then rented a horror movie. (我们开车闲逛了一会儿, 然后便租了一部恐怖片)

08. tool up, to
定义: 装设生产装备, 组装生产线; 武装自己.
例句: Now that I'm all tooled up, I can finally get to work repairing this fence. (现在我的工具我都准备齐全了, 我终于可以开始修理这片篱笆了)

09. tools of the trade, the
定义: 生财工具, 技能, 或设备.
例句: As a reporter, the tools of my trade used to be a pencil and a pad of paper, but now technology has changed the game. (身为一名记者, 我过去的生财工具是一支铅笔和一叠纸, 但是现在科技已经改变了游戏规则)

10. toot one's own horn, to
定义: 自吹自擂, 吹嘘自己.
例句: I don't mean to toot my own horn, but this pasta sauce I made is quite delicious! (我不是自吹自擂, 但我做的这道意大利面酱好吃得不得了!)

11. tooth and nail
定义: 决心拼到底, 全力以赴地, 信誓旦旦地.
例句: The elite troops have been placed around the perimeter to defend the palace tooth and nail from rioters. (这支精锐部队已经被部署在外围全力以赴地保卫官邸以防止暴徒的入侵)

12. tooth fairy, the
定义: 牙齿仙女, 骗小孩的传说; 神秘的恩人或金钱来源. (注: 传说中仙女会放钱在小孩枕头底下取代小孩刚掉的牙齿)
例句: The tooth fairy isn't going to come along and fund this project for us. (牙齿仙女不会突然显现在这里, 帮我们资助这个项目)

13. top brass, the
定义: 高级将领, 高阶官员, 高层人士.
例句: You'll only get a truthful answer if you manage to talk to the top brass. (你只有设法跟高层官员交谈, 你才能取得如实的答案)

14. top dog, the
定义: 优秀, 佼佼者, 占优势者, 老将, 主事者, 领导人.
例句: The reporter tried to get hold of one of the top dogs but couldn't get past the secretary. (这个记者试图要联络上其中一名高管但被秘书阻挡下来了)

15. top dollar, the
定义: 天价, 顶级货品或服务的价格.
例句: He's a brilliant attorney, but he charges top dollar for his services. (他是一名卓越的律师, 但他的服务费用很昂贵)

16. top drawer, the
定义: 最卓越, 一流的高层社会, 权威.
例句: Tom was not out of the top drawer. (汤姆并不是出身于上流社会)

17. top gun, the
定义: [俚语]顶尖高手, 一流的专家, 成就斐然者, 权威人士.
例句: With the team's top gun out of commission this weekend, many fans are fearing their championship hopes have gone down the drain. (这个周末, 由于这支球队里的顶尖高手都无法上场比赛, 许多球迷担心他们的冠军愿望已经成为泡影)

18. top it (all) off, to; top it all, to
定义: 这还不打紧, 最(糟糕/妙)的是. (注: 意指雪上加霜或好事成双)
例句: The car was filthy when she returned it to me, and to top it all, there was almost no gas left in the tank. (当她把车还给我时, 车子很脏, 这还不打紧, 更糟糕的是, 油箱里几乎没有汽油了)

19. top of the heap, the
定义: 排名最高者, 巅峰地位.
例句: She fought her way to the top of the heap and plans to stay there. (她一路奋斗达到了人生的巅峰, 并且打算维持她的优势不坠)

20. top of the hour, the
定义: 一个小时的开始, 整点.
例句: We'll cover that news story at the top of the hour. (我们将在整点报导那则新闻)



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