二十笔实用成语 1131

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二十笔实用成语 1131

帖子 royl » 周五 10月 07, 2022 10:11 am

二十笔实用成语 1131

01. two-time loser, a
定义: 没有希望的没出息者, 失败者, 惯犯或离婚者; 改不了的没出息者, 失败者, 惯犯或离婚者.
例句: You're a two-time loser, Betty. I'll be running my own company some day, and you'll still be here answering the phone at reception. (妳是个没有希望的失败者, 贝蒂. 我总有一天会拥有自己的公司, 而妳却仍旧在服务台接电话)

02. two-timer, a
定义: 出轨的人, 对配偶或爱侣不忠贞的人.
例句: My last girlfriend turned out to be a two-timer, so I know how hurtful it can be. (我上一个女朋友原来是个对爱情不忠人, 所以我知道这事有多让人心痛)

03. two-way street, a
定义: 双向道; 有来才有往, 互助互惠. (注: 意指两人必需共同出力, 不可只由一人出力或一人唱独脚戏)
例句: Friendship is a two-way street. (友谊可是双向的, 双方必需互助互惠)

04. Typhoid Mary, a
定义: 瘟神, 灾星, 带给别人不幸者.
例句: You treat me like I'm some kind of Typhoid Mary, but it's your own mismanagement that has brought ruin to this firm. (你把我当成我像个瘟神似的, 可是就是因为你自己的管理不当才给这家公司带来了毁灭)

05. typo, a
定义: [非正式用语]打字或排字的错别字. (注: typo是typographical error的缩写)
例句: The interviewer said my letter of application has a few typos. (这位面试官说我的申请信有几个错别字)

06. UFO
定义: 不明飞行物, 飞碟. (注: UFO是unidentified flying object的缩写)
例句: The number of UFO sightings has increased dramatically recently. (最近不明飞行物目击事件的数量急剧增加)

07. ugly as sin, be (as)
定义: 相貌丑陋的; 行为卑鄙的, 令人憎恶的.
例句: This old car is all beat up and ugly as sin, but it's still going strong after all these years. (这辆旧车虽然又破旧, 又丑陋, 但这些年来它跑得还是很强劲的)

08. ugly customer, an
定义: 凶狠, 难对付的人.
例句: There are some ugly customers in this part of town, so watch your back. (这一地带有一些凶狠, 不好对付的人, 所以要小心, 注意你的人身安全)

09. ugly duckling, an
定义: 丑小鸭; 没有什么前途者; 相貌平凡小孩; 才学平庸之人. (注: 意指将来长大变成美人或功成名就者)
例句: I thought that fledgling company would dissolve in months. No one foresaw that it was just an ugly duckling and would have great success. (我以为这家羽翼未丰的公司会在几个月内就垮台. 没有人料想到这家没什么前途的公司, 居然会取得巨大的成功)

10. ugly truth, the
定义: 使人不自在或不舒服的真相.
例句: The really ugly truth about depression is that it causes us to shut off from the world, focus a lot of negative energy on ourselves and it's a downward spiral from there. (抑郁症真正令人不舒服的真相是, 它造成我们与外界隔绝, 将大量负能量加诸在我们自己身上, 然后从那儿开始便坠入恶性循环)

11. uh-huh
定义: 嗯哼; 用来表达肯定, 同意, 满足.
例句: "Do you want a piece of cake?" "Uh-huh." ("你想要来一块蛋糕吗?" "嗯哼, 好啊.")

12. uh-oh
定义: 哦唷; 表示不小心犯错了.
例句: Uh-oh, I made a mistake. (哦唷, 我不小心出了一个错)

13. uh-uh
定义: 嗯嗯; 表示否定, 不存在, 拒绝.
例句: "Are you coming to the party tonight?" "Uh-uh. Too much homework." ("你今晚来不来这个派对?" "不了. 有太多功课要做.")

14. ulterior motive, an
定义: 动机或企图不明; 别有用心.
例句: "You want to help me move out of the apartment? What's the catch?" "What, can't I just want to help out my baby brother? You sound as if I've got an ulterior motive!" ("你要帮我搬出这间公寓吗? 有什么条件?" "什么, 我难道不能单纯地帮助我的弟弟吗? 你说得好像是我别有用心似的.")

15. umpteenth time, the
定义: [非正式用语]很多次; 第N次了; 不晓得多少次了.
例句: This is the umpteenth time you've come uninvited! I've paid my dues long ago, now leave at once! (这是你无数次的不请自来! 我早就已经付了我该付的代价, 你现在马上离开! 注: 这里的paid my dues不一定是缴了会员费的意思, 请参考pay one's dues)

15.1 pay one's dues
定义: 缴会员费; 努力工作, 获得必要的技能或经验; 忍受艰辛(为了获得职位, 一系列权利或他人的尊重等); (监狱)服刑.
例句: "We can't re-hire you because you're a criminal!" "Hey, I spent nearly 15 years in prison. I've paid my dues!" ("我们不能重新雇用你, 因为你是个罪犯!" "喂, 我在监狱里待了将近15年. 我已经付了我该付的代价!")

16. unabashed plug, an
定义: 坦白直率的, 没有不好意思的(自我)推荐.
例句: OK, this is an unabashed plug for Crown Furniture – unfortunately, unpaid; but we really love their furniture and design concepts. (好了, 这是我对皇冠家具店的厚脸皮推荐 – 不幸的是, 他们没付我钱; 但我们真的很喜欢他们的家具和设计理念)

17. He's unable to carry on a reasonably intelligent conversation.
[成语句型]他是没法跟人理性地进行有意义的谈话. (注: 意指此人不可理喻)

18. unaccounted for
定义: 下落不明, 生死未卜, 未加解释或说明.
例句: A great deal of money remains unaccounted for. (仍有大量资金下落不明)

19. unalienable rights, the
定义: 不可剥夺的权利, 不可分割或转让的权利.
例句: Labor certainly has its unalienable rights and was entitled to due consideration and justice. (劳方当然有其不可剥夺的权利, 并且有权得到应有的考虑和正义)

20. unbeknownst to ...
定义: 对...并不知情的
例句: Unbeknownst to me, my wife invited her entire family to come stay with us for Christmas. (我并不知道的是, 我妻子邀请了她全家来这里跟我们一起过圣诞节)



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