二十笔实用成语 1132

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二十笔实用成语 1132

帖子 royl » 周六 10月 08, 2022 7:37 pm

二十笔实用成语 1132

01. Uncle Sam
定义: 山姆大叔, 美国政府, 美国, 美国人.
例句: It seems like Uncle Sam is always taking more and more taxes out of our paychecks. (美国政府似乎总是从我们的薪水中扣除越来越多的税款. 注: 既然大多的薪水支票都预扣所得税, 这句话是指政府的增税造成薪水所扣缴的税款越来越多)

02. undeniable fact, the
定义: 不容否认的事实.
例句: While it is true the city as a whole has a relatively low crime rate, it is an undeniable fact that crime is prevalent in all urban areas. (虽然整个城市的犯罪率确实相对较低, 但不可否认的事实是, 犯罪活动在其所有的市区内都很猖獗)
市区, 郊区和乡村的分别

03. under a cloud
定义: 在疑云下. (注: 意指被人怀疑, 不信任, 涉及不法或犯罪)
例句: Ever since that leak of private emails, everything the CEO has done has been under a cloud. (自从那次私人电子邮件泄露以来, 这名执行总裁所做的一切都被人怀疑)

04. under a doctor's care
定义: 正在医生治疗, 照料中.
例句: She's under a doctor's care at an undisclosed location with her mother. (她和她母亲在一处秘密地点接受医生治疗)

05. under a flag of convenience
定义: 船只在别国注册. (注: 意指在低税, 方便的国家注册以逃避高税及严密法规)
例句: Sailing a ship under a flag of convenience is a business practice that a growing number of ship owners take. (在别国注册的航行船只是越来越多的船东所采用的商业作法)

06. under an illusion, be
定义: 被人误导, 抱着幻想, 轻信神话或幻觉.
例句: No one likes paying taxes, but those who would call for them to be done away with altogether are under the illusion that our society can function without them. (没有人喜欢纳税, 但那些要求完全废除税收的人却抱着我们的社会可以在没有税收的情况下正常运转的幻想)

07. under any circumstances
定义: 无论如何, 不管任何情况下.
例句: We'll phone her under any circumstances. (不管在任何情况下, 我们都会打电话给她)

08. under any other circumstances
定义: 在其他情况下, 在别的情况下.
例句: Under any other circumstances I'd probably have been glad to see him, but not now. (在任何其他情况下, 我都会乐于见他, 但不是现在)

09. under arms
定义: 服(兵)役.
例句: The rebels now have thousands of people under arms. (这些叛军现在拥有数千人的武装力量)

10. under arrest
定义: 被逮捕.
例句: "Tom, you are under arrest." "What for, sir?" "For stealing a car." ("汤姆, 你被捕了." "以什么罪名, 长官?" "偷车罪.")

11. under attack
定义: 被攻击.
例句: I constantly feel like I'm under attack during these meetings, but a lot of these issues don't even relate to my department. (我一直觉得我在这些会议中受到攻击, 但这些争议中有很多甚至跟我的部门都无关)

12. under consideration
定义: 正在考虑中或讨论中.
例句: We still have a number of applicants under consideration, so we will let you know our final decision as soon as possible. (我们仍旧在对一些申请人考虑中, 所以我们会尽快通知你我们的最终决定)

13. under construction
定义: 施工中, 正在建造中.
例句: Our new home has been under construction all summer. We hope to move in next month. (我们新家整个夏天都在施工. 我们希望下个月搬进去)

14. under control
定义: 被控制下来; 受到管辖.
例句: I'm not under your control, I'll do as I like! (我的事你管不着, 我爱做什么就做什么!)

15. under cover (of)
定义: 掩护下; 庇护下; 装扮成别人; 真实身份被保密; 被包裹起来.
例句: Under cover of darkness, the thieves entered the orchard and stole as much fruit as they could carry. (在夜幕的掩护下, 小偷溜进果园, 偷走了他们所有能带走的水果)

16. under cover of anonymity
定义: 在匿名的掩护下; 在不具名的前提下. (注: 意指提供内幕消息的人要求记者不要把消息来源报导出来)
例句: It is likewise unprofessional to file charges against superiors under cover of anonymity. (在匿名的掩护下对上级提出指控同样是违反职业道德的)

17. under discussion, be
定义: 仍在被讨论中.
例句: It was noted that 16-17 year olds are now eligible to receive a second dose, though this is still under discussion. (值得注意的是, 16至17岁的年青人现在有资格接受第二剂, 尽管此事仍在讨论中)

18. under duress
定义: 在胁迫之下.
例句: He gave the information under duress. (他在胁迫之下交出了资料)

19. under false pretenses
定义: [法律术语]刻意的失实陈述; 伪称, 谎报.
例句: You may not have lied directly, but you sold him those paintings under false pretenses – he thinks they're originals! (准确地说, 你虽然不算撒谎, 但你以刻意的失实陈述把那批画卖给了他 – 致使他认为这些画是真迹!)

20. under fire
定义: [战争术语]在敌人武力攻击下, 被攻击, 被批评或要求负责.
例句: John is a good lawyer because he can think under fire. (约翰是个优秀律师, 因为他能够在对方的猛烈攻击下还能够冷静思考)



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