二十筆實用成語 1136

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二十筆實用成語 1136

帖子 royl » 周五 10月 14, 2022 8:05 am

二十筆實用成語 1136

01. unfurnished apartment, an
定義: 不含傢俱的公寓. (注: 在美國租公寓大部分只供應冰箱, 洗碗機, 火爐, 烤箱等等, 其他傢俱和家電都不供應)
例句: I found an unfurnished apartment I could rent by the month, and I started looking for work. I slept on the floor for a while for the meantime. (我找到了一間可以按月出租的不含傢俱公寓, 如此我便開始找工作. 在此同時, 我在地板上睡了一陣子)

02. unilateral action, a
定義: 單邊行動, 單方面行動.
例句: This is the president's formal capacity for taking unilateral action and thus for making law on his own. Often, presidents do this through executive orders. (採取單方面行動並因而自行制定了法律乃是屬於總統的正式職權. 通常, 總統藉著行政命令的發佈來行使這個職權)

03. unintended consequences, the
定義: 始料未及的結果或影響.
例句: The unintended consequences occurs when an impulsive, emotional decision is made that unintentionally creates more problems than it solves. (當做出了一個衝動的, 情緒化的決定之後, 無意中造成的問題卻多於其解決的問題之時, 便出現了這些始料未及的後果)

04. unintended mistake, an
定義: 無心之過. (注: 意指非故事所犯之錯)
例句: It was an unintended mistake. We're not a cheater, and I'm sorry if you feel that way. (這是一個無心之過. 我們不是騙子, 如果你有這種感覺, 那我很遺憾)

05. united we stand, divided we fall
定義: [諺語]團結則存, 分裂則亡; 團結, 我們站起來, 分裂, 我們都倒下去.
例句: If we all refuse to work, they will have no choice but to meet our demands, but only if all of us refuse to bend. United we stand, but divided we fall! (如果我們都拒絕工作, 他們將別無選擇地只能滿足我們的要求, 但前提是我們所有人都拒絕屈服. 團結, 我們站起來, 分裂, 我們都倒下去)

06. unknown quantity, a
定義: 未知因素, 無法預測的人或物.
例句: We don't know how the new pitcher will do. He's an unknown quantity. (我們不知道這名新投手會怎麼做. 他是一個未知因素)

07. unknown to science, be
定義: 科學界所不知的; 尚未被科學所歸類. (注: 因無足夠證據尚未被歸類)
例句: Up to two thirds of the life living in the deep oceans could be unknown to science. (多達三分之二的活在深海中的生物可能為科學界所不知的)

08. unlike any other
定義: 與眾不同, 不同於其他.
例句: He is a teacher unlike any other and makes you think outside that box, which many teachers do not do. (他是一位鼓勵你跳出固有思維模式的與眾不同老師, 這是許多老師不會做的)

09. unlock the secret, to
定義: 解開這個祕密.
例句: We are all afraid to get old, the world is still searching for the fountain of youth to unlock the secret of aging. (我們都害怕老化, 這個世界仍在尋找青春不老之泉來解開衰老的秘密)

10. unravel the mysteries, to
定義: 解開這個神密.
例句: His discovery paved the way for other scientists to unravel the mysteries of quantum physics. (他的發現為其他科學家揭開量子物理學的奧秘鋪平了道路)

11. unrequited love, an
定義: 單相思, 暗戀或單戀.
例句: The only way to get over unrequited love is to immerse yourself in hobbies, go out with your best friends and try new things to take your mind off what's going on. (克服單相思的唯一方法就是, 讓自己沉浸在業餘愛好的活動中, 和你好友們一起出去嘗試新鮮事物讓你的注意力從纏繞在心中的困擾轉移開)

12. unsavory practice, an
定義: 不道德的經營方式. (注: 意指不肖業者所使用的欺騙性商業行為)
例句: Some debt collection agencies may practice the unsavory practice of purchasing old, out of the Statute of Limitations debts, and try to collect them as well. (一些討債公司可能會採取不道德的經營方式, 去購買老舊的, 超出訴訟時效的債務, 並試圖索回它們)

13. unsung hero, an
定義: 默默無聞的英雄, 無名英雄.
例句: The time has come to recognize all the unsung heroes of the battle for low-cost housing. (是時候表揚所有為廉價住房而奮鬥的無名英雄了. 注: 這裡的to recognize不可翻譯成認識或承認, 它乃是表彰或表揚之意; 而the battle for則是為某目標的奮鬥)

14. unsuspecting consumer, an
定義: 毫無戒心, 不疑有詐的消費者; 好騙的消費者.
例句: But all too often, fraudsters and thieves take advantage of unsuspecting consumers to offload their ill-gotten inventory. (但是, 詐欺者和小偷經常利用毫無戒心的消費者來脫手他們非法盜來的貨品)

15. until further notice
定義: 直至另行通知.
例句: The beach is closed until further notice. (直至另行通知之前, 本處海灘已經關閉)

16. until kingdom come
定義: 天長地久地, 很長時間地. (注: 例如It can be argued until kingdom come as to who is really at fault, 真正是誰的錯可以天長地久地爭論下去)
例句: Although we don't have to pay for medical care in this country, you'll sometimes be waiting until kingdom come to receive elective treatment. (雖然我們在這個國家不需要支付醫療費用, 但有時你要等上許久才能夠取得非醫學必要的治療. 注: 這裡的非醫學必要治療包括整形外科, 扁桃腺切除, 減肥手術, 等等)

17. until such time as
定義: 直到... (注: 意指某情形不會改變除非某條件被符合)
例句: He will be suspended from work until such time as this matter has been resolved. (在此事解決之前, 他將被停職)

18. untold amounts of
定義: 無法估計(大量)的...
例句: Not only do disposable diapers create untold amounts of waste, they also require a lot more manufacturing and transportation work than cloth diapers. (一次性紙尿布不僅會產生無數的廢棄物, 而且比布尿布需要更多的製造工續和運輸工作)

19. unvarnished truth, the
定義: 毫無隱諱的實情或真相, 沒有經過美化的實情或真相.
例句: Your job is to give me the unvarnished truth about the company's performance each quarter, no matter how bleak it may be. (你的工作就是告訴我公司每個季度業績的毫無隱瞞實情, 無論情況多麼悽慘你都要實報)

20. unwavering loyalty, the
定義: 永志不渝的忠誠; 盲目的忠誠.
例句: A few days ago, my friend and I were reminiscing about the foolishness of that day. I asked why she had picked me and she told me that it was because of my unwavering loyalty. (幾天前, 我和我的朋友正在回憶那一天所做的蠢事. 我問她為什麼選擇我一起做, 她告訴我那是因為我的盲目忠誠)



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