二十笔实用成语 1145

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二十笔实用成语 1145

帖子 royl » 周二 11月 01, 2022 3:58 pm

二十笔实用成语 1145

01. wait for, to
定义: 等待.
例句: Tell her if she's late, I'll wait for her. (告诉她如果她迟到了, 我会等她)

02. wait in/on line, to
定义: 排队等待.
例句: Since it is less well known, the crowds will be smaller here than at the main entrance. However, you still might have to wait in line. (由于知道这儿的人不多, 这里的人群会比正门少. 但你还是可能需要排队等候)

03. wait on hand and foot, to
定义: 卑躬屈膝地伺候; 无微不至地伺候.
例句: I hate the way Timmy waits on the boss hand and foot. What a toady! (我非常讨厌提米那个卑躬屈膝伺候老板的样子. 真是一个马屁精!)

04. wait on/upon, to
定义: (如服务人员或奴仆般)伺候; 招待, 供应, 上菜, 端茶; 正式拜访; 等待, 等门.
例句: Do you expect me to wait upon you like a member of some medieval court? (你期望我把你当成中世纪宫廷权贵那样地伺候吗?)

05. wait one's turn, to
定义: 等着轮到你. (注: 意指要人不要插队, 要耐心等)
例句: Now, now, kids, no pushing! Everyone must wait their turn! (好了, 好了, 孩子们, 不要推挤! 每个人都必须排队等着轮到他的份!)

06. wait out, to
定义: 等到或拖延到某事的最后或结束.
例句: We decided to stay at the restaurant and wait out the storm. (我们决定留在餐厅等待暴风雨过了再说)

07. wait tables, to
定义: 伺候客人, 上菜, 端茶.
例句: She worked her way through college waiting tables. (她靠着服务员的工作收入读完大学)

08. wait till you see this
定义: 等你看看这个再说; 你看看这个你就知道.
例句: Wait till you see their new house. It's just beautiful! (等你看到他们的新房子你就知道. 它真的好漂亮!)

09. wait until/till ..., to
定义: 等到你碰/看到...你就会知道... (注: 意指现在不跟你讲, 等你碰到你就会惊讶或惊喜)
例句: You think you're in trouble now? Just wait until your father finds out what you did, young lady! (你认为你现在有了麻烦吗? 等你爸爸得知妳所做的事情妳就会知道, 他肯定会非常愤怒并且惩罚你, 小姑娘!)

10. wait up for someone, to
定义: 替人等门, 不睡眠等家人回来或等某事发生.
例句: Don't wait up for me. I'll be working late! (别替我等门. 我要加班到很晚!)

11. wait up, to
定义: 等我一下; 替人等门.
例句: Danny, wait up. I want to talk to you. (丹尼, 等一等. 我有话想跟你说)

12. wait with bated breath, to
定义: 摒息以待, 焦虑地等待.
例句: We waited with bated breath for news of the fallen climber. (我们焦虑地等待那个跌落山崖登山者的消息)

13. waited and waited
定义: 等了又等, 苦苦久等.
例句: I waited and waited but he never showed up. (我等了又等, 但他一直没出现)

14. waiting in the wings, be
定义: 随时待命, 等候上场, 整装待发.
例句: My assistant is waiting in the wings to take my job once I retire. (我的助理随时待命, 等待我退休后接替我的工作)

15. wake someone up, to
定义: 把某人叫醒, 吵醒.
例句: Take it easy, Tom, you're going to wake everyone up. (轻一点, 汤姆, 你会把大家吵醒)

16. wake to the sound of ..., to
定义: 被...的声音所吵醒.
例句: I woke to the sound of my dog barking at an opossum. (我被我家的狗对着负鼠吠叫的声音吵醒了)
生活在美洲的有袋动物 – 负鼠

17. wake up all of a sudden, to
定义: 惊醒; 突然活跃起来.
例句: I woke up all of a sudden and sat there in the bed trying to catch my breath. (我猛然惊醒, 坐在床上试图喘口气. 注: 意指我刚刚被一个噩梦惊醒, 吓得在那儿上气不接下气)

18. wake up and smell the coffee
定义: [敦促语]别再迷迷糊糊地过日子. (注: 意指敦促人应该注意周遭的事务, 去了解情况的真相)
例句: You'll have to wake up and smell the coffee. The world is a cruel, ruthless place. (你真的要觉醒, 注意周遭的事务. 这个世界是个残酷无情的地方)

19. wake up on the wrong side of bed, to
定义: 一清早就心情不好.
例句: I'm sorry I snapped at you earlier. I think I just woke up on the wrong side of the bed today. (对不起, 我刚才对你发了脾气. 我觉得我一大早就心情不好)

20. wake up to, to
定义: 明白, 意识到某件事的严重性; 被...所弄醒.
例句: When is the company finally going to wake up to the deep dissatisfaction among its employees? (这家公司要到何时才能真正意识到员工们的深深不满?)



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