二十笔实用成语 1161

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二十笔实用成语 1161

帖子 royl » 周五 12月 23, 2022 12:07 pm

二十笔实用成语 1161

01. whacked out, be
定义: [俚语]疲惫不堪的, 酩酊大醉的, 疯疯癫癫的(特别是受到毒品的影响), 怪里怪气的.
例句: I was so whacked out after that 12-hour flight that I had trouble following along with what people were saying to me. (经过十二个小时的飞行后, 我被折腾得疲惫不堪, 累得人家跟我说什么话我都没注意听)

02. whale of a game, a
定义: 扣人心弦, 势均力敌, 惊心动魄的比赛.
例句: Still, this was a whale of a game that lived up to the hype. If you were a defensive fan, you had to have been salivating throughout this game. (尽管如此, 这仍然是一场扣人心弦的球赛一点都不负众望. 如果你是一名防守派球迷, 你一定会兴致勃勃地看完这整场比赛)

03. whale of a time, to have a
定义: 极愉快的时间, 玩的很痛快, 乐不思蜀的假期.
例句: Gee, Samantha, I sure had a whale of a time at the dance with you last night. We should go out again sometime! (哎呀, 萨曼莎, 我昨晚和妳一起跳舞玩得好开心. 我们应该哪天再出来玩!)

04. what ... for?
定义: 你为什么...? ...是什么用途? (注: 请参考What did you do that for? What is this switch for? What for?)
例句: "What did you push me for?!" "I didn't push you. You fell." ("你干嘛推我?!" "我没有推你. 是你自己摔倒的.")

05. if he had half a brain
定义: 如果他真得是聪明的话.
例句: And if he had half a brain, he would have kept his mouth shut about it. (如果他真得是聪明的话, 他就会对此事闭口不谈了)

06. what a corker!
定义: [称赞语]好棒! 好厉害!
例句: I didn't know what to expect, but what a corker it was. The story is original and keeps you on your toes throughout the movie. (我不知道该期待什么, 但这部电影拍得非常棒. 它的剧情是原创的, 令你整部电影看得目不暇给)

07. what a difference a day makes
定义: 奇妙的一天. (注: 意指一天之内变化真大)
例句: What a difference a day makes! For the first time in my adult life, I ran three miles in less than 19 minutes. (这真是奇妙的一天! 我成年后第一次在不到19分钟的时间内跑了三英里)

08. what a dish!
定义: [称赞语]真是漂亮迷人的女子或男子!
例句: He's gorgeous – what a dish! (他很帅气 – 真是一个帅哥!)

09. what a doll!
定义: [称赞语]好可爱的小女孩; 令人满意或和乐于助人的人.
例句: "Hey boss, I found the files you were looking for." "Oh, what a doll you are! Thank you, Elaine!" ("嘿老板, 我找到了你要找的文件." "啊, 你真是个贴心的好助手! 谢谢妳, 伊莲!")

10. what a fool!
定义: [不尊重语]真是个傻瓜!
例句: What a fool I was to do such a thing! (我居然傻傻地做了这种事!)

11. what a joke
定义: [不尊重俚语]真是个笑话, 令人不屑.
例句: What a joke that this movie wants to be taken seriously. I've tried to keep an open mind, but I still regret watching it. (这部电影真是个笑话还想要别人把它当回事. 我已经尽量地保持开放的心态, 但看完它我还是后悔)

12. what a pity/shame
定义: 真可惜, 很遗憾.
例句: "Tom and I broke up yesterday." "Aw, what a pity! You two were such a cute couple!" ("汤姆和我昨天分手了." "唉, 很遗憾! 你们俩本来是如此的一对天成佳偶!")

13. what a rigmarole
定义: 真是废话连篇; 冗长复杂的无聊手续.
例句: To get a refund, I had to answer 50 questions. What a rigmarole! (为了获得一笔退款, 我不得不回答50道问题. 真是个又臭又长的无聊手续!)

14. what a sorry sight!
定义: 惨不忍睹! (注: 常用在可怜的景况, 脏乱的情景)
例句: What a sorry sight to see two adults fighting like school-kids over literally nothing. (看到两个成年人像小学生一样糊里糊涂地打了一架真是惨不忍睹!)

15. what a zoo!
定义: 真乱呀! 乱七八糟!
例句: We're in the midst of moving our office and files are all over the place – what a zoo! (我们正在搬迁办公室, 满地都摊着文件档案 – 真是乱呀!)

16. what about ...?
定义: 那某人或某事或某物呢? 那...该怎么办? 为何不...? 你觉得如何? 有关什么?
例句: What about that report? Will it be ready by the deadline? (那份报告呢? 它会在截止日期前准备好吗?)

17. what about it?
定义: [自我辩护语]跟你有什么关系? 那又怎样? 你想吵架吗?
例句: "I heard you're not going to college after high school?" "Yeah, what about it? Plenty of people who don't go to college end up being successful." ("我听说你高中毕业后不想会上大学?" "对的, 那又怎样? 许多没上过大学的人还不是最后都成功了.")

18. what about me?
定义: 那我呢? 你把我忘了吗?
例句: What about me? Do I not matter to you? (那我呢? 我对你不重要吗?)

19. what about you?
定义: 你呢? 你要点什么? 你要怎么办? 你打算做什么? 你有什么看法?
例句: "I'm having the pot roast and a cup of coffee. What about you?" "Just a cup of coffee. Black, please." ("我要一份土豆炖牛肉和一杯咖啡. 你要点什么?" "我只要一杯咖啡就好. 纯的, 拜托.")

20. what am I, chopped liver?
定义: 那我又算什么? 无名小卒?
例句: They said they wanted to hire someone else for the job. What am I, chopped liver? (他们说他们想雇用其他人来完成这项工作. 那我又算什么? 一块废料?)



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