二十笔实用成语 1172

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二十笔实用成语 1172

帖子 royl » 周一 3月 06, 2023 10:17 pm

二十笔实用成语 1172

01. what's your poison?
定义: 你想喝什么酒?
例句: Come over to the bar and I'll buy you a drink. What's your poison? (到吧台这边来, 我请你喝一杯. 你想喝什么酒?)

02. what's your secret?
定义: 你的秘诀是什么? 你的秘方是什么?
例句: "What's your secret for staying young, Lucy?" "The secret of staying young is to live honestly, eat slowly, and lie about your age." ("妳保持年轻的秘诀是什么, 露西?" "我保持年轻的秘诀就是活得真实, 细嚼慢咽, 和谎报年龄.")

03. what's your take on that?
定义: 你对于那事看法如何?
例句: "What's your take on what we've done?" "It's hard to say if what we've done was the right thing. The jury is still out on it." ("你对我们所做所为有何看法?" "现在很难说我们所做的是否是正确的. 目前还没有定论.")

04. what's-his/her/their-face
定义: 那个叫什么的. (注: 这里包含三种意义: 1. 不知道某人名字, 2. 一时想不起某人名字, 2. 对某人不满, 不屑提起他的名字)
例句: Dave has been dating what's-her-face for a few months now. (戴夫跟那个叫什么的女人交往好几个月了)

05. what's-his/her/their-name
定义: 那个叫什么的. (注: 这里包含三种意义: 1. 不知道某人名字, 2. 一时想不起某人名字, 2. 对某人不满, 不屑提起他的名字)
例句: I think she's still dating what's-his-name. (我觉得她还在和那个叫什么的男人交往)

06. wheat vs. white
[易混淆字或短语]当你去餐厅或三明治店点三明治时有人问你要什么面包: "Wheat or white?" 其实制作白面包的面粉也是由麦子所做的, 所以这句问题本身就令人困惑. 正确的问法应该是"Whole wheat or white?", 如此可以清楚地让客人知道要选全麦面包还是白面面包. (注: 全麦面粉是由整粒小麦研磨而成, 所以附有纤维含量高的麸皮与胚芽)

07. wheedle into, to
定义: 哄骗, 怂恿.
例句: If they try to wheedle you into buying an extended warranty, I suggest you pass on it. (假如他们试图怂恿你购买延长的保修期, 我建议你别理它. 注: 大部分美国新汽车的原厂保修期是三年, 不需另买. 在申请贷款的时候, 有些贷款人员会鼓励你加买二年或三年的延长保修期)

08. wheel and deal, to
定义: 长袖善舞, 尔虞我诈地玩弄手腕以达到利己的目的.
例句: You can't just expect to move up in the workplace without making some contacts. You have to wheel and deal a little. (你不可能指望不建立人脉关系就能在职场获得晋升. 你必须长袖善舞, 玩弄一点手段来达到自己的目的)

09. wheel of justice, the
定义: 正义之轮, 法网恢恢.
例句: However, the long arm of the law and the wheel of justice will surely catch up with them. (然而, 法网恢恢, 疏而不漏, 正义之轮一定将他们绳之以法. 注: 这里的to catch up with them等于to find and arrest them. 在此, 我将它翻译为, "将他们绳之以法")

10. wheel out, to
定义: 推出, 陈列出; 老调重弹, 重复叙述; 推进或推出(带有轮子)某人或物.
例句: She wheeled out the same old excuse for being late. (她又老调重弹, 为她的迟到找了同样的借口)

11. wheel within a wheel; wheels within wheels
定义: 连环套, 复杂的情况, 复杂的互动过程.
例句: There are wheels within wheels in this organization. You never really know what's going on. (这个组织的内部结构错综复杂. 你永远都搞不清到底是怎么回事)

12. wheeler-dealer, a
定义: (政商界)长袖善舞, 尔虞我诈者.
例句: He's just another wheeler-dealer eager to turn a quick profit by any means necessary. (他不过是另一个急于利用任何手段炒短线获利的投机者)

13. wheels come/fall off, the
定义: 崩溃, 失败, 出大错.
例句: The pitcher was doing well for the first four innings, then the wheels fell off in the fifth. (这名投手在前四局表现得很好, 但到了第五局就表现令人大失所望)

14. wheels
定义: [俚语]车子, 交通工具.
例句: Jeff, can I borrow your wheels? My sister needs a ride to the mall. (杰夫, 我能借用一下你的车吗? 我妹妹需要有人载她去购物中心)

15. when all is said and done
定义: 说到底, 归根结底; 通盘考虑后; 待尘埃落定之后; 毕竟, 然而.
例句: She doesn't have a lot of experience but, when all is said and done, she's the best person for the job. (她没有多少经验, 但经过通盘考虑之后, 她是做这份工作的最佳人选)

16. When elephants fight, it is the grass that suffers.
定义: [谚语]两象相争, 殃及草地.
例句: As the African proverb says, "When elephants fight, it is the grass that suffers." We're the grass in this titanic clash of special interests. (非洲有句谚语说: "两象相争, 殃及草地." 在这场巨大的特殊利益冲突中, 我们乃是受害者)

17. when faced with ...
定义: 当直接面对...状况或问题.
例句: When faced with incontrovertible evidence of his wrongdoing, the man will still often try to find ways out of accepting responsibility for it. (当面对无可辩驳的证据证明他的错误时, 这个人仍旧经常会设法逃避责任)

18. when life gives you lemons, make lemonade
定义: [谚语]化逆境为转机. (注: 意指当你遇到逆境之时, 你可以将它转变成积极向上的转机)
例句: When life gives you lemons, make lemonade. Stay optimistic and keep negativity away in the face of adversity. (当你遇到逆境之时, 将它转变成积极向上的转机. 在逆境中保持乐观, 远离消极和负能量)

19. When I was eleven ...
定义: 当我十一岁时...
例句: When I was twelve, I met my best friend. Well, we're not so much anymore, but at that time she was everything. (当我十二岁的时候, 我遇到了我最好的朋友. 唉, 我们现在关系不再亲密了, 但那时候她就是我的一切)

20. When in doubt, do nothing
定义: [谚语]当你不确定时, 静观其变. (注: 意指当你不确定时, 不要冒然行动)
例句: When in doubt, do nothing. I mean, it's better than doing something you might regret! (当你不确定时, 静观其变, 不要冒然行动. 我的意思是, 这总比做一些你可能会后悔的事情要强!)



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