二十笔实用成语 1187

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二十笔实用成语 1187

帖子 royl » 周四 5月 04, 2023 3:32 am

二十笔实用成语 1187

01. winter is upon us
定义: 冬季即将来临. (注: winter在这里只是一个例子, 读者可以套上适当的名词或名词短语)
例句: The holiday season is upon us. It begins with Thanksgiving, and it ends with New Years Day. It's a time to reflect on the past year and make plans for the new year. (年底假期即将来临. 它从感恩节开始, 到新年元旦结束. 这是一个回顾过去一年, 规划未来年度的时刻)

02. win-win situation/solution, a
定义: 双赢局面或解决方案, 双方都能受益的情况或解决方案.
例句: This deal works for everyone. It's a win-win situation. (这笔交易使所有人都受益. 这是一个双赢的局面)

03. wipe off the face of the earth, to
定义: 消灭, 全面摧毁. (注: 尤指地毯式轰炸)
例句: Through our vaccination efforts, we've been able to wipe polio off the face of the earth. (经由我们疫苗接种的努力, 我们已经能够将小儿麻痹症全面扑灭)

04. wipe off the map, to
定义: 消灭, 全面摧毁. (注: 尤指地毯式轰炸)
例句: They believe that the course of treatment they've developed could wipe cancer off the map. (他们相信他们发展出来的这套疗程可以将癌症全面消灭)

05. wipe off, to
定义: 擦拭, 擦干净, 清除, 消灭, 摧毁, 铲除.
例句: It's been too long since I wiped off the dust from these shelves. (我已经很久没有擦拭这些架子上的灰尘了)

06. wipe one's boots on someone, to
定义: 羞辱, 冒犯, 践踏别人尊严.
例句: Why do you let her wipe her boots on you like some kind of doormat? (你为什么让她践踏你的尊严就像践踏擦鞋垫一样?)

07. wipe one's nose, to
定义: 把鼻子擦干净.
例句: You can wipe your nose at a dining table, but never blow it. (你可以在餐桌上擦干净你的鼻子, 但绝不可以擤鼻涕)

08. wipe out an old score, to
定义: 复仇雪耻, 清算旧账.
例句: The former champion entered the competition looking to wipe out an old score with the young player who dethroned him in the previous tournament. (这名前任冠军参加这次比赛为的就是要向在上届比赛中击败他的年轻选手复仇雪耻)

09. wipe out, to
定义: 消灭, 完全摧毁, 因失控而垮台或摧毁; 大量杀害, 屠杀; 始知失效, 白做一场; 清除, 删除; 跌倒, 摔倒; 耗尽, 用光; 破产, 倾家荡产; 惨败.
例句: The boss's decision against our proposal wiped out all of our hard work. (老板反对我们提议的决定使我们一切的努力皆付之东流)

10. wipe that smile off your face!
定义: [命令语]别笑! 不准笑! 严肃些!
例句: Tom, tell Mary you're sorry and give her a big hug. Jerry, wipe that smile off your face! (汤姆, 告诉玛丽你很抱歉, 然后给她一个大大的拥抱. 杰瑞, 不准笑, 严肃些!)

11. wipe the floor with, to
定义: 压倒性击败, 彻底压制对手.
例句: Although he wasn't favored to win the race, Jack really wiped the floor with his competition. (尽管他不被人看好他会赢得这场比赛, 但杰克却着实地以压倒性的胜利击败他的对手)

12. wipe the slate clean, to
定义: 重新再来, 拆除现有系统; 把以前的错误, 不愉快一笔勾销, 既往不咎; 旧债还清, 两不相欠.
例句: We were both to blame. Let's wipe the slate clean and start again. (我们俩都有错. 让我们把不愉快的事情统统一笔勾销, 重新开始吧)

13. wipe up, to
定义: 擦拭干净; 全胜.
例句: The floor was sticky so I wiped it up. (这块地板黏糊糊的, 因此我把它擦拭干净了)

14. wipe your feet, to
定义: 把鞋底在鞋垫上抹干净.
例句: Please wipe your feet before you come into the house. (进屋前请你把鞋底擦拭干净再进来)

15. wiped out, be
定义: [俚语]精疲力竭, 醉倒.
例句: I'm so wiped out that I just want to go home and go to bed. (我累得要命, 只想回家睡觉)

16. wise guy, a
定义: 自作聪明的人, 自以为了不起的人; 黑帮份子.
例句: I wouldn't bother those shady characters sitting in the corner booth, they're all wise guys. (我决不会去招惹那些坐在角落雅座那儿的行迹可疑人物, 他们都是黑帮份子)

17. wise up, to
定义: 变得更加警觉, 意识到, 谨慎行事或清楚了解某事; 指点别人, 使他变得更加警觉, 意识到, 谨慎行事或清楚了解某事.
例句: If you don't wise up soon, these conmen are going to take your company for everything it's worth. (如果你再不快点儆醒过来, 这些骗子就会把你的公司洗劫一空)

18. wisecrack, a
定义: 俏皮话. (注 wisecrack是听起来好笑其实是嘲讽的话)
例句: I'd had enough of that smart aleck's wisecracks, so I left the party early. (我受够了那个自以为了不起家伙的嘲讽俏皮话, 因此我提前离开了聚会)

19. wish (someone) ill, to
定义: 希望某人倒楣或失败.
例句: The breakup was hard, but there was no animosity on either side. I don't wish her ill or anything. (分手虽然很痛苦, 但双方都没有怀恨对方. 我也不希望她倒楣或怎样)

20. wish on, to
定义: 祈求, 许愿; 希望别人倒楣; 强人所难.
例句: I always used to wish on the first star of the night when I was a kid. (小的时候, 我总是对着夜晚星空第一颗星星许愿)



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