二十笔实用成语 86

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二十笔实用成语 86

帖子 royl » 周三 4月 06, 2011 9:37 pm

二十笔实用成语 86

01. battle royal/royale, a
定义: 群斗混战直至最后一胜利者为止, 激烈吵架.
例句: "All signs are pointing to a battle royal," one securities attorney said of the upcoming trial in an interview with Reuters correspondent Grant McCool. ("种种迹象指向一个大混战," 在一个跟路透社驻外记者格兰特.麦库尔的访谈中, 一个证券律师谈论到了这个即将发生的审判)

02. battle the bureaucracy, to
定义: 与官僚斗争或对抗.
例句: They spent years battling the bureaucracy before they could legally adopt the abandoned child. (在他们能够合法地领养这个弃儿之前, 他们花了数年跟官僚机构对抗)

03. battle/clash of wills, the
定义: 意志的较劲.
例句: We are truly engaged in a battle of wills. It's not a game. It's for keeps. (我们真正在进行一场意志的较劲. 这可不是闹着玩的. 这可是来真格的)

04. battle-ax, a
定义: 战斧(武器), 唇枪舌剑的女人, 恶婆娘.
例句: She'd bark, and we would do so without a moment's hesitation. After all, who was going to talk back to a battle ax? (她一吼叫, 我们就会毫不犹豫地遵照办理. 毕竟, 谁敢跟一个恶婆娘回嘴?)

05. battlefield range ballistic missile (BRBM)
定义: [武器术语]战地弹道导弹.
例句: Hatf I is a Pakistani battlefield range ballistic missile (BRBM) which entered service with the Pakistan Army in the early 1990s. (Hatf I是一种巴基斯坦战地弹道导弹, 于九零年代初期投入巴基斯坦陆军服役)

06. bawl one's eyes out, to
定义: 号啕大哭.
例句: When the commercials started coming out, my son was 2 1/2 and the commercial with a sorrowful song, my son would bawl his eyes out. (当这个电视广告刚开始播放的时候我的儿子正好是两岁半, 这个广告里有一首悲伤的歌曲, 我儿子听到了就号啕大哭)

07. bawl out, to
定义: 大声痛斥.
例句: I gave him a lift afterwards and I bawled him out for hurting his girlfriend's feelings. (后来我给他搭个便车, 我痛斥他不应该伤害他女友的感情)

08. bawl someone out, to
定义: 大声怒斥某人.
例句: If I fail math, Dad will bawl me out, and then he'll give me a lecture. (如果我数学考不及格的话, 我爸会怒斥我一顿, 然后他会给我来一段训话)

09. bay window, a
定义: 凸窗(凸出外墙的湾窗), [俚语]啤酒肚, 凸腹.
例句: Although your weight is ideal, you belly, aka 'bay window', is not that ideal. You have to lose your belly. (虽然你的重量是理想的, 你的肚子, 又称'啤酒肚', 却不是那么理想. 你要消除你的凸腹)

10. Bazillion
定义: [俚语]千千万万, 数不尽的.
例句: And no matter how many times some uppity food writer says cupcakes are over, the 10 bazillion soccer moms who daily fill the shops say otherwise. (不管一些自命不凡的食品评论家说了多少遍杯子蛋糕已经过气了,但还有数不尽抢购杯子蛋糕的中产阶级妈妈们不同意这个说法)

11. BB brain, a
定义: [不尊重语]笨蛋, 脑残. (注: BB是空气枪BB gun的子弹, 很小一颗圆珠)
例句: Obviously, your BB brain logic doesn't always serve you well; you don't limit executive authority by expanding executive authority. (显然地, 你的脑残逻辑对你没有尽职; 你不可以为了限制行政权力而扩大行政权力)

12. be a devil to pay, to
定义: (招惹来的)大麻烦或严重后果, 恶有恶报.
例句: Imagine that the train was one second slower or faster, there would be a devil to pay. (试想看看, 如果这班火车慢了一秒或快了一秒钟, 其后果将很严重)

13. Be a devil!
[英国成语句型]别犹豫! 勇敢点! 别怕!

14. Be a man!
[鼓励语]像个男人! 坚强点! 勇敢点!

15. be able to, to
定义: 能够去, 足够去.
例句: If you are now able to pay the rent that you owe, you may be able to move back into your apartment. (如果你现在可以付清你所欠的房租​​的话, 你也许可以搬回到你原来的公寓)

16. Be afraid, be very afraid.
[成语句型]要害怕, 要很害怕. (注: 表面上是一个警告要你戒慎恐惧, 其实并没有马上来临的危险; 这只是一个玩笑性质的警告)

17. Be careful what you ask for, you just might get it.
[谚语]小心你的许愿, 它可能成真. (注: 千万不要乱许愿, 不好愿望也有可能实现)

18. Be careful what you wish for.

19. Be careful!
[成语句型]小心! 当心!

20. be comprised of vs. be composed of
[易混淆字或片语]两者都是包含, 由...构成之意; be comprised of长期被批评或认为是错误的, 但be composed of是被认可的. (注: 以美国由五十州组成的为例, 两者正确的用法是: The United States comprises fifty states; The United States is composed of fifty states)



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