二十笔实用成语 90

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二十笔实用成语 90

帖子 royl » 周六 4月 16, 2011 4:19 pm

二十笔实用成语 90

01. beat around the bush, to
定义: 兜圈子地讲话, 拐弯抹角地讲话. (注: 意指不有话直说)
例句: Quit beating around the bush and tell me what you really think about my idea. (直说吧, 告诉我你对我的主意的真心看法)

02. beat back, to
定义: 击退.
例句: As bad as we were beaten back tonight, this is not the end of the world and we will find a way to make comeback. (虽然我们今晚受到挫折, 感觉很痛苦, 但这并不是我们想像得这么糟, 我们会想办法扳回一城)

03. beat cop, a
定义: 巡官, 巡警. (注: cop是警察, 警官的俗称)
例句: When I was a beat cop working the streets of downtown, downtown was more than a civic embarrassment, it was a dangerous, crime-ridden district. (以前我在城中区当巡警的时候, 城中区不只是个城市的耻辱, 它是一个危险, 犯罪猖獗的区域)

04. beat down on, to
定义: 从天空降下或照射例如雨, 雪, 阳光等等.
例句: It was 3 o'clock in the afternoon and the blazing sun was beating down on us like hell. I've never run into this kind of condition for a long time since my army days. (这是下午三点钟,炙热太阳死命地照射在我们身上. 自从我当兵日子以来, 我好久没碰到这种情况)

05. beat down, to
定义: 击倒, 击溃, 降服, 令人屈服, 使某人降价, 暴打, 阳光普照.
例句: I beat him down from $40 to $4, the poor guy actually broke out in tears and wrapped his arms round me and thanked me for doing it. (我把他的价钱从四十块钱杀到四块钱, 这个可怜的家伙突然大哭, 双手抱着我, 和感谢我做了这件事)

06. beat into a cocked hat, to
定义: 彻底挫败某人; 完全破坏某事; 驳得某人体无完肤, 弃甲曳兵.
例句: I'll beat Joe at poker fair and square but the man has me beat into a cocked hat at drinking. I've never seen anyone else drink a bottle of rum before going out on a night out. (我可以正大光明地在扑克牌上把乔打败但他在喝酒上让我弃甲曳兵. 我从来没见过任何人先喝完了一瓶朗姆烈酒再出去夜游)

07. beat into someone's head, to
定义: 强迫别人去学习或记住某事.
例句: If they had only thought to bring in a tutor to beat into her head the constitutional role of VP, it would've been a hell of a lot cheaper. (如果他们只要想到找一个私人教师强迫她学习做个合乎宪法的副总统角色, 这个选战就容易多了. 注: 此句话本是指美国共和党副总统候选人佩林州长的)

08. Beat it!
定义: 逃之夭夭, 溜之大吉, 仓促撤退或逃离; [不尊重语]走开! 滚开! 快点! (注: 除非你准备要打架, 最好别使用这种不尊重人的话语对长辈或对平辈说)
例句: Stop bothering me. Beat it! (别烦我. 滚开!)

09. Beat me to it.
[成语句型]有人比我抢先达到, 做到或得到.

10. beat off, to
定义: 击退, 赶走. [粗俗语]自慰, 手淫.
例句: The company has managed to beat off its competitors and maintain control of the market. (这家公司做到了击退它的一些竞争对手和维持对市场的掌控)

11. beat one's brains out, to
定义: 绞尽脑汁地费心思, 想对策, 回想事情.
例句: I beat my brains out all day to clean this house, and you come in and get dirt on the carpet! (我花了整天费尽心思清理这个屋子, 你进来就带尘土在地毯上!)

12. beat one's gums, to
定义: 闲聊, 闲扯, 喋喋不休.
例句: He talks too much. I wish the speaker would stop beating his gums and get to the point. (他话太多. 我真希望这位演讲者别再耍嘴皮子, 直接说到要点上)

13. beat one's head against the wall, to
定义: 以头撞墙表达徒劳无功的挫折感.
例句: I'm beating my head against the brick wall tr​​ying to make her understand why I never meant to insult her. (我说破了嘴却没法让她了解我根本无意羞辱她)

14. beat out of, to
定义: 令人放弃或让步, 欺骗, 蒙混.
例句: He was always trying to beat the conductor out of the full tr​​ain fare. (他总是有办法使列车长没法跟他算火车全票费用. 注: 这句话原来的意思是, 当你买短程票蒙混上车, 被列车长抓到后, 你想办法要他在罚你火车全票费用的计算上让步)

15. beat out, to
定义: 敲打; 打造成型; 超越或击败; 胜出; [棒球术语]滚地球安打.
例句: She thought she would get the job, but someone else beat her out. (她本以为她可以取得这个工作, 但是别人已经捷足先登)

16. beat someone at their own game, to
定义: 以其人之道, 还治其人之身; 以强击强(超越或赢过某人自己的专长).
例句: Michelle becomes jealous of Dean's friendship with his ex-fiancée, and decides to beat her at her own game – chess. (米雪对迪恩和他前未婚妻的友情吃味, 所以她决定以其人之道还治其人之身– 跟他下棋)

17. beat someone by 15 points, to
定义: 赢某人十五分.
例句: For a career that really took flight, he ultimately beat his opponent by 15 points several years ago to win the governorship. (作为一个生涯的真正起飞, 他在几年前最终以十五分之差击败他的对手, 赢得州长席位)

18. beat someone by a long chalk, to
定义: 轻而易举地击败某人, 大败某人.
例句: He looked pretty rough at the finish but he beat me by a long chalk. I don't know how he did it. (他在终场看起来很狼狈但他却轻而易举地击败我. 我不知道他怎么做得到这点)

19. beat someone down, to
定义: 使某人疲于奔命; 杀某人价; 撞倒某人; 使某人让步或让价; 使某人丧失希望或信心.
例句: Years of failure had beaten him down. (多年来的失败使他丧失希望和信心)

20. beat someone hands down, to
定义: 毫无疑问地或轻易地取胜某人.
例句: He might be a deep-sea sailor, but that when it came to small-boat sailing I could beat him hands down and sail circles around him. (他也许是个深海航员, 但一涉及到小型船只航行, 我可以轻易地赢他)



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