二十笔实用成语 91

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二十笔实用成语 91

帖子 royl » 周日 4月 17, 2011 2:00 pm

二十笔实用成语 91

01. beat someone hollow, to
定义: [英国与澳洲]大幅领先地轻易击败某人, 把某人打得一败涂地.
例句: It takes quite a nerve for us to claim we are fighting terror and promoting civilization in Afghanistan, when we have been beaten hollow by the IRA in Ulster. (我们真是胆大包天竟敢宣称我们在阿富汗反恐和推展文明, 而我们却在奥斯特被爱尔兰共和军打得一败涂地)

02. beat someone like a rented mule, to
定义: 痛打某人. (注: 打人好像打租来的驴子, 反正不是自己的驴子, 下手毫不留情)
例句: The guy is the size of a mountain, but Ashley beat him like a rented mule last night. (这家伙的个头跟一座小山似的, 但爱许莉昨晚毫不留情地把他痛揍一顿)

03. beat someone to it, to
定义: 捷足先登, 比人抢先达成某事, 比人先到, 比人先得到某物.
例句: I wondered which of us would finish our work first, but she beat me to it by two days. (我想知道我们两人谁先把工作做完, 但她比我早两天做完)

04. beat someone to the draw, to
定义: 捷足先登, 比人抢先达成某事, 比人先到, 比人先得到某物.
例句: I planned to write a book about using the new software program, but someone else beat me to the draw. (我计划使用这个新软件来写本书, 但有人比我先使用这个新软件)

05. beat someone to the punch, to
定义: 捷足先登, 比人抢先达成某事, 比人先到, 比人先得到某物.
例句: He beat me to the punch and arrived at the interview first. (他捷足先登比我先来面试)

06. beat someone up, to
定义: 将某人打得头破血流, 打伤某人, 打败某人; 苛责某人.
例句: He's been beating himself up because of the failure of his marriage. (为了他的婚姻失败, 他一直在苛责自己)

07. beat someone's brains out, to
定义: 打得某人头破血流; 绞尽脑汁, 拼命干活.
例句: If you think I'm going to beat my brains out to do this, you are crazy. (如果你以为我会拼了命来做这件事, 你疯了)

08. beat swords into ploughshares, to
定义: 将刀剑铸成犁头, 偃武修文.
例句: Only in that utopian dispensation will it be possible to beat swords into ploughshares and shell casings into scales of justice, until then people will continue to fight. (只有在乌托邦理想化的特许下才有可能将刀剑打成犁头和把弹壳铸成司法正义的天平, 在此之前人们会继续战斗)

09. beat the air, to
定义: 白费力气, 徒劳无功.
例句: They must fight, not as those that beat the air, but must strive against their enemies with all their might. (他们应该战斗, 不像那些徒劳无功的人们一样, 而是应该尽一切力量跟他们的敌人作殊死斗争)

10. beat the band, to
定义: 淋漓尽致, 极尽其力, 令人赞叹的, 激赏的.
例句: She worked to beat the band to get ready for this. (她尽她一切力量来准备这个)

11. beat the bushes, to
定义: 全力以赴的工​​作以达成任务, 寻遍各处地找某人或物.
例句: I once heard someone say that "money doesn't grow on trees; you have to beat the bushes for it." (我曾经听某人说"钱不是从天上掉下来; 你必须全力以赴地工作来赚得金钱")

12. beat the clock, to
定义: 赶上期限, 赶时间, 提前完成任务.
例句: They were afraid they would be late and hurried in order to beat the clock. (他们担心会迟交, 所以加紧速度为了提前完成任务)

13. beat the crap out of someone, to
定义: [不雅语]痛殴, 毒打, 击溃, 击倒.
例句: If you ever call my girlfriend again I'll beat the crap out of you! (如过你再打电话给我女朋友的话, 我会打扁你! 注: 这句话显然是个威胁语)

14. beat the dead horse, to
定义: 炒冷饭. (注: 谈论一个已经说烂的话题, 不能解决的或已经解决的问题)
例句: We've already decided what we're going to do, so let's not talk about it anymore – there's no reason to beat a dead horse. (我们已经决定好我们要做什么了, 所以别再谈论这件事– 没必要再炒冷饭)

15. beat the drum for, to
定义: 摇旗呐喊, 大力鼓吹, 呼唤大家支持某人或某事.
例句: The senator is only beating the drum for his special interests. (这个参议员只为他自己的特殊利益摇旗呐喊)

16. beat the Dutch, to
定义: 出色的, 了不起, 令人佩服.
例句: Now if that doesn't beat the Dutch – to mow down a forest just to build an exclusive golf course which costs six figures to join. (真是了不起啊– 只为了建一座高尔夫球场把一片丛林铲平, 而要加入这个俱乐部还要花上六位数的钱)

17. beat the hell out of, to
定义: 无情地打击, 揍扁, 揍晕, 大胜.
例句: It's a thrill to beat the hell out of another team in front of 20,000 screaming fans. (在两万多个兴奋尖叫的球迷面前大胜另一队真过瘾)

18. beat the living daylights out of, to
定义: 无情地打击, 揍扁, 揍晕, 大胜.
例句: At first, I thought they were just playing, but then on closer inspection, they were beating the living daylights out of each other. (起初, 我还以为他们在玩耍, 但后来经我仔细地查看之后, 他们其实在无情地互相斗殴)

19. beat the odds, to
定义: 克服​​困难, 反败为胜, 扭转乾坤.
例句: If you are from a poor family you really have to beat the odds to become successful. (如果你是从贫苦家庭出身的话, 你必须要克服重重困难才能成功)

20. beat the pants off someone/some team, to
定义: 无情地打击, 揍扁, 揍晕, 大胜.
例句: This is late concerning other countries are beating the pants off us right now in the broadband arena, but at least the problem has been identified and steps taken to resolve it in short order. (现在才谈论到其他国家在宽频领域上超越我们已经迟了, 但起码这个问题已经被找出来了, 而且将于近期内采取解决措施)



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