二十笔实用成语 103

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二十笔实用成语 103

帖子 royl » 周二 5月 24, 2011 11:37 am

二十笔实用成语 103

01. better oneself, to
定义: 努力上进, 改善, 加强自己.
例句: I am bettering myself and to show my husband I am making permanent changes, and that things won't go back to where they used to be. (我正在改进自己并让我先生看到我在做永久性的改变, 我不会再重蹈覆辙)

02. better part of something, the
定义: 大半或大多数.
例句: We've been waiting here for the better part of an hour. (我们在这里等了大半个钟头了)

03. better put, be
定义: 说的更好, 更达意, 更传神.
例句: It would be better put by saying, "I lack the confidence to finish this project." instead of "There is a lack of confidence." (这样说"我缺乏完成这项工作的信心."要比"缺乏信心."更加达意)

04. better read than most people, be
定义: 比别人更有学问或知识. (注: 意指此人学富五车, 书读万卷)
例句: I'm not bragging when I claim that at 16 I was probably better read than most people with postgraduate degrees. (当我宣称我在十六岁的时候我比大部分的硕士毕业生还更有学问我并不是在吹嘘)

05. better served, be
定义: 取得更理想的效果; 提供(接受)更理想服务; 更理想的上菜(建议).
例句: Maybe Pima County would have been better served by a rea​​l sheriff, one who spent his time trying to lock up nutbags and criminals rather than finding ways to excuse them. (也许匹马县可以得到更好的服务如果有一个真正警长尽职地把疯子和罪犯关进监狱而不是找借口释放他们)

06. better still
定义: 更好地, 更妙地.
例句: You could write to her, or better still, visit her in person. (你可以写信给她, 或者更好地, 你可以亲自拜访她)

07. better suit your needs, to
定义: 更符合你的需要.
例句: Hotels and motels may be the traditional mainstays of the travel industry but there are many alternatives that may better suit your needs. (旅馆和汽车旅馆也许是传统旅游业的主干, 但也有许多替代方案更适合你的需求)

08. better than
定义: 比...更佳, 优异于, 多于, 大于, 比...更理想.
例句: My salary isn't very high, but it's better than nothing. (我的薪水不是很丰厚, 但也聊胜于无)

09. better than a stick in the eye, be
定义: 虽不好但聊胜于无. 虽不好但比更糟要好.
例句: I recognize that $5 a batch isn't going to make anybody rich, but it's better than a stick in the eye for doing something that helps the environment. (我承认五块钱一组不会让人发财, 但尽一点心力总比完全不做还是对环保有益)

10. better than ever
定义: 空前最好.
例句: When it comes to baby boomer spending trends, it is not surprising to learn that they are not in fact better than ever, but actually the exact opposite. (当谈到婴儿潮这代人们的花费趋势, 不令人意外地发现到他们事实上不比以往更好, 而是正好相反)

11. better than nothing, be
定义: 聊胜于无, 有总比什么都没有还好.
例句: Nothing is better than nothing? What kind of nonsense is that? (一无所有总比什么都没有还好? 这是什么样的谬论啊?)

12. better than sex, be
定义: 爽透了, 比性交还刺激, 过瘾.
例句: Jill, "Hey, James. How was skydiving?" James, "Great! Better than sex!" (姬儿, "嘿, 詹姆士. 自由落体跳伞感觉如何?" 詹姆士, "好棒!真刺激过瘾!")

13. better yet
定义: 更好地, 更妙地.
例句: We should include everyone in this email, better yet, we should have a meeting and discuss it properly. (我们应该把大家列入在这封电子信内, 更好地, 我们应该开一个会议正确地讨论它)

14. between a rock and a hard place
定义: 进退维谷, 夹在两难中.
例句: I think John finds himself between a rock and a hard place, that is why he is keeping quiet. (我认为约翰发现到他自己夹在两难中, 这就是为什么他一直保持缄默的原因)

15. between sixes and sevens
定义: 进退维谷, 处于混乱的环境中, 仍在争议中.
例句: Presently, we are between sixes and sevens as to what is the truth concerning the aforesaid scenarios. In any case, time will tell. (目前, 至于有关上述情节的真相我们仍在争议当中. 不管怎样, 时间能证明一切)

16. between the devil and the deep blue sea
定义: 进退维谷, 夹在两难中.
例句: If he ran, they would shoot him; if he stayed in the shop, the gas would kill him. He was between the devil and the deep blue sea. (如果当时他逃跑的话, 他们会射杀他; 如果他留在店里, 煤气会要他命. 他夹在两难当中)

17. between the lines
定义: 字里行间.
例句: I've learned to read between the lines of corporate annual reports to discern areas of fiscal weakness. (我已经学会从公司年度报告的字里行间里察觉出哪些方面有财务缺陷)

18. between two fires
定义: 背腹受敌, 同时遭到两面攻击.
例句: In order to avoid being caught between two fires, the opposition-led county assemblies urged Smith to dispel these false expectations. (为了避免同时遭到两面攻击, 由反对党领导的县议会敦促史密斯破除这些不切实际的期望)

19. between wind and water
定义: 进退维谷, 夹在两难中, 船在或接近水线的风浪中.
例句: I can see how difficult it is being caught between wind and water here, but I had considered all of the information that I had access to before making a decision. (我可以理解夹在两难中的艰困, 但在做决定之前我已经考量过我取得的所有资料)

20. between you and me
定义: 这是你我之间的秘密, 你要守口如瓶不可泄露出去.
例句: Just between you and me, I don't think his work is quite up to standard. (这是你我之间的秘密, 我不认为他的工作达到水平)



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