二十笔实用成语 110

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二十笔实用成语 110

帖子 royl » 周五 6月 03, 2011 11:17 pm

二十笔实用成语 110

01. binge, a
定义: 暴饮(酒), 暴食, 过量地做某件事.
例句: During our weekend shopping binge, Ron and I were looking for a place to sit down whilst the women shopped. (在我们周末狂买的期间, 正当女人购物的同时, 朗跟我找个地方坐下来. 注:意指这两位男人对不停地逛街和购物没兴趣)

02. Bingo! You've nailed it.
[成语句型]对啦! 你讲对了. (注: bingo是惊叹语, nail it是抓到重点)

03. binner, a
定义: [俚语]常在垃圾桶找食物或可用物品的街友; 疯疯癫癫的人.
例句: Some binners work in pairs. One guy climbs into the bin and hands the stuff to his partner waiting outside. (有些街友结伴工作. 一个街友爬进垃圾箱内, 把捡到的东西交给他等在外面的同伴)

04. biodiversity
定义: 生物多样性.
例句: Yet, we are failing to preserve biodiversity for future generations. Instead, we are destroying wild, open natural spaces and the biological resources. (然而我们却未能替未来子孙维护生物多样性. 相反地, 我们正在摧毁野生, 开放的自然空间以及生物资源)

05. biological clock, the
定义: 生理时钟.
例句: She felt her biological clock ticking away and wanted to have a baby as soon as possible. (她察觉到她的生理时钟开始滴达响起, 她想要尽快地生小孩. 注: 女性最佳受孕年龄集中在25至30岁, 年过30之后生育能力就会缓步下降, 此时要生小孩就得动作加快)

06. bird dog, a
定义: 星探, 帮投资者寻找合意的房地产或替雇主寻找人才的人; 帮猎人猎鸟的狗; 抢别人异性朋友的人.
例句: One of the lowest cost, lowest risk ways to get started investing is in real estate is to start out as a rea​​l estate bird dog. (一个最低价, 低风险起步投资房地产方法之一是先作为一个帮投资者寻找合意房地产的服务员)

07. bird in a gilded cage, a
定义: 笼中鸟, 拥有财富却活着束手束脚的人.
例句: You're a sweet little bird in a gilded cage and you are paid a ton of money tax free to live in a compound and encouraged not to be mixed with the locals. (你是只困在镀金笼中可爱的小鸟, 你取得大量免税金钱的给付, 生活在一栋围墙内的豪宅并且还被人怂恿远离当地人)

08. bird of passage, the
定义: 候鸟, 飘泊不定的人, 过路客.
例句: I am but a bird of passage that lights on the boughs of different nationalities. (我只是个飘泊不定的人, 在多个地域上偶遇各样的族群. 注: boughs在此我解释为地域, 因为原意为树干的翻译无法适用于这个语境)

09. bird of prey, a
定义: 猛禽, 肉食鸟类.
例句: The Peregrine Falcon is a bird of prey which feeds almost exclusively on other birds. (游隼是一种猛禽几乎专门以猎杀其他鸟类为食物)

10. birdbrain, a
定义: [不尊重语]蠢人.
例句: Charging extra $10 for a park annual pass is a birdbrain idea from the lawmakers to cover a gaping hole in finances; it's akin to putting a bandage on open heart surgery. (议员们为了弥补财务大洞, 额外加收公园全年入场证十元乃是个愚蠢主意, 这好像在开心手术上贴条绷带)

11. bird-dog, to
定义: 严密注意; 寻找, 跟踪, 侦查.
例句: The police are bird-dogging the suspect's every movement. (警方正在严密注意这个嫌犯每个动作)

12. birder, a
定义: 观赏鸟类的人, 猎鸟者.
例句: Some birders were looking at an oriole in a poplar tree. (有些观鸟者正注视着一棵白杨树上的一只黄鹂)

13. birds and the bees, the
定义: 有关男女性爱之事, 非正式性教育.
例句: He dreaded having to explain about the birds and the bees to his son. (他真害怕必须要跟他儿子讲解有关男女性爱之事)

14. bird's-eye view, the
定义: 鸟瞰, 俯视.
例句: Let's go up onto the roof and get a bird's-eye view of the surrounding area. (让我们到屋顶上, 俯视附近地区的全景)

15. birds of ill-omen, the
定义: 带来凶兆的鸟.
例句: In many Western traditions, ravens have long been considered to be birds of ill omen, in part because of the negative symbolism of their all-black plumage. (在许多西方传统里, 乌鸦一直被视为带来凶兆的鸟, 某种程度上是因为它们漆黑羽毛所造成的负面象征)

16. birthday bash, a
定义: 生日宴会.
例句: Charlie Rangel was dancing at birthday bash. Ethics scandal didn't stop the Representative from celebrating his 80th birthday in style Wednesday night. (查理兰苟曾在他的生日宴会上跳舞. 违反道德的丑闻并没有阻止这位众议员在星期三晚上欢庆他时髦的八十岁生日)

17. birthday suit, the
定义: 赤裸, 光着身子.
例句: The little boy was running down the street in his birthday suit. (这个小男孩光着身子在街上跑)

18. bit and a sup, a
定义: 少量的饮食.
例句: They banish him to the desert mountains, affording him just food enough to keep him alive. (他们把放逐到荒漠山区里, 只供给他足够生存的一点食物)

19. bit by bit
定义: 一点一滴地.
例句: Bit by bit, they rebuilt a church that was destroyed by the fire. (一点一滴地, 他们重建了一所被火烧毁的礼拜堂)

20. bit part, a
定义: 小角色, 跑龙套者.
例句: Frank's been watching Hollywood films all his life, when he was offered a bit part in a new film, he jumped at the chance of a peek inside an industry unlike any other. (法兰克看了一辈子好莱坞电影, 当他被邀请饰演一部新电影小角色的时候, 他欣然接受窥视这个与众不同行业内幕的机会)



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