二十笔实用成语 149

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二十笔实用成语 149

帖子 royl » 周六 7月 30, 2011 11:35 pm

二十笔实用成语 149

01 broad church, a
定义: 容忍各式各样人的组织.
例句: The nature of large parties is to appeal to a large demographic and to maintain a broad church of agreement, but this is clearly no longer the case. (大型政党的本质是吸引大量人群和维持一个较松散的共识, 但情况显然已经不是如此)

02 broad daylight
定义: 光天化日, 大白天.
例句: Three persons were killed and two others wounded in the broad daylight attack while 35 passengers were kidnapped. (在光天化日的攻击下, 三人被杀, 两人受伤同时三十五位乘客被绑架)

03 broad in the beam, be
定义: 臀部肥胖, 粗腰肥臀的.
例句: l am getting a little broad in the beam. It's time to go on a diet. (我现在有点臀部肥胖. 该是要减肥的时候)

04 broad, a
定义: [不尊重语]女人.
例句: "Where's Mark?" "O​​ver there, with the broads, as usual." ("马克在哪里?" "就在那儿, 还是老样子, 混在女人堆里.")

05 broadband
定义: 宽频的. (注: 用于无线电或网络通信)
例句: The broadband network was capable of supporting both audio and video streaming. (宽频网路具有支持音频和视频两者传送的能力)

06 broads and booze
定义: [不雅语]酒色, 女人和酒.
例句: Leave it to them, they would spend what little money made from the gig and waste it on blow, broads and booze. (别管他们, 他们会把这个工作所赚来的微薄收入花光, 浪费在古柯碱, 女人跟酒上面. 注: 这里的blow是cocaine的俚语)

07 broad-shouldered, be
定义: 阔肩的.
例句: He was a tall, broad-shouldered man with kind gray eyes, and a cheerful smile. (他是一个带有一双亲切和蔼的灰色眼睛, 愉快笑容的高大阔肩男人)

08 broke as a joke and it ain't funny, be
定义: 穷困地一文不名, 真不好笑.
例句: I meant to pick up the tab at last night's dinner but I'm broke as a joke and it ain't funny. (昨晚的饭局我本来要付账但我穷得要命, 真不好笑)

09 broke as piecrust, be (as)
定义: 穷困的, 一文不名的.
例句: Kate tells Jon to pay up even though he's broke as piecrust. (凯特要强恩全部付清尽管他穷得一毛都没有)

10 broke, be
定义: 贫穷的, 一文不名的.
例句: I spent all of my money on my holiday and I am now broke. (我把所有钱都花在我的假期上面, 我现在穷得要命)

11 broken dreams, the
定义: 美梦破碎, 希望已尽.
例句: Their divorce will mean broken dreams for both of them. (他们的离婚将意味着两人的美梦破碎)

12 broken home, a
定义: 破碎的家庭, 父母离异的家庭.
例句: Children who come from a broken home where parents are constantly fighting have a higher tendency to fight. (从父母经常吵架的破碎家庭出来的小孩具有较高的吵架倾向)

13 broken man, a
定义: 穷困的人, 失意的人, 身败名裂之人.
例句: His son Edsel became a pawn in a massive power play and ended up a broken man. (他的儿子爱德色尔成为一个大规模强力攻势下的一个受利用者, 最终成为一个失意的人. 注:这里的爱德色尔•福特是福特汽车公司创办人亨利•福特的独生子)

14 broken promise, a
定义: 背弃的诺言.
例句: He went further to concede that it would be a broken promise if Republicans couldn't find at least $100 billion this year. (他进一步承认如果共和党今年无法找到起码一千亿元款项的话它将是个背弃的诺言)

15 broken record, to sound like a
定义: 重复不停地说同样的话. (注: 像跳针唱片一样地重复播放同一段曲子)
例句: Stop telling me to do my laundry! You sound like a broken record. I'll do it when I find some time. (别再叫我洗衣服! 你重复不停地说同样的话. 我如果找到时间我会去洗的)

16 broken reed, a
定义: 孱弱, 不可信赖的人或物.
例句: You can't rely on Jim's support. He's a broken reed. (你别指望吉姆的帮忙. 他是个不可信赖的人)

17 broken-down car, a
定义: 出了毛病的车子. (注: 既然抛锚, 自然也不能驾驶的车子)
例句: The best way to sell a broken down car is to sell it to a salvage yard. Even though you might not get much, they will come pick it up. (卖掉一部抛锚车子最好的办法是卖给废车场. 尽管你拿不到多少钱, 起码他们会把你的车子拖走)

18 broker a deal, to
定义: 作为中介者安排一笔生意或协议.
例句: Saudi Arabia and its Gulf allies are trying to broker a deal to have Yemen's president step down and hand over power. (沙乌地阿拉伯和它的海湾盟国正试图安排一个协议让也门总统下台并交出政权)

19 broker a truce, to
定义: 作为中介者安排停火停战.
例句: Henry tries to broker a truce between Ed and neighbor after discovering they are having a long-standing feud. (在发现他们之间存在着长期不和之后, 亨利安排一个爱德跟他邻居之​​间的停战)

20 bromide, a
定义: 庸俗的人, 俗套的, 陈腔滥调的话语或想法, (化学剂)溴化甲烷.
例句: His speech had nothing more to offer than the usual bromides about how everyone needs to work together. (他的演讲除了老一套的有关大家要合作等陈腔滥调之外了无新意)



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