二十笔实用成语 172

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二十笔实用成语 172

帖子 royl » 周一 8月 29, 2011 3:30 pm

二十笔实用成语 172

01. by the count of three
定义: 等到我数到三的时候. (注: 意指你必须要在我数到三之前要离开或做我要求的事, 否则我将会如何如何)
例句: If you're not out of here by the count of three, I'm calling the police. (等到我数到三的时候, 我就打电话叫警察)

02. By the cringe!
定义: [惊叹语]表达惊讶, 不幸, 不耐之意.
例句: By the cringe! There is a rea​​lly big yellow-jacket in my house! (天啊! 我屋子里有一只很大的黄蜂!)


03. by the day
定义: 按天计算(例如租用车辆或工具); 即将来到.
例句: I'm renting this truck by the day. ​​I only need it for one day to move some topsoil, and total mileage will be less than 50 miles. (我是以按天计算租用这辆卡车. 我只需要用一天来搬表层土, 总里程不会超过五十英哩)

04. by the dozen
定义: 按打(x12)为标准或计算单位.
例句: I am thinking about ordering another box of toning sticks but can only order by the dozen so if you would like a pair please let me know. (我正在想要购买另一盒健身哑铃, 但只能以打为标准来订购; 所以如果你要一对哑铃的话, 请告诉我)


05. by the hand
定义: 由...所造成的; 牵着某人手. (注: 意指带路, 引导, 指导别人的意义或比喻)
例句: This group of islands, amazingly modified by the hand of nature, floating in the idyllic Indian Ocean, is "Heaven on Earth." (这群岛屿, 奇异地被大自然力量改造, 飘浮在诗情画意的印度洋上, 可称之为"人间仙境.")

06. by the heels of
定义: 由...所践踏.
例句: Their human dignity is often destroyed by the heels of passersby who don't think twice before hitting or cursing them. (他们的人性尊严经常被路过行人所践踏, 这些行人从来不犹豫地殴打或咒骂他们)

07. by the name of
定义: 为人们所知的名字为... (注: 可能是假名, 化名或外号)
例句: Her name is Susan, but she goes by the name (of) Sue. (她的名字是苏珊, 但人们都叫她苏)

08. by the numbers
定义: 协同地, 按口令地, 系统地, 例行公事地, 机械地.
例句: Dancing by the numbers isn't good enough. You have to really feel the music. (光机械式地跳舞是不行的. 你必须还要真心体会到这首音乐的内涵)

09. by the same token
定义: 同理地, 同样情况地, 同样地.
例句: By the same token, he should help with the housework. (同理地, 他应该也要帮忙做家事)

10. by the score
定义: 很多地, 大批地.
例句: Watermelons have been bursting by the score in eastern China after farmers gave them overdoses of growth chemicals during wet weather. (自从瓜农在雨季期间使用过量的化学催熟剂之后, 华东大批西瓜一直在爆裂)

11. by the seat of one's/the pants
定义: 全凭自己直觉或判断力办事; 不事先计划, 准备或不在别人帮助下办事.
例句: She is an inexperienced pilot who had to fly the aircraft by the seat of her pants. (她是一个没经验的飞行员, 她全凭自己直觉驾驶这架飞机)

12. by the second/minute/hour
定义: 即将来到, 每时每刻. (注: 意指事情发展或变化的速度)
例句: The day of reckoning is getting closer by the minute. The money that American's are spending today is not their own and will need to be paid back. (算总帐的日子即将来到. 美国人今天所花的别人的钱将必须要偿还)

13. by the short hairs
定义: 在自己完全的控制之下.
例句: While I understand that the banksters have us by the short hairs, I nonetheless would like to see a few of them behind bars for a while. (虽然我了解开银行的匪徒完全地控制住了我们, 我还是希望看到他们其中几个蹲一会儿大牢)

14. by the skin of one's teeth
定义: 差一点, 几乎要.
例句: I caught that train by the skin of my teeth. They were already closing the gates when I rushed through. (我差一点就搭不上这班列车. 当我冲过登月台闸门时他们正准备要关闭它们)

15. by the sweat of one's brow
定义: 靠自己的血汗努力.
例句: He managed to make enough money to buy the farm by the sweat of his brow. (凭自己的血汗努力, 他设法赚到足够的资金来购买这片农场)

16. by the time
定义: 到(某一)时候.
例句: By the time you realize what your parents said was right, you will have a kid who begins to think you are wrong. (等到你明白你父母所说的是正确的时候, 你将会有一个儿女正开始认为你是错的)

17. by the way
定义: 顺便提一下.
例句: By the way, you forgot to sign my check. (顺便提一下, 你忘了签我的支票. 注: 有可能指雇主开出薪水支票却忘了在签名栏上签字)

请注意这张薪水支票右下方的签名栏(Authorized Signature)

18. by then
定义: 到那时候.
例句: My wife is pregnant with my second son and he is due December 23rd, my first son will be two and half years old by then. (我太太正怀着我的二儿子, 他将在十二月二十三号出生; 到那时候, 我大儿子将会是两岁半)

19. by trial and error
定义: 以反复试验排除错误的方式不断摸索.
例句: Like the majority of young people they were also struggling to discover by trial and error the best ways of relating with other people. (就像大多数的年轻人一样, 他们也努力地不断摸索, 寻找与其他人交往的最好方式)

20. by turns
定义: 一个接一个, 轮流.
例句: When they play on the swings, we try to make sure the kids take turns. (当他们玩荡秋千时, 我们设法让这些孩子轮流玩)



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