二十笔实用成语 176

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二十笔实用成语 176

帖子 royl » 周一 9月 05, 2011 9:03 pm

二十笔实用成语 176

01. call one's own, to
定义: 宣称某物属于自己拥有的.
例句: We all need a space to call our own, a place where we can sleep comfortably, read and relax. (我们都需要一个属于自己的空间, 一个我们能够舒适地睡觉, 读书和休闲的地方)

02. call out, to
定义: 大声呼唤或宣布; 召唤或命令; 挑战决斗; 下令罢工.
例句: Emergency workers were called out to help with efforts to control the flood. (紧急救援工人被召唤来尽力协助控制水灾)

03. call someone (bad) names, to
定义: 咒骂某人.
例句: I called him on the phone and he got abusive at me and called me bad names that are too offensive to repeat. (我打电话给他, 他开始凌辱我, 咒骂我许多太难听都没法说出口的脏话)

04. call someone by name, to
定义: 直呼其名, 以名字称呼某人.
例句: While his superiors call him by name, chief master sergeant Jones is mostly just "Chief", or "that ape-face" to his subordinates. (尽管他的长官以名字称呼他, 一级士官长琼斯平时也只是被称为"士官长", 或者是他下属所称呼的"那个猿猴脸")

05. call someone collect, to
定义: 打对方付费电话给某人.
例句: Not wanting to break a 20, I call my mom collect except I get a message saying that this phone won't accept collect calls. (为了不想把二十块钱钞票换成零钱, 我打由对方付费的电话给我妈妈只是我收到一个通知说这只电话不接受要求接话者付费的电话)

06. call someone down, to
定义: 斥责, 申诫某人.
例句: The teacher had to call down Sally in front of everybody. (这位老师不得不在大家面前申斥莎莉)

07. call someone on the carpet, to
定义: 将某人叫来训诫, 申斥.
例句: I got called on the carpet for sticking my nose in other people's business. (因为我多管别人闲事, 我被训诫)

08. call someone to heel, to
定义: 被控制住; 强迫别人服从; 紧跟某人.
例句: By a series of surprise raids the police brought the gang members to heel. (经由一系列的突击检查, 警方把这群帮派份子控制住了)

09. call someone's bluff, to
定义: 要某人把底牌亮出来; (因不相信)挑战某人证实他的话是真实.
例句: I decided to call his bluff and asked him to show me the evidence. (我要跟他摊牌, 要求他拿出证据给我看)

10. call something by fine names, to
定义: 美其名. (注: 明明不好的事或物却加上易接受的名称)
例句: It's no use calling things by fine names – the country's ruined by cowardice. (没必要再美化这个情况– 这个国家被一个懦夫所毁灭)

11. call something to mind, to
定义: 令人记起, 回想起.
例句: This photo album calls our vacation to mind. (这本相簿让人想起我们的假期)

12. call the bluff, to
定义: 要某人把底牌亮出来; (因不相信)挑战某人证实他的话是真实.
例句: Now is the time to call the bluff and deny raising the debt ceiling. It's better for the system to collapse than to pass the debts onto our children. (此时正是摊牌的时刻, 拒绝提高债务上限. 宁愿让这个系统崩溃也总比把债务推卸给我们的子孙要好得多了)

13. call the dogs off, to
定义: 停止攻击, 批评, 骚扰别人.
例句: Tell the sheriff to call off the dogs. We caught the robber. (告诉县警局停止搜查. 我们抓到了这个抢匪)

14. call the shots, to
定义: 施展权威, 指挥, 发号施令.
例句: He is now calling the shots and is in control of the company. (他现在发号施令并掌管这家公司业务)

15. call the tune, to
定义: 施展权威, 指挥, 发号施令.
例句: Mr. Binks may be the president, but Ms. Barker calls the tune. (宾克斯先生也许是总裁, 不过巴克女士是实权指挥者)

16. call time, to
定义: [运动术语]要求暂停; [英国]宣布酒店关门时间, 宣布结束时间, 宣布退休时间.
例句: One of the first things the new leader of the ruling Democratic Party of Japan was to call time on the internal feuding within the DPJ. (日本民主党新领导人的首要任务之一是要求暂停其党内的长期不合)

17. call to account, to
定义: 要求某人对某事解释, 负责任; 斥责某人.
例句: He was called to account by his boss for failing to spot the mistake in the company's records. (他被他的长官斥责因为他没发现到公司记录里的错误)

18. call to arms, a
定义: 呼唤, 召集准备战斗或行动.
例句: The Governor issued a call to arms to young people to become teachers, proposing cash bonuses, breaks on tuition if they agree to teach. (为了鼓励年青人成为教师, 这位州长发出了行动呼唤, 提议现金奖金, 减免学费如果他们同意教书的话)

19. call to order, to
定义: 正式召开会议; 要求别人遵守规定.
例句: Professor ​​Dupree called the meeting to order and asked those present to introduce themselves. (杜普利教授正式召开会议, 要求出席的人做自我介绍)

20. call to pay one's respects, to
定义: 拜见, 拜访并向某人致敬.
例句: He will call to pay his respects in a box he has left for her on Saturday evening which he hopes she will accept. (他会以一个他星期六晚上留给她的一个盒子向她致敬并希望她会接受它)



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