二十笔实用成语 181

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二十笔实用成语 181

帖子 royl » 周日 9月 18, 2011 10:48 am

二十笔实用成语 181

01. can't be much longer
定义: 很快, 马上, 不会太久.
例句: If they've practically lost me as a customer, it can't be much longer until they put themselves out of business entirely. (如果他们几乎失去我这个客户, 不会太久他们会让他们自己生意完全做不下去)

02. can't be papered over with
定义: 无法掩饰. (注: paper over即掩饰)
例句: The US economy is still in the midst of a sharp contraction—something that can't be papered over with statistical lies. (美国经济仍在严重地紧缩中—这是一个无法以虚假统计数字来掩饰的事实)

03. can't bear the pain
定义: 无法忍受这个痛苦.
例句: Painting a smile to hide the pain, but deep inside I can't bear the pain. (外表上我以笑容来掩饰我的痛苦, 但在内心里我无法忍受这个痛苦)

04. can't believe my ears
定义: 不可思议, 不相信自己的耳朵.
例句: The cat is babysitting the kids? I can't believe my ears! (这只猫在照顾小孩? 真是不可思议!)

05. can't believe my eyes
定义: 不可思议, 不相信自己的眼睛.
例句: I couldn't believe my eyes when I read that Alex will be gracing us with his presence. (我真不相信自己的眼睛读到艾立克斯将要大驾光临我们这里. 注: 这里的will be gracing us with his presence, 将要大驾光临我们这里, 是个幽默语气)

06. can't bring oneself to ...
定义: 不想, 不愿强迫自己去..​​.
例句: I can't bring myself to trust you. I don't want to finally open up my heart and make myself vulnerable only to be let down again. (我不愿再信任你. 我不想倾吐我的心声让我自己容易受伤害结果却再次失望)

07. can't cut it
定义: 做不到, 无法胜任.
例句: Tom shouldn't be working here. He just can't cut it. (汤姆不应该在这儿工作. 他根本无法胜任这个工作)

08. can't cut the mustard
定义: 做得不够令人满意, 无法胜任, 无法达到水准.
例句: Bob dropped out of medical school; he couldn't cut the mustard. (包伯退出了医学院; 他无法胜任学业)

09. can't dance and it's too wet to plow
定义: 干脆做某件事因为你无法做其他的事情.
例句: When you can't dance and it's too wet to plow, you may as well do something useful to others. (既然你没别的事可做, 你干脆做件对别人有益的事情)

10. can't dance unless you pay the fiddler
定义: 没有免费/不付代价的东西. 你不付钱给小提琴手你就不能跳舞.
例句: You can't dance unless you pay the fiddler, you know, the old man has a fit every time he has to cough up a few hundred. (这世界没有不付代价的东西, 你要知道, 老爸每次被强迫付出几百块钱他就会大发雷霆)

11. can't do any better than that
定义: 无法做得更好, 无与伦比.
例句: You just can't do any better than that. I made everyone mad at me because I made the best grade in the whole class, and I didn't even study for the test. (你简直无法做得比这个更好. 我激怒了大家因为我得到全班最高分数, 而且我根本没准备这个考试)

12. can't do anything with ...
定义: 束手无策, 无法应付或处理...
例句: My teenage daughter is very difficult—I can't do anything with her. (我的青少年女儿非常难管教—我对她束手无策)

13. can't do something for nuts
定义: [主要在英澳]根本不会做某事. (注: 意指根本做不出来)
例句: So Roger had prepared a beautiful meal? I thought you said he couldn't cook for nuts. (这么说, 罗杰做出一餐精美的饭菜? 我以为你曾说他根本不会烧饭)

14. can't do something for toffee.
定义: [主要在英国]根本不会做某事. (注: 意指根本做不出来)
例句: Annie couldn't act for toffee, but she still got a part in the school play. (安妮根本不会演戏, 不过她还是取得学校戏剧一个角色)

15. Can't do that, can you?
[成语句型]不能做这事, 是吗? (注一: 问题前半段用肯定语气, 后半段一定要用否定语气; 注二: 前半段用否定语气, 后半段一定要用肯定语气; 注三: 注意助动词要统一, 前面用can't后面一定要用can不能用do, does, will等等)

16. can't even begin to describe it
定义: 简直无法形容. (注: 意指一种夸张方式来表示形容某事或物几乎不可能; 如果你把describe形容这个动词换上另一个动词也可以造另一句话)
例句: I can't even begin to describe it, the words we have in this language just don't seem to even come close. (我简直无法形容它, 用我们这个语言来表达实在距离贴切还差得远)

17. can't even begin to thank you
定义: 真不知道该怎么感谢你. (注: 意指一种夸张方式来表示形容某事或物几乎不可能; 如果你把describe形容这个动词换上另一个动词也可以造另一句话)
例句: God, I can't even begin to thank you for sponsoring my trip to Chengdu. It was quite definitively one of the best experiences of my life. (天啊, 我真不知道该怎么感谢你赞助我到成都的旅游. 这确实是我人生中最好的经历之一)

18. can't fault someone for something
定义: 不能怪某人, 不能为某事责怪某人.
例句: We can't fault him for that. Who in their right mind would want to invest in America, we have no future, thanks to our politicians on both sides. (我们不能为那件事怪他. 多亏我们两党的政客, 哪个精神正常的人会投资美国, 我们没前途)

19. can't fight city hall
定义: 民不与官斗, 斗不过官僚法规. (注: city hall原意为市政府, 在此用为官僚)
例句: Bill: I guess I'll go ahead and pay the tax bill. Bob: Might as well. You can't fight city hall. (比尔: 我估计我要缴纳这个税单. 包伯: 这样也好. 民不跟官斗)

20. can't get a cigarette paper between two people
定义: 亲密不分; 焦不离孟, 孟不离焦; 两人想法一致, 毫无区别.
例句: Mussolini defined fascism as "when you can't get a cigarette paper between government and corporations." He should know it, he invented the word. (墨索里尼把法西斯主义定义为"政府跟大公司是密不可分的." 他应当知道它, 这个字是他发明的)



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