二十笔实用成语 186

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二十笔实用成语 186

帖子 royl » 周五 9月 23, 2011 12:56 pm

二十笔实用成语 186

01. career move, a
定义: 对职业生涯有益的行为或职业变动.
例句: Making a career move is a very important decision. It requires serious thought and consideration. (进行一个职业变动是一个非常重要的决定. 这需要严肃的思考和斟酌)

02. Careful now.

03. carhop, a
定义: 户外汽车餐厅的服务员.
例句: Each weekend, the Burbank Bob's Big Boy still offers retro carhop service. (每个周末, 伯班克市的包伯的大男孩餐厅仍然提供复古的户外汽车餐厅的服务员服务)

04. carpe diem, the
定义: 及时行乐, 今朝有酒今朝醉, 只顾现在不管未来.
例句: She is quite unprincipled; her philosophy is carpe diem for herself and laissez faire for others. (她是一个相当没原则的人; 她的人生观是她自己及时行乐, 让别人放任自由)

05. carpet bombing, the
定义: 地毯式轰炸.
例句: Carpet bombing is a large aerial bombing done in a progressive manner to inflict damage in every part of a selected area of​​ land. (地毯式轰炸是一个空对地的大型轰炸, 以渐进方式对选择好的地区每个部分加以毁坏)

06. carpetbagger, a
定义: 外来趁火打劫的人, 外来政客. (注: 美国南北战争之后北方人移到南方趁南方衰败机会占南方政治经济的便宜; 一个外来人尤其政客到新地方干预政治)
例句: The term carpetbaggers was also used to describe the Republican political appointees who came South, arriving with their travel carpet bags. (外来政客这个用语也曾用来叙述共和党政务官来到南方时带着他们的毛毡旅行袋上任)

07. carried out feet first, be
定义: 死也不肯离开一个地方. (注: 意指被人硬生生拖走)
例句: James would never leave his home to go to a retirement home – he'd be carried out feet first! (詹姆士说什么也不愿意离开他的家去住养老院– 他死也不肯离开这里!)

08. carrot and stick, the
定义: 恩威并济, 软硬兼施的管理方法, 威胁与利诱并用的谈判策略.
例句: A strategy of carrot and stick motivates employees; rewarding good behavior is equally as effective as punishing bad. (恩威并济的策略可以激发员工的工作意愿; 奖善跟惩恶的是一样地有效果的)

09. carrot on a stick, a
定义: 竿子上的胡萝卜. 把胡萝卜吊在竿子上放在驴的头前引诱驴子工作.
例句: She used the old carrot on a stick trick and promised her son some ice cream before she could get him to eat the spinach. (她使用竿子上的胡萝卜哄骗把戏来答应她儿子先吃一些冰淇淋再要他吃菠菜)

10. carrot-and-stick
定义: [形容词]恩威并济的, 赏罚并用的.
例句: The trade negotiators took a carrot-and-stick approach to the automobile talks. (这些贸易谈判者在汽车协商会议上使用赏罚并用的两手策略)

11. carry a gun, to
定义: 随身带枪.
例句: The protection of your own property, such as you home, is fine, but if you carry a gun around for protection, that can become dangerous. (保护像你家园之类的财产是正当的, 但是你到处随身带着枪可能会变成危险的)

12. carry a torch for, to
定义: 狂热地推倡.
例句: His children continue to carry the torch for justice for all. (他的子女继续地推动人人享有公正权益的运动)

13. carry a tune, to
定义: 唱歌音调正确.
例句: For such a complicated song they should at least find someone who can carry a tune. (对于这样的复杂的歌曲, 他们应该起码找个唱歌音调正确的人来领唱)

14. carry all/everything before one, to
定义: 势如破竹, 获得全胜.
例句: This young boxer has the talent to carry all before him. (这个年青的拳击手有能力获得全胜)

15. carry authority, to
定义: 发挥影响, 具有权威或说服力.
例句: In financial circles, his opinion is regarded as carrying authority. (在财经圈内, 他的意见被视为具有权威)

16. carry back, to
定义: 带回; 使回想, 勾起回忆.
例句: This article about the Sixties really carries me back. (这篇谈到六零年代的文章勾起我的回忆)

17. carry conviction, to
定义: 发挥影响, 具有权威或说服力.
例句: His discourses gave evidence of biblical research, and were delivered with much force, carrying conviction. (他铿锵有力地发表的论述提供了圣经研究的证据十分具有说服力)

18. carry forward, to
定义: 发扬, 薪传, 推行, 转结.
例句: The family is carrying forward the tradition, which has been handed down from one generation to another, since the past 500 years. (这个家庭发扬这个从过去的五百年来一代接一代地传承下来的传统)

19. carry into effect, to
定义: 执行, 执法, 实行, 实现.
例句: The company has not yet carried these plans into effect. (这家公司还没开始执行这些计划)

20. carry it off, to
定义: 成功的处理某事, 赢得比赛.
例句: He tried to look cool but couldn't carry it off. (他尽量表现出一副很酷的样子, 但他硬是做不到)



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