二十笔实用成语 189

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二十笔实用成语 189

帖子 royl » 周一 9月 26, 2011 12:51 pm

二十笔实用成语 189

01. case closed
定义: 结案了; 结束了, 到此为止, 别再提了; 没法更改了. (注: 也可用在当你提出强而有力的解释或反击让人哑口无言之后的结语)
例句: It might not even get that far. If the judge rules in his favor on the attorney's motion to dismiss the case, it's all over. Case closed. (也许不至于会到那个地步. 如果法官判决同意这个律师的驳回此案动议的话, 就一切结束了. 结案了)

02. case history, a
定义: 病例, 病史; 案件历史. 尤其是用来作分析或示范解说.
例句: The patient's case history showed recurring fits of depression. (这个病人的病例上显示出周期性的阵发抑郁症)

03. case in point, a
定义: 例证, 举例来证明观点; 明显的或典型的例子.
例句: He spends a lot of money on unnecessary things. A case in point is his collection of rare sports cars. (他花了许多钱买不需要的东西. 他的稀有跑车收藏就是一个明显例子)

04. case law, a
定义: 判例法.
例句: If the landlord gives you the deposit back rather than retaining it, recent case law says they may still be able to sue later for damages. (如果房东退回你的押金而不扣留的话, 最近的判例法指出他们仍然可以事后控告你赔偿损失)

05. case of ..., a
定义: 一件...案例.
例句: The average loss of funds in a case of identity theft was $3257 in 2006, up from $1408 in 2005. (在2006年, 盗用身份所造成的平均损失金额是三千两百五十七元, 比2005年的一千零八元增加许多)

06. case of mistaken identity, a
定义: 认错人的案例.
例句: A women's high school basketball player was killed in Harlem in what her parents are saying is a case of mistaken identity. (一个女子高中篮球队员在哈林区被杀害, 根据她父母所称, 这是一件认错人的案子)

07. case study, a
定义: 案例分析研究, 活生生的案例.
例句: The company's recent history is a case study in bad management. (这家公司的最近历史就是一宗活生生的管理不善的案例)

08. case-by-case
定义: 个案, 个例, 每件事单独看; 将每件事分开评估.
例句: That issue would be decided by the courts on a case-by-case basis. (这件争议将由法庭以个案方式判决)

09. cash bar, a
定义: (派对)客人可以付现买酒喝的现金酒吧.
例句: They had a cash bar at their wedding reception. (在婚礼接待会上, 他们提供现金酒吧)

10. cash cow, a
定义: 摇钱树, 赚钱的生意. (注: 它的利润常用来作别的投资)
例句: During her lifetime, Diana was a cash cow for so many that some simply aren't ready to let it go. (在她一生中, 戴安娜被许多人当作摇钱树, 这些人就是不放过她)

11. cash crop, a
定义: 商业作物, 一个现成的农产品主要是卖出赚钱而非自己用.
例句: Coffee trees are mostly planted as a cash crop. (咖啡树的种植主要是作为商业作物)

12. cash flow
定义: [财务术语]现金流动, 特别是指付清债务的能力.
例句: The city improved its cash flow by borrowing against future revenues. (这个市政府以未来的收入作抵押借款来改善它的现金流动)

13. cash in on, to
定义: 利用, 占便宜, 借机图利.
例句: The magazine is planning to cash in on the hype surrounding the celebrity's wedding by publishing exclusive photos of the ceremony. (这家杂志社打算从被大肆炒作地围绕着社会名流的婚嫁发行独家婚礼照片来借机图利)

14. cash in one's chips, to
定义: 死亡; 卖掉股份或财产换成现金; 将自己影响力或别人欠的人情换成利益.
例句: I decided to cash in my chips to get some money to go back to school. (我决定要卖掉股份换成现金来筹备资金回学校读书)

15. cash in, to
定义: 赌博结束以筹码换回现金; 退出一个交易并结帐取回投资钱; 用支票或债券换取等值的现金; 凭借关系, 优势取得利益.
例句: I had to cash in my life insurance policy to pay my debts. I had just enough money left over to buy myself a top hat and tuxedo. (我不得不卖掉我的寿险换成现金来偿付债务. 我剩下的钱正好足够给自己买一顶大礼帽和一件燕尾礼服)

16. cash is king, the
定义: 现金为王. (注: 现金流动是财务健康的重要指标. 空有高额的应收帐款而现金帐款过低就是不健康的财务状况)
例句: Everyone knows cash is king. Even in our family business, we are conscious about cash; it pays off the payroll, the bills, and ourselves. (大家都知道现金为王的道理. 即使我们的家族事业, 我们也重视现金; 它支付了员工薪水, 帐单, 还有我们自己的酬劳)

17. cash on the barrelhead, to pay
定义: 立即付款.
例句: It was a cash deal and we were forced to pay cash on the barrelhead. (这是个现金交易, 我不得不立即付款)

18. cash on the line, to pay
定义: 立即付款.
例句: They offered me fifty thousand dollars cash on the line for Aunt Nancy's old house. (他们给我开出五万元现金价格来收购南西阿姨的旧房子)

19. cash out, to
定义: 出售长期资产化为现金.
例句: Hard-pressed farmers are tempted to cash out by selling their valuable land. (处于困境的农民有意要出售值钱的土地化为现金. 注: 这里的are tempted to可以解释为are inclined to)

20. cash up front
定义: 以现金先付的头款或完全付清.
例句: If he wants his home he has to provide the cash up front for the full cost of the manufactured home at $117,000. (如果他想要他的房子的话, 他必须以现金先付清这栋预造屋的全部价钱, 也就是十一万七千元)



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