二十笔实用成语 191

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二十笔实用成语 191

帖子 royl » 周三 9月 28, 2011 9:18 pm

二十笔实用成语 191

01. cast in stone, be
定义: 被确定下来, 不可改变的, 不能破例的.
例句: The DOE at first denied the document even existed, then backed off and said it was a "work in progress" and then "nothing has been cast in stone." (教育部刚开始还甚至否认这个文件的存在, 然后让一步说它是个"在进行的工作", 后来又说"还没有任何政策被确定下来.")

02. cast in the same mold, be
定义: 酷似, 一个模样, 一个模子造出来的.
例句: If everyone were cast in the same mold, there would be no such thing as beauty. (如果每个人都是一个模子造出来的话, 这世界上就没有美人/美男子这种事)

03. cast in the shade, a
定义: 遮住阳光, 投下阴影; 使逊色, 使相形见绌.
例句: Impoverished, orphaned, Amanda knew she was completely cast in the shade by her rich, vain, and beautiful cousin Eve. (一贫如洗, 失去父母的阿曼达知道她完全不能跟她富裕, 爱慕虚荣, 美丽的表姊妹依芙相比)

04. cast light on, to
定义: 照明; 澄清, 说明, 解释清楚.
例句: The film will cast light on this ambitious woman from the adversity of her imperfect childhood to her rise to become a renowned author. (这个电影说明了这个有抱负的女子从她不完美童年所经历的逆境崛起成为享有盛誉的作家)

05. cast loose, a
定义: 松绑, 释放, 放走, 使漂流.
例句: The five midget subs had already cast loose from mother subs and were trying to make their way into Pearl Harbor's narrow entrance channel. (这五艘微型潜艇已经脱离其母艇, 它们试图进入珍珠港狭窄的入口水道)

06. cast of characters, a
定义: 角色群, 演员表, 一群角色.
例句: An Al Qaeda leader is among a controversial cast of characters who participated in weekly prayer sessions on Capitol Hill in 2001. (包括一个盖达组织领导人的一群角色参加了二零零一年在国会山庄举行的每周祈祷会)

07. cast of mind, a
定义: 个性, 性情, 倾向.
例句: She has a skeptical cast of mind. (她具有怀疑的倾向. 注: 意指她不轻易信任别人)

08. cast off, to
定义: 放松, 释放, 松绑, 放掉一针(编织)以防散开.
例句: You need to cast off your fears like a pair of old shoes. It's time to make a bold move now. (你必须要像弃之如敝屣一样地摒弃你的恐惧. 现在该是要采取大胆自信行动的时候了)

09. cast on, to
定义: (打毛衣)下第一针, 起针.
例句: I was having trouble casting on, but I think I have it now. (我刚才起针有问题, 但是我想我做好了)

10. cast one's lot with ..., to
定义: 与...患难与共, 不计后果加入或偏袒某方.
例句: Ignoring her wealthy parents' vehement protests and warnings of impending poverty and political ruin, Lucy cast her lot with Henry. (不顾她富裕父母的激烈反对和即将发生的贫穷和政治破产的警告, 露西不计后果和亨利患难与共)

11. cast one's vote, to
定义: 投(选)票.
例句: Before you cast your vote, think carefully about the issues. (在你投票之前你要审慎地思考这些议题)

12. cast out, to
定义: 赶走, 驱逐出去.
例句: They tried to cast out the spirits from the haunted house. (他们试图把这个鬼屋的幽灵赶走)

13. cast pearls before swine, to
定义: 对牛弹琴, 给乌龟吃大麦. 把宝贵的东西给不会欣赏或不配得的人. (注: 出自新约圣经)
例句: Jack wasn't going to cast pearls before swine by discussing the legal ramifications of the situation which in turn allowed him reply as little as possible. (杰克才不想对牛弹琴跟人讨论这个情况的法律后果, 因此也让他把回答减至最少)

14. cast sheep's eyes at someone, to
定义: 含情脉脉地看某人.
例句: His manner had been merely that of a careless friend, and she was, therefore, really startled when first she noticed him casting sheep's eyes at her. (他的态度一直仅仅像个漠不关心的友人, 所以当她第一次注意到他含情脉脉地看她时把她吓一跳)

15. cast the first stone, to
定义: "毫不迟疑指责, 批评或惩罚别人. (注: 出自新约圣经, 耶稣告诉要以石头打死某通奸妇人的群众"你们中间谁是没有罪的, 谁就可以先拿石头打她" )
例句: Well, I don't want to be the one to cast the first stone, but she sang horribly. (唉, 我实在不愿意做这个恶人批评她, 不过她唱得太难听)

16. cast your eye over, to
定义: 迅速地阅读, 浏览或核​​对一下.
例句: She cast her eye over the apartment, appalled by the mess. (她迅速地看了一下这间公寓, 她被脏乱的情况吓呆了)

17. cast your mind back, to
定义: 回想某事.
例句: The loud buzzing noise of cicadas casts my mind back to childhood. (这些嘈杂的蝉鸣让我想起我的孩提时代)

18. cast your net widely, to
定义: 扩大搜寻范围.
例句: It's very important to start looking early, and cast your net widely when applying for internships. (当应征实习工作的时候, 提早寻找和扩大搜寻范围是很重要的)

19. cast/throw aside, to
定义: 丢弃, 拒绝, 置之不顾, 搁置于一旁.
例句: Let us cast aside our differences and embrace one another in unity. (让我们摒弃我们之间的歧见, 互相拥抱在团结下)

20. caste system, a
定义: 种姓制度, 社会阶级制度. (注: 起源于古代印度教的一种社会阶级制度)
例句: Caste system runs deep in the rural hinterland of some States of India where people are still bound to the old practices. (种姓制度在印度一些邦区的内地农村根深柢固, 这些人们仍然被这些制度所约束)



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