二十笔实用成语 203

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二十笔实用成语 203

帖子 royl » 周二 10月 11, 2011 1:28 am

二十笔实用成语 203

01. charitable gift, a
定义: 慈善捐赠或捐款.
例句: Using life insurance to make a charitable gift is easy, flexible and economical. (使用寿险作慈善捐赠既容易, 灵活, 也实惠)

02. charley horse, a
定义: 腿抽筋.
例句: "Did you hurt your leg playing baseball?" "Yes, I slid into third base and now I have a charley horse." ("你打棒球伤到你的腿吗?" "是的, 我滑进三垒, 我现在腿抽筋.")

03. charm offensive, a
定义: 魅力攻势. (政客发动的)讨好, 吸引别人的支持及喜爱攻势.
例句: Gen. Chen Bingde, the head of China's armed forces, came to Washington on a charm offensive designed to persuade the US that its fears are misplaced. (陈炳德将军, 中国武装部队领导, 来访华盛顿展开魅力攻势为得是劝导美国对中国的恐惧是不当的)

04. charm the socks off someone, to
定义: 以魅力完全迷惑某人.
例句: Please be careful with that guy. He can charm the socks off anyone. (请小心这个小子. 他可以迷得你神魂颠倒)

05. chart course, to
定义: 计划行动路线.
例句: Throughout her career, the most outstanding of which is charting course in a changing world. (在她整个生涯中, 最卓越的成就是在一个改变的世界中规划行动路线)

06. charter school, a
定义: 特许学校, 公费特许设立的学校不受当地教育法令束缚以达某一特定教育目标.
例句: Some charter schools provide a curriculum that specializes in a certain field. Others provide a better general education than public schools. (有些特许学校提供一个专攻某个领域的课程. 有些却提供比公立学校更好的普通教育)

07. chase after a pot of gold (at the end of the rainbow), to
定义: 做淘金梦, 追求不可能的事或物.
例句: They both should have thought about their reputations before they freely chose to ignore ethics and chase after a pot of gold. (在他们轻率地选择忽视道德规范, 追求不可能的事物之前, 他们两人当初应该考虑到他们的名誉)

08. chase down, to
定义: 追捕; 追寻.
例句: Scottsdale police chased down an armed suspect Monday afternoon after reports of a pharmacy robbery. (星期一下午, 在一个药房抢劫报警之后, 斯科次代尔市警方追捕一个持枪嫌犯)

09. chase off, to
定义: 赶走, 驱逐, 吓走.
例句: Police arrested Yeager for possession of a concealed weapon after he chased a man off the subdivision. (在他把一男子驱逐出这个住宅区之后, 警方依持有隐藏武器罪逮捕了叶格)

10. chase rainbows, to
定义: 追梦, 幻想获得一个人不可能得到的东西.
例句: Many young actors are chasing rainbows—hoping for fame. (许多年青演员正在追梦—希望扬名)

11. chase the dragon, to
定义: 追龙, 吸毒.
例句: Chasing the dragon started off as a rage in Hong Kong early in the fifties because the spiraling smoke looks like a dragon's tail. (由于被火烤的毒品冒出盘旋的烟雾看起来像条龙尾, 五零年代初, 追龙在香港以盛行一时开始)

12. chase up, to
定义: [英国]追寻, 追讨.
例句: His landlord had to chase him up for his rent. (他的房东不得不追讨他的房租)

13. chaser, a
定义: 追酒, 烈酒饮一半换的软酒.
例句: The old man drank coffee as a chaser for the Irish whisky. (这个老人以喝咖啡作为这个爱尔兰威士忌的追酒)

14. chastity belt, a
定义: 贞操带, 中世纪欧洲女人穿着的.
例句: During the Crusades, when the knight left for the Holy Lands on the Crusades, his Lady would wear a chastity belt to preserve her faithfulness to him. (在十字军东征时期, 当一个武士去圣地远征的时候, 他的妻子必须穿一件贞操带来保持她对他的忠贞)

15. chat up, to
定义: 与异性搭讪, 赢得友好关系.
例句: My son chatted up a girl at the bar for the first time today; but it's mundane pointless stuff I must admit. (今天, 我儿子第一次在酒吧里跟一个女孩搭讪; 不过我必须承认他们所谈的都是一些平淡无聊的话题)

16. Chatham House rules, the
定义: 查塔姆研究所守则: 可以自由表达自己的意见及接受别人的消息但会后不准透露你的消息来源与会议参加者.
例句: They are protected by Chatham House Rules, which dictate proceedings are off the record. (他们受到查塔姆研究所守则的保护, 也就是规定会议上所说的不准透露出去)

17. chatterbox, a
定义: 话匣子, 讲个不停的人.
例句: My seat companion was a chatterbox who never once shut up during the whole trip. (坐我旁边的人是个话匣子, 在整个旅程中没有一刻安静过)

18. chatty Cathy, a
定义: 话匣子, 讲个不停的人.
例句: Joe Biden, the Chatty Cathy of politics, has done it again! He accidentally said something true to the press in a moment of candor. (乔•拜登, 政治界的话匣子, 又犯了老毛病! 他一时的坦诚, 不小心把老实话告诉了新闻记者)

19. cheap
定义: [形容词]小气, 吝啬; 便宜; 又形容品质或质量差.
例句: They refuse to buy the boy a decent suit. They're too cheap. (他们拒绝给这个男孩买一套像样的服装. 他们也太小气)

20. cheap as chips, be (as)
定义: 便宜或品质或质量差.
例句: Package holidays to Florida can be cheap as chips when you do your homework with your reservations. (如果你做好你的研究工作之后再预定一套佛罗里达假期旅游也可以很便宜)



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