二十笔实用成语 210

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二十笔实用成语 210

帖子 royl » 周二 10月 18, 2011 5:02 am

二十笔实用成语 210

01. choke down, to
定义: 硬吃下去, 强抑制住.
例句: The meal was overcooked, but I m​​anaged to choke down a few bites. (这餐饭煮过熟了, 但我还是设法硬吃了几口)

02. choke off, to
定义: 遏止, 压制.
例句: Rising interest rates may choke off consumer spending. (日益走高的利率将会压制消费者花费)

03. choke on, to
定义: 哽噎, 卡在喉咙中.
例句: This is the second recall of the same product after it was reported that children had choked on plastic toy parts. (在报导儿童被塑胶玩具的零件卡在喉咙之后, 这个同一产品被第二次召回)

04. choke out, to
定义: 哽咽地说.
例句: Tom admitted to wrongdoing and even choked out an apology to Jenny. (汤姆承认不道德行为, 甚至于哽咽地向珍妮道歉)

05. choke point, a
定义: 瓶颈, 咽喉点或关隘. (注: 从一个地区通到另一个地区的狭窄战略性隘道)
例句: Minefields can cause an assailing force to create a choke point against themselves if they only clear a limited number of safe passages. (如果他们只清除出有限的几条安全通道的话, 布雷区可以导致一个攻击部队形成一个对他们不利的瓶颈)

06. choke someone off, to
定义: 阻止, 压制某人的热忱.
例句: The opposition choked the speaker's speech off before he finished. (反对党不等众议院议长说完就阻止他继续发言)

07. choker, a
定义: 颈箍式项圈, 颈链; 太紧张而失手的人.
例句: They called him a choker when he missed the shot that would have won the game. (在他没射进篮造成他的球队输了这场比赛之后, 他们就叫他紧张大师)


08. cholesterol free
定义: [食品标签语]无胆固醇的. (注: 每一次食用量只有或少于两毫克胆固醇及只有或少于两公克饱和脂肪)
例句: Fruits and organic vegetables are one of the best solutions to the cholesterol free diet. (水果及有机蔬菜是最佳的无胆固醇食物解决方案之一)

09. chomp at the bit, to
定义: 迫不及待.
例句: We've all been chomping at the bit to get our hands on this new electronic gadget. (我们都迫不及待地取得这个崭新的小巧电子器材)

10. Chongqing time, the
定义: 重庆当地时间.
例句: After a 24-hour journey, I arrived last night at 5 pm Chongqing time. (经过二十四小时的旅程之后, 我昨晚在重庆当地时间五点到达)

11. choose a poor way to communicate with, to
定义: 缺乏技巧地跟别人沟通/表达意见/交谈.
例句: Look, I'm not trying to defend Tom here; in fact, I too think he chose a poor way to communicate with others in a dramatic scene. (听我说, 我并不是想为汤姆辩护; 事实上,我也认为他在一个激动场合下缺乏技巧地跟别人沟通)

12. choose not to ..., to
定义: 选择不要...
例句: You may choose not to heed my warning and it's fine by me. (你可以选择不听我的警告, 我无所谓)

13. choose sides, to
定义: 选边, 偏袒某方.
例句: Bobby is forced to choose sides when the Russian mob retaliates by gunning down Joseph in the street. (在俄罗斯黑帮射杀约瑟夫作为报复之后, 鲍比被迫选边)

14. choose to, to
定义: 选择或决定...
例句: Instead, she chose to be a media celebrity and to play hard to get as a candidate. (她反而决定成为一个媒体名人, 以及作为一个明明想要却装作不要的候选人)

15. choose up, to
定义: 选择成员组成一队(跟其他队比赛).
例句: Let's choose up sides and play a game of volleyball. (我们组成两队来打一场排球)

16. chop and change, to
定义: 不断改变, 摇摆不定, 犹豫不决.
例句: Don't ask me why they have chopped and changed so much. (别问我为什么他们一直这么不停地摇摆不定)

17. chop down, to
定义: 砍倒, 砍断.
例句: Abraham Lincoln said: "If I had eight hours to chop down a tree, I'd spend six hours sharpening my ax." (亚伯拉罕•林肯说: "如果我有八个小时来砍倒一棵树, 我会花六个小时磨利我的斧头.")

18. chop logic, to
定义: 诡辩; 为复杂的推理和极小的差异辩论.
例句: If you are going to chop logic and use Latin words, I think it is time for us to leave the room. (如果你要诡辩和使用别人听不懂的拉丁话, 我想我们该离开这个地方)

19. chop off, to
定义: 砍断, 切断, 剪断.
例句: My friend just chopped off her ponytail because she was dared to and she loved her hair so much. (由于她受到别人的激将, 我朋友刚才把她的马尾辫子剪断, 她很珍惜她的头发)

20. chop shop, a
定义: 赃车解体场. (注: 意指将被盗汽车在进行拆解后将零件出售)
例句: A chop shop must be able to take apart a car without damaging the parts and keep them organized. (一个赃车解体场必须能够把零件在不损害的情形下拆卸下来, 而且把零部件有组织地存放)



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