二十笔实用成语 212

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二十笔实用成语 212

帖子 royl » 周四 10月 20, 2011 7:26 pm

二十笔实用成语 212

01. chum up, to
定义: 拉拢, 攀交情, 交友, 与...成为好朋友.
例句: They are just chumming up to me. If I weren't their teacher, they would snub me or even worse. (他们只是跟我攀交情. 如果我不是他们老师的话, 他们会对我不理不睬或甚至对我更恶劣)

02. chum, a
定义: 密友, 老友.
例句: Before I knew it, we were both chatting effortlessly like a couple of old chums. (很快地, 我们好像一对老友地轻松聊天. 注: 这里的Before I knew it跟Before you knew it同一意义也就是"很快地")

03. chump change, the
定义: 小钱, 零钱.
例句: That's more than $26 million in 2001 dollars, but chump change by current standards. (这是超过两千六百万的二零零一年币值, 但以现今币值标准来说这是小钱)

04. chunk of change, a
定义: 大笔钱.
例句: He made a nice chunk of change on that considering what work he put into it which was very minimal. (他赚了一大笔钱但考虑到他对这个工作所付出的努力可说是少之又少)

05. churn out, to
定义: 以机器大量制造出.
例句: This production line churns out a thousand bottles a day. ​​(这条生产线一天制造出一千只瓶子)

06. churn up, to
定义: 搅拌, 搅动, 搅浑; 激起情绪; 造成反感.
例句: Running into his old girlfriend churned up a lot of buried feelings. (不期地遇到他的旧情人, 激起了埋藏在他心里许多的感触)

07. chutzpah, the
定义: [意第绪俚语]自信, 勇气及胆识.
例句: It took a lot of chutzpah to stand up to him the way she did. (以她跟他对抗所采用的坚决态度需要超强的胆识)

08. Ciao!
定义: [义大利惊叹语]见面或道别用语.
例句: Ciao, Tony. See you in Rome. (拜拜, 东尼. 我们在罗马再见面)

09. cigarette butt, a
定义: 香烟头, 烟屁股, 烟蒂.
例句: Cigarette butt litter is not just unsightly; but it's costly to clean up, nine times more costly than other trash. (乱丢的烟蒂不只碍眼; 而且清理也很昂贵, 要比清理其他垃圾还高出九倍的代价)

10. cinch, a
定义: 很容易的工作.
例句: Fresh seafood is a cinch to cook; the simpler the better, so the delicate flesh and flavor won't be overwhelmed by other ingredients. (烹煮海鲜是件容易的工作; 做得越简单越好, 因此它们鲜嫩的肉质和风味不会被其他佐料的味道所压下去)

11. circle the wagons, to
定义: [俚语]严阵以待, 准备一个全面没外力相助的防御.
例句: These Republican chieftains are circling the wagons around the lawless secretary of defense and the commander in chief. (这些共和党的首领们正围绕着无法无天的国防部长和三军统帅严阵以待. 注: 大部分国家的commander in chief就是其总统)

12. circuitous route, a
定义: 迂回或绕圈子路线.
例句: We took a circuitous route to avoid areas where armed robbers have been stopping cars. (我们绕道走就是为了避开武装抢匪拦截车辆的区域)

13. circular argument, a
定义: 循环论证. (注: 用来证明结论的前提就是结论本身或所采用的前提预设了结论的真实性是结论的本身)
例句: One can use a circular argument to justify knowledge, but this then sacrifices its validity. (一个人当然可以使用循环论证来证明理论, 不过这么做会因此牺牲其正当性)

14. circular driveway, a
定义: 圆形或半圆形停车道.
例句: Don't park in the circular driveway, the one the bus uses to get the kids, is off limits to discharge or pick up your children. (禁止在圆形停车道停车, 这个车道是专供校车接送学生使用的, 不允许私家车在车道上接送你的子女)

15. circular file, to
定义: [俚语]垃圾筒.
例句: If he is deliberately tossing all your articles in the circular file, maybe it's time for us to find another venue. (如果他有意地把你所有的文章都扔入垃圾筒的话, 也许我们应该另找一个网站.注: 这里的venue本意是"聚集的场合", 但这句话是论及某个网站, 所以我把它翻译为网站)

16. circumstances are different in each case, the
定义: 每个案件的情况不同.
例句: Even though the circumstances are different in each country, I think, this time, there's major groundswell going on all over the world. (尽管每个国家的国情不同, 我认为, 此时, 在全球仍然有大幅度地迅速增加的公众支持正在进行中)

17. circumstantial evidence, a
定义: [法律术语]间接证据. (注: 对涉案嫌犯在案发的时间, 地点, 动机与目的以及其他非直接的证据推断其犯罪的证明)
例句: The only person who could have been in the room at the time of the murder was him, but he can't be found guilty because that is only circumstantial evidence. (他是谋杀发生时可能唯一在场之人,不过他不能被定有罪因为那是唯一的间接证据)

18. citizen's arrest, a
定义: 公民自行将嫌犯逮捕. (注: 有些国家法律允许公民逮捕现行犯)
例句: Before you do it, you have to learn when a citizen's arrest is legal and when it is best to let the police handle a situation. (在你执行公民自行逮捕嫌犯之前, 你必须要了解什么情况下公民逮捕是合法的, 什么情况下最好让警方来处理一个状况)

19. city slacker, a
定义: 逃避工作的人, 圆滑世故的都市专业人士. (注: 特指这种人熟悉如何利用工作环境: 不需努力工作只要表现出忙碌态度就可)
例句: Every firm has a city slacker: they're always on the go but they never achieve anything. (每家公司里都有一个逃避工作的人: 他们永远表现出忙得不可开交的样子, 但他们从来没有任何建树)

20. city slicker, a
定义: 圆滑世故的城市人, 对于城市以外生活不了解的城市佬.
例句: The trip ended up taking 13 hours, which ended up being a bit excessive for a group of city slickers that hadn't hiked much in the past. (这个旅程结果花了十三个钟头, 对一群城市佬来说这是一个吃力的远足, 他们过去从来没有走过这么久)



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