二十笔实用成语 214

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二十笔实用成语 214

帖子 royl » 周六 10月 22, 2011 1:33 pm

二十笔实用成语 214

01. clamp on, to
定义: 设限, 强制执行.
例句: The mayor clamped a curfew on the area after the riots. (暴动之后, 市长强制执行对这个地区的宵禁)

02. clap eyes on, to
定义: 注视, 凝视, 看见.
例句: I haven't clapped eyes on a red squirrel for years. (我已经有多年没见到红松鼠了)

03. clap one's eyes on, to
定义: 注视, 凝视, 看见.
例句: You should have seen Jenny's face expression the moment she had clapped her eyes on the stranger. (你真应该看看当珍妮见到这个陌生人当时她脸上的表情)

04. claptrap, a
定义: 胡说八道, 满嘴垃圾.
例句: This is nothing but claptrap probably meant to be read by conservatives who live in an echo chamber of political discourse. (这全是胡说八道, 大概是专门供给那些活在唯唯诺诺的政治交谈里的保守派来阅读的.注: 这里的echo chamber"回音室"意指多数保守派都是没主见的应声虫)

05. class act, a
定义: 卓越品质的榜样或风范.
例句: Yeah, he's a rea​​l class act. He better hope he gets re-elected in 2012, that way he won't be extradited to Mexico to stand trial. (对呀, 他真是一个卓越的榜样. 他最好希望他在2012年连任成功, 这样他才不会被引渡到墨西哥受审. 注: 显然这是一句嘲讽话语)

06. class action lawsuit, a
定义: [法律术语]集体诉讼. (注: 由一个或多个原告代表他们自己以及其他一般的受害者提出诉讼要求赔偿)
例句: UPS has reached a $12 million class action lawsuit settlement over allegations it overcharged customers for shipping packages. (由于它跟客户索取过高的邮包运送费用, 联合包裹服务公司已达成一千两百万美元的集体诉讼和解)

07. class distinctions, the
定义: 社会阶级的划分.
例句: Many instinctively feel that class distinctions are wrong. Yet, even in this 21st century, human society is still divided into social classes. (许多人直觉上感觉社会阶级的划分是错的. 然而, 即使在这个二十一世纪时代, 人类社会仍然被划分为几个社会阶级)

08. class envy, the
定义: 仇富心理. 社会上贫穷阶层对富欲阶层的嫉妒.
例句: One thing that stands out in his speech was its undiluted, outright appeal to class envy. (在他的演讲中一件引人注意的事是他对仇富心理完全执着的诉求)

09. class warfare, a
定义: 阶级斗争, 社会或经济阶层之间的斗争尤其是资本家与无产阶级之间的斗争.
例句: Class warfare is real, and had been going on for the last 30 years as the middle class has stagnated while the top 5% have seen their incomes soar. (由于中产阶级处于停滞状态而上层百分之五的收入却享受到飞跃的成长, 阶级斗争是真实的, 在过去三十年一直在进行中)

编者注: 阶级斗争并非全是无产阶级或中产阶级对资本家或银行家所发起的斗争, 大部分的时候是资本家或银行家对无产阶级或中产阶级进行剥削, 诈欺和盗窃. 以美国为例,经过进几十年的剥削, 诈欺和盗窃, 原本为多数的中产阶级已经渐渐变为少数.

10. classic case, a
定义: 典型案例.
例句: This is a classic case of bias. The evidence shows that Ms. Wu was a good and dedicated employee who did not deserve to be fired. (这是一件典型的歧视案例. 证据显示吴女士是一个能力强和很投入的员工, 她不应该被开除)

11. classy
定义: [形容词]高贵的, 有格调的, 宽厚的.
例句: The classy thing to do if you feel someone has made a faux pas is to act like nothing has happened. (如果有人言行失当而你却表现出好像什么事都没发生的样子, 这样做才是有格调的)

12. claw back, to
定义: 夺回, 强行追回.
例句: With budget cuts looming, the government is trying to claw back some of the money it promised to state agencies. (由于预算减缩的即将到来, 这个政府想尽办法强行追回一些它曾答应交付给州政府单位的资金)

13. claw one's way back from something, to
定义: 努力地从劣势中挣脱出.
例句: For years, Tom has battled personal demons; at last successfully clawed his way back from a deep spiral of alcohol and drug abuse. (多年来, 汤姆一直跟心魔交战; 最终他成功地从酗酒和吸毒的难以自拔的深渊中挣脱出来)

14. claw something away, to
定义: 急忙用手移开或拍落.
例句: In his dream, he tried to claw it away. In reality, he swatted at Tom's hand as if it were a mosquito. "Wake up, lazy head!" came his cousin's whisper. (他在的梦中, 他试图用手拍开它. 事实上, 他像拍蚊子似地拍打汤姆的手. 他的表兄弟轻声说, "该醒啦, 懒鬼!")

15. claw your way, to
定义: (抓住东西)慢慢地前进.
例句: He clawed his way to the top of his profession. (他慢慢地爬上了他的职业高峰)

16. claws are showing, one's
定义: 咬牙切齿, 憎恨地准备要攻击人.
例句: When you talked about Carla, your claws were showing. Do you dislike her? (当你谈到卡拉, 你在咬牙切齿. 你厌恶她吗?)

17. clay pigeon, a
定义: 供人射击地泥烧成的飞靶盘子; [俚语]易遭愚弄或欺骗的人.
例句: Jackson claims Mr. Murray was a clay pigeon in the death of his son Michael. (杰克逊声称莫瑞先生在他丧子麦可之后一段时间变成了一个易遭欺骗的人)

18. clean as a whistle, be (as)
定义: 干干净净的, 清洁无瑕的, 无辜的.
例句: Jane's record was clean as a whistle; she had never committed even the smallest infraction. (珍的记录毫无瑕疵; 她连一个最轻的违规都没犯过. 注: 依法美国法律, an infraction是最轻的违法)

19. clean bill of health, a
定义: 健康保证, 安全无​​虞的证明书.
例句: Of 30 countries inspected for airline safety only 17 received a clean bill of health. (在三十个接受飞行安全检查的国家中只有十七个国家得到安全无虞的证明书)

20. clean break, a
定义: 完全, 彻底, 不拖泥带水的分手, 脱离或分裂.
例句: The mother of three is planning a clean break after a disastrous attempt to save her 11-month marriage. (在一个灾难性的尝试来挽救她十一个月的婚姻之后, 这个三个子女的母亲正计划彻底地跟他丈夫分手)



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