二十笔实用成语 227

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二十笔实用成语 227

帖子 royl » 周一 11月 07, 2011 11:58 am

二十笔实用成语 227

01. come apart at the seams, to
定义: 情况恶劣, 将要失控, 濒临瓦解.
例句: Add modern issues of drugs, pornography, and a media preoccupied with sex and violence and you have a society coming apart at the seams. (加上现代社会的毒品, 色情和媒体专心一志报导性与暴力新闻等问题,你所面临的是一个濒临瓦解的社会)

02. come apart, to
定义: 裂开, 碎裂, 瓦解, 崩溃.
例句: Democratic coalition is coming apart like a 20 dollar suit. For the first time since 1982, D​​emocrats are losing their advantage on women's issue. (民主党联合阵营像二十块钱一件西装一样地正在瓦解. 这是一九八二年以来第一次民主党员在女性议题上失去他们的优势)

03. come around/round, to
定义: 改变立场或意见; 恢复; 接受意见, 参与某活动; 固定发生(例如月事).
例句: When he reads the report, he'll come around. He'll believe us. (当他读完这篇报告, 他会改变想法. 他会相信我们)

04. come as a surprise/shock, to
定义: 令人吃惊, 出人意外.
例句: The acquittal verdict came as a surprise to many, as Durst had admitted dismembering 71-year-old Morris Black and disposing of his body in Galveston Bay. (由于德斯特承认他肢解七十一岁的模里斯•布来克然后将他的遗骸抛弃到盖文斯顿湾里, 这个无罪的判决让许多人吃惊)

05. come as no surprise, to
定义: 意料中之事, 并不令人意外.
例句: This comes as no surprise to Americans, immune as we are to the weirdness of elites signify their classiness by naming streets after Ivy League colleges. (这对美国人来说并不意外, 我们已经习惯了菁英份子为了表现他们的典雅使用长春藤大学名称来命名街道的怪诞行为)

06. come as, to
定义: 当人听到某消息所造成的影响. (例如: This news came as a surprise to me, 这个消息令我吃惊)
例句: It came as a great relief to discover that a change in the law meant that my mom could stay in the same house she had lived in for the past 24 years. (发现了一个法令的改变造成了我妈妈仍旧可以留在这栋她已经住了二十四年的房子让我心理上卸下一块重担)

07. come ashore, to
定义: 上岸, 登陆.
例句: The storms, that have come ashore, carry a lot of moisture with them, as evidenced by the rounds of floods and mudslides experienced thus far. (这些登陆的风暴带来大量的水气, 到目前为止我们已经见证到一连串的淹水和泥石流)

08. come at a price, to
定义: 有代价的, 为得到...必要的牺牲或缺陷.
例句: The company's success was made possible by the country's rulers, but their support comes at a price. (这家公司的成功归功于这个国家的统治者, 但他们的支持是有代价的)

09. come at someone, to
定义: 指向, 走向, 冲向某人.
例句: The reporters' questions kept coming at him so quickly that he didn't know how to respond to them. (这些记者连珠炮一般地向他提出问题, 他不知道如何回应他们)

10. come at, to
定义: 达到; 指向, 走向, 冲向; 着手处理.
例句: These two sets of life experience cause them to come at the problems from different angles but ultimately arrive at similar conclusions. (这两套人生经验导致他们从不同的角度着手处理这个问题, 但最终却得到相似的结论)

11. come away empty-handed, to
定义: 空手而回.
例句: Like with anything that sells out within seconds, some people came away lucky and many came away empty handed. (像任何货品很快地被抢购一空的情形一样, 有些人幸运地买到而离开, 许多人却空手而回)

12. come away from something, to
定义: 离开某处, 经验某事后. (注: 意指离开或经验过某事之后所留下某个印象; 例如: I come away from the book feeling like I know Harry, 读完这本书之后, 我感觉好像认识哈利)
例句: They came to the speech with deep concerns about the economic situation and came away from the speech feeling reassured and encouraged. (他们怀着对经济状况严重关切的心情来聆听这个演讲, 听完演讲之后他们感到信心恢复和受到鼓舞)

13. come back to bite someone, to
定义: (过去做错某事所产生后遗症)回来制造问题, 令某人遭报应或反扑.
例句: If you don't want to hurt anyone's feelings, your misguided compassion will come back to bite you in the arse, and with a vengeance. (如果你不想伤害任何人自尊心的话, 你的不明智热情将会让你遭到反扑, 而且是一个强烈的反扑. 注: 意指做滥好人的下场也会很悲惨)

14. come back to earth, to
定义: 别再空想幻想, 回到真实世界.
例句: I was excited to get the job, but I came back to earth pretty quickly when I realized that I would have to move. (刚找到这个工作的时候我好兴奋, 但当我想到我将必须要迁移到新工作地点, 我很快​​地回到真实世界)

15. come back to haunt someone, to
定义: (过去做错某事所产生后遗症)回来困扰某人.
例句: Failing to pay an employee all of his wages at the time of termination results in waiting period penalties can come back to haunt the employer. (在解雇的时刻没付清一个员工所有薪资会导致等候期间处分, 这个后遗症将会回来困扰雇主)

16. come back with a solution, to
定义: 再头提出一个解决方案.
例句: Once we have identified the organization's IT needs, our goal is to come back with a solution that exceeds their expectations. (一旦我们找出这个组织的资讯技术需要之后, 我们的目标是再头提出一个超过他们期望的解决方案)

17. come back, to
定义: 回复生命与活力; 回忆起, 回想起; 回答, 反击, 反驳, 报复; 回到过去成功或受欢迎的地位.
例句: I had forgotten a lot of what I learned about playing pipa, but it's all coming back to me now. (我已经忘了我以前所学的弹琵琶技巧, 但现在我开始想起来了)

18. come between us, to
定义: 介入, 挑拨, 打乱我们两人的关系; 造成两人不和.
例句: Let us forget all that has come between us, and be as we once were. (让我们忘掉造成两人不和的前嫌, 再度和好如初)

19. come by, to
定义: 来访; 得到, 取得.
例句: A good job is hard to come by. (找到一个令人满意工作很困难)

20. come cap in hand, to
定义: 表示敬畏态度; 腼腆地跟别人借钱或求助.
例句: However, it's now Russia's turn to have the financial power over the West, they will be amused when the West comes cap in hand. (然而, 现在轮到俄罗斯在财务上比西方国家更强势, 他们会很愉快地看到西方国家腼腆地跟他们求助)



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