二十笔实用成语 228

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二十笔实用成语 228

帖子 royl » 周二 11月 08, 2011 5:40 pm

二十笔实用成语 228

01. come cheap, to
定义: 廉价地可以取得. (注: 常用于否定语气上, 例如某某来之不易)
例句: Even though their services don't come cheap, they will be able to recover your vital data when other methods fail. (虽然他们的服务费用不便宜, 如果其他的方法都失败的话, 他们却有能力恢复你的重要数据资料)

02. come clean off, to
定义: 整片, 整块脱落.
例句: We buy big racks of spare ribs and marinate them overnight. Slow smoked for hours, these ribs are tender and come clean off the bone. (我们买大块猪排, 用酱汁整夜腌泡. 小火熏烤数小时, 这些排骨肉嫩得从骨头上整块脱落下来)

03. come clean, to
定义: 说实话, 全盘托出, 坦白供认.
例句: The president of the company was forced to come clean and tell what really happened to the business. (这个公司总裁被强迫坦白说出发生在这家公司的真实情形)

04. come close, to
定义: 几乎要去做某事; 很接近想要的东西或结果.
例句: As awesome as the pictures are, they don't even come close to the real thing. (尽管这些照片拍摄得极好, 它们跟实景相比还差一大截)

05. come down against, to
定义: 做出对...不利的决定, 反对某人的决定.
例句: Every Supreme Court decision on the subject since 9-11 has come down against the constitutional interpretations of the Bush Administration. (自从九一一之后每一个最高法院对其审理案件所做的决定跟布什政府对宪法的解释大相径庭)

06. come down from (the past), to
定义: 自古就有, 存在已久.
例句: There is a custom that has come down from ancient times that common people still follow. (这是一个一般民众仍然遵循的自古就有的习俗)

07. come down hard on, to
定义: 坚决反对, 严厉谴责或取缔, 严惩.
例句: The police have been coming down very hard on drunk drivers recently. (最近警方一直在严厉取缔酒醉驾车者)

08. come down in buckets, to
定义: 倾盆大雨/雪/冰雹.
例句: Nickel-sized hail came down in buckets last night. I was in the house and it sounded like someone bashing in the doors and windows. (昨晚, 五分钱镍币大小的冰雹倾盆而下. 我正在屋子里,它发出的声音好像有人在猛烈地敲击门窗)

09. come down in favor of, to
定义: 做出对...有利的决定, 做出赞成某人的决定.
例句: What that means is that the Supreme Court can come down in favor of big business, like it almost always does. (这意味着最高法院可以做出对大企业有利的决定就像它几乎一直都如此做的一样)

10. come down in sheets, to
定义: 倾盆大雨, 滂沱大雨.
例句: At around 9:00 am, soon after getting to work it came down in sheets and within minutes everything was soaked. (大约在早上九点钟, 紧接着在上班之后就下了一场滂沱大雨, 几分钟之内到处都湿淋淋的)

11. come down in the world, to
定义: 失势, 潦倒, 落魄.
例句: When we had to sell our house and take a small apartment downtown, we felt we'd really moved down in the world. (我们卖掉了我们的房子搬到城中区一间小公寓去住之后, 我们感觉十分潦倒)

12. come down off one's high horse, to
定义: 放下身段, 不再自视甚高; 陪罪, 道歉, 忍气吞声.
例句: What, they wants to share our resources? Not until they comes down off their high horse, pays our taxes, and rejoins the rest of us in the real world. (什么, 他们要分享我们的资源? 他们最好先放下他们的身段, 偿还我们的税金, 再重新回到我们的现实世界)

13. come down on like a ton of bricks, to
定义: 马上严厉地责怪或处分.
例句: Whenever I make the slightest mistake, my boss comes down on me like a ton of bricks. (每当我犯了一个小错误, 我的上司就马上严厉地责怪我)

14. come down on one side of the fence, to
定义: 选择/决定支持这一边.
例句: He's going to have to come to grips with it and come down on one side of the fence or the other. (他一定要认真地看待这个状况来选择两边的任何一边)

15. come down on the side of, to
定义: 做出对...有利的决定, 支持这一边.
例句: The government came down on the side of oil companies that want to drill on public lands. (这个政府支持油公司在公有土地上钻探油井)

16. come down on, to
定义: 坚决反对, 严厉谴责或惩罚某人或某事.
例句: He is all in favor of coming down hard on the CEOs of any financial institution that needs the government to step in and save it. (他完全赞成严厉惩罚那些需要政府介入并纾困解救的金融机构最高层主管人)

17. come down the pike, to
定义: 发生, 出现, 显明, 出名.
例句: Transit hikes are coming down the pike; the proposed fare hikes place much of the burden on riders who buy unlimited monthly passes. (捷运票价又要涨了; 这个提议的涨价把大部分的负担加诸在购买无限使用月票的乘客身上)

18. come down to earth, to
定义: 不再空幻想, 回到现实世界.
例句: He has finally come down to earth and is preparing seriously to look for a job. (他终于回到现实世界并认真地准备找一个工作)

19. come down to it, to
定义: 归根究底, 其​​实是.
例句: When it comes down to it, you work for yourself, regardless of who is the owner of the company that cuts your check. (归根究底的说, 不管开你薪水支票的公司老板是谁, 你还是在为你自己工作)

20. come down to, to
定义: 主要就是因为某原因, 主要就为了某事.
例句: People talk about various reasons for the company's failure, but it all comes down to one thing: a lack of leadership. (人们谈论到造成这家公司失败的各种不同原因, 其实只有一个主要原因: 缺乏领导)



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