二十笔实用成语 252

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二十笔实用成语 252

帖子 royl » 周二 12月 06, 2011 3:33 pm

二十笔实用成语 252

01. count noses, to
定义: 数人, 清点出席的人数.
例句: I know we have to count noses based on payroll, but what about independent contractors? And what about people who are long-term temps? (我知道我们必须要以公司薪资名册为依据清点人数, 但公司的独立承包商算不算呢? 还有长期临时员工算不算呢?)

02. count off, to
定义: 报数; 盘点好分成多组.
例句: We counted off by threes to form three teams to work on different projects. (我们以数到三分成三组人来做不同的工作项目)

03. count on/upon, to
定义: 期待, 盼望; 依靠, 信赖.
例句: You can count on her for being a thorough person. By thorough I mean that she thinks through every possible worst and best case scenario for situations. (你可以信赖她因为她是个考虑周全的人. 谈到考虑周全, 我是说她总是仔细考虑多种状况下每一个可能会发生的最糟和最佳情节)

04. count one's blessings, to
定义: 数算上天的恩赐.
例句: Every morning I wake up and count my blessings. I have a roof over my head, food in my fridge, and a relatively normal family. (每天早晨我醒来时我总是数算上天的恩赐. 我有个栖身之所, 冰箱里有足够的食物, 以及一个相当正常的家庭)

05. count one's chickens before they hatch, to
定义: 乐观过早; 还没有到手就指望某事或某物.
例句: Don't count your chickens before they're hatched. Remember you haven't passed your exams yet and may not get the job you expect. (别乐观过早. 记住, 你还没通过你的考试而且还不一定会取得你期望的工作)

06. count out, to
定义: 排除, 不列入考虑; 宣布一个被击倒的拳击手输了; 分配; 仔细计算.
例句: Please count me out of your plans to go skiing for the weekend. (请你别把我列入你周末去滑雪的计划内)

07. count sheep, to
定义: 数绵羊, 对付失眠症的转移注意技巧.
例句: The old wives' cure for insomnia is to count sheep leaping over a fence. No wonder it doesn't work. Bouncy sheep are hyperactive and wide awake. (这个失眠症的传统治疗方法是数算跳过篱笆的绵羊. 难怪它没效. 跳跃的绵羊让你亢奋和清醒得不想睡)

08. count the cost, to
定义: 清算付出的成本/代价; 了解...所产生的恶劣影响.
例句: We haven't counted the cost of success, we approach challenges with mere interest. What is really required is total commitment and that's all it counts. (我们还没为了成功清算所付出的代价, 我们纯粹是为了兴趣来应付挑战. 真正必要的是完全奉献, 这才是最重要的)

09. count the hours, to
定义: 计时, 心急地等待.
例句: Yeah, I hear you! I'm counting the hours for the album to come out too! (是的. 我同意你! 我也心急地等待这张歌唱专集出来!)

10. count to ten, to
定义: 数到十; 冷静下来, 让心情平和下来.
例句: Stay calm and count to ten. This old technique can be very helpful. By concentrating on the counting, you can calm yourself down. (冷静下来, 数到十. 这个老技巧非常有帮助. 由于专心在数数字,你可以让你心情平和下来)

11. count toward/towards, to
定义: 将价值算入某事或物. (注: 例如把某功课或工作算进某个成绩里, 把某金额算入某项付款里)
例句: The credits you earned for this class count toward your degree. (你取得的这个课程学分算进你学位的总学分里)

12. count up to ..., to
定义: 等于某个数字, 共计; 数(数字)到... (注: 例如count up to ten即数到十)
例句: The money we earned today counts up to just enough to pay for the electricity we used today. ​​(我们今天赚到的这些钱的总数正好够付我们今天所用的电费)

13. count up, to
定义: 总计, 把...加起来.
例句: Let's count them up and see how many we have. (我们把它们加起来看看我们一共有多少)

14. counted out, be
定义: 被淘汰, 被排斥在外, 被判出局.
例句: Tom was on all fours when he was counted out in the first round. (当汤姆在第一回合被判出局的时候他已经被打趴在地上)

15. counterespionage, the
定义: 反间谍.
例句: On the other side of the coin, counterespionage has one purpose which transcends all others in importance: penetration. (从另一方面看, 反间谍最重要的目的: 渗透敌营)

16. counting calories, be
定义: 计算食物热量. (注: 意指在减肥中, 经由注意食物热量来控制饮食)
例句: You know, I'm counting calories these days. It's always a good idea to count calories periodically, even if you aren't trying to lose some weight. (你知道吗, 我最近在计算食物热量. 即使你不想减肥, 定期性地注意食物热量总是个好主意)

17. country cousin, a
定义: [不尊重语]乡巴佬; 纯朴天真的人, 乡下来的亲戚.
例句: Mezcal, a distilled Mexican spirit often stereotyped as tequila's country cousin, is experiencing a boom in M​​exico City. (梅兹卡酒, 一种蒸馏的墨西哥龙舌兰烈酒经常被人当成塔基拉烈酒乡下来的亲戚, 正在墨西哥城迅速地窜起)

18. coup de grace, a
定义: [法语]决定性地最后的一击, 行为或事件; 结束重伤患者痛苦而给予致命一击.
例句: The coup de grace for the EFSF and the euro would be a downgrade in France's credit rating from AAA. (这个给欧洲金融稳定机制和欧元最致命一击将是一个给法国从现有的AAA信用评等降级)

19. coup de main, a
定义: [法语]突击, 奇袭.
例句: He's been planning a coup de main from the beginning to take over Iraq. And the idiots in Congress are ready to give him that victory. (他从一开始就计划以奇袭来占领伊拉克. 而在国会的一群白痴也准备给予他这个胜利)

20. coup de maitre, a
定义: [法语]神来之笔, 经典之作.
例句: By all accounts, this seminar was a coup de maitre, a great success, with over 170 participants from nine nations. (人人都这么说, 由九个国家来的超过一百七十参与者, 这个研习会是个经典之作, 一个高度的成功)



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