二十笔实用成语 259

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二十笔实用成语 259

帖子 royl » 周三 12月 14, 2011 8:40 pm

二十笔实用成语 259

01. crazy as a betsy bug/loon/June bug, be (as)
定义: 疯了, 疯疯癫癫的.
例句: If you think you can pump me for information with a couple of dollars you're crazy as a June bug. (如果你以为花两块钱就可以盘问我消息, 你疯了)

02. crazy like a fox, be
定义: 装疯卖傻. 外表看起来傻傻的, 其实是很精明狡猾的.
例句: In the debate, he was crazy like a fox. He praised his opponent for being clever and ruthless. (在辩论中, 他装疯卖傻. 他赞扬他的对手精明和残酷无情)

03. creak under the weight of, to
定义: 被压得咯吱响.
例句: The floorboards of his study creak under the weight of old magazines and the bookcase is packed with carp reading. (他书房的地板被旧杂志和装满有关鲤鱼书籍的书架压得咯吱响)

04. cream of the crop, the
定义: 菁英, 菁华, 最优秀的一部分.
例句: When they hire new employees they always look for the cream of the crop. (当他们招聘新人的时候, 他们永远寻找最优秀的菁英份子)

05. cream rises to the top, a
定义: 好人终究还是会出​​头; 好主意还是会受人注意.
例句: I have always been of the mind that "cream rises to the top" and that doing great work will yield success in even a shrinking pond. (我一直坚信"好人终究还是会出​​头"; 即使在一个日渐缩小的职场, 工作出色总会带来成功)

06. cream someone, to
定义: 大胜某人或某队; 狠揍一顿.
例句: If he ever discovers you named your pet rat after him, let alone that it's a vermin, he is going to cream you. (如果他一旦发现你拿他的名字给你宠物老鼠起名的话, 更不用说这是一只令人厌恶的鼠类, 他会把你痛扁一顿)

07. create a friendly atmosphere, to
定义: 营造友善气氛.
例句: The room, with an old fire-place creating a friendly atmosphere, has been attractively decorated. (这个设有旧式壁炉营造友善气氛的房间被装潢得赏心悦目)

08. create a scene, to
定义: 造成混乱与尴尬场面, 当众大吵大闹引人注目.
例句: If his mom doesn't let him ride in the shopping cart, Denis is going to create a scene. (如他妈妈不让他坐上这部购物车, 丹尼斯就会大吵大闹引人注目)


09. create new jobs, to
定义: 创造新工作.
例句: Job training itself does not create new jobs, booming economy does. You can get all the job training you like, but they're not a guarantee for a better future. (职业培训本身并不创造新工作, 蓬勃经济才会. 你爱接受多少职业培训都可以, 但它们不能保证你有个更好的未来)

10. created the Duke of Kent, be
定义: 被册封为肯特公爵. (注: created在此不是被创造而是被册封)
例句: Cui Shenyou's grandfather Cui Yi served as a prefect, and his father Cui Cong served as a regional governor and was created the Count of Qinghe. (崔慎由的祖父崔异曾任县尉, 他的父亲崔从曾任节度使, 后来被册封为清河伯)

11. creature comfort, a
定义: 衣食的方便, 享受或舒适. (注: 意指现代化的舒适与方便服务).
例句: This is a rustic cabin with all the creature comforts: corner fireplace, double whirlpool bath, 250 satellite TV channels, and giant screen TV. (这是一栋装备了现代化舒适的乡村风味木屋: 墙角壁炉, 双人旋涡浴缸, 两百五十条卫星电视频道, 以及大萤幕电视机)

12. creatures of habit, the
定义: [名词]受习惯左右的人或动物.
例句: We are all creatures of habit, the repeated actions that make up our daily lives. (我们都是受习惯左右的人, 我们每天生活都做重复的动作)

13. credibility gap, the
定义: 信用差距, 公众的质疑, 缺乏信任, 言行不一.
例句: Bush makes a wrong turn at credibility gap and takes his party over a cliff. (布什在受到人民的质疑时步入歧途并把他的政党带入深渊)

14. credit history, the
定义: 信贷记录. (注: 在美国建立信贷记录很重要, 建立良好信贷记录更重要)
例句: It's important to begin building a credit history as early as possible. You can begin to build one by applying for and responsibly using a credit card. (尽早建立信贷记录是重要的. 你可以先申请一张信用卡并负责任地使用它来开始建立信贷记录. 注: 意指没有信贷记录比有坏记录还难借款)

15. credit limit, a
定义: 信贷额度, 信用限额.
例句: As a credit limit is maxed out, you're not allowed to make any further purchase unless you pay off at least part of the debt to make it below the limit. (当你的信贷额度达到极限时, 除非你偿还至少一部分债务把它降低于限额之内, 你不会被容许使用信用再进一步购买)

16. credit someone with something, to
定义: 将某事归功或归咎于某人.
例句: I credit her with teaching me a higher level of understanding of life. (我归功她教导我对人生更深一层的认识)

17. creep up on, to
定义: 不知不觉地来临; 不声不响地, 偷偷摸摸地接近.
例句: The thief crept up on the elderly women at the supermarket parking lot. (这个抢匪在超市停车场偷偷摸摸地接近这为老妇人)

18. creep, a
定义: 令人讨厌的人, 可憎的的人.
例句: What a creep! He looks like a lying weasel who will say anything to make a sale. (真是个讨厌的人! 他长得像个不老实的骗子, 只要能做成一桩买卖他会说得天花乱坠来取悦别人)

Weasel可翻译为黄鼠狼, 也可解释为不可信任的骗子

19. crème de la crème
定义: 菁英, 菁华, 最优秀的一部分.
例句: Tom must be the crème de la crème of 419 scammers, he can do math. (汤姆肯定是个尼日利亚骗局的高手, 他会计算)

20. cretin, a
定义: 愚蠢, 讨厌, 粗俗无礼的人.
例句: If these cretins bother you any more, let me know and I'll take care of it. (如果这些讨厌家伙再来找你麻烦, 告诉我, 我会解决这事)



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