二十笔实用成语 262

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二十笔实用成语 262

帖子 royl » 周日 12月 18, 2011 5:01 pm

二十笔实用成语 262

01. cross the line, to
定义: 过边线, 犯规, 言行过份.
例句: Your jokes crossed the line and were basically not funny at all. (你的玩笑开得过份, 而且基本上根本不好笑)

02. cross the point of no return, to
定义: 走上了不归路.
例句: If you've crossed the point of no return, it may be too late to save your marriage. (如果你们走上了不归路, 要挽救你们的婚姻也很可能太迟了)

03. cross the Rubicon, to
定义: 采取断然手段, 破釜沉舟, 孤注一掷, 重大的决定做了就勇往直前.
例句: Most EU states have crossed the Rubicon and adopted the euro. (大部分欧盟国家孤注一掷, 采用欧元)

04. cross to bear, a
定义: 担负十字架, 必须要承受的负担或痛苦.
例句: Looking after my sister's children every day is my cross to bear. (每天照顾我妹妹的儿女是我必须要承受的负担)

05. cross up, to
定义: 弄得一蹋糊涂; 背叛, 出卖, 欺骗, 公然反抗.
例句: I had to decide how to deal with this guy who had crossed me up in a business deal. He hadn't done what he said he would do. (我必须决定如何对付这个在一笔交易上欺骗我的家伙.他并没做到他当初承诺要做的部分)

06. cross-claim, a
定义: [法律术语]向诉讼的同一方当事人要求赔偿.
例句: You couldn't file a cross-claim against the mechanic because he repaired your car's engine which had nothing to do with the original lawsuit. (你不可以要求这个跟你同一方的修车工赔偿因为他修理的是你车子引擎, 这跟原来的诉讼没有任何关联)

07. cross-dresser, a
定义: 易装癖者, 男扮女装或女扮男装者.
例句: Should a transvestite reveal to his friends, family or even his partner that he is a cross-dresser? This has to be done very carefully. (易装癖者是否应该透露给他的朋友, 家庭或什至他的同居人他是个男扮女装者的秘密? 这个必须要谨慎进行)

08. crossed line, a
定义: [电话用语]跳错线. (注: 意指接上两条以上的线路, 所以你跟通话者交谈时仍可以听到另一对通话者说话声音)
例句: Usually the first sign of a crossed line is the sound of faint voices in the background of your conversation. (一般来说, 电话跳线的第一个症状是在你的交谈中你可以听到微弱的背景声音)

09. cross-examination, the
定义: [法律术语]交插讯问. (注: 两方律师互相讯问两造的证人)
例句: During a cross-examination examiners may only ask questions; they should be penalized for making speeches or for rebutting at this time. (在交插讯问的期间, 讯问者只能问问题; 如果他们在这个时候发表演说或做出反驳的话, 他们将受到处罚)

10. cross-ownership, the
定义: 交叉所有权. (注: 一个业主拥有两种以上相关生意例如拥有报纸及电视台, 如此可以控制竞争)
例句: A federal appeals court is telling the FCC to reconsider allowing corporations' cross-ownership of newspapers and TV stations. (一个联邦上诉法庭告诉联邦通讯委员会重新考虑容许大公司拥有报纸和电视台交叉所有权)

11. crow over, to
定义: 雀跃欢喜, 吹嘘, 幸灾乐祸.
例句: Today, House Republicans crowed over the bankruptcy of Solyndra, a company with an innovative thin-film solar technology. (今天, 众院共和党议员对于Solyndra的破产案件幸灾乐祸, Solyndra是一家拥有创新的薄膜太阳能科技公司)

12. crowd one's luck, to
定义: 贪图侥幸, 得寸进尺.
例句: You had better not crowd your luck any farther. I just can't stand any more pushing. (你最好别再得寸进尺. 我简直没法容忍你更进一步的贪得无厌)

13. crown jewel defense, a
定义: [商业术语]冠冕宝石防卫, 金蝉脱壳战略.
例句: When a company is threatened with takeover, the crown jewel defense of the target company is to sell off its most attractive assets to a friendly third party. (当一个公司受到收购接管的威胁, 被收购公司的金蝉脱壳防卫是卖掉它的最获利的资产给一个友善的第三者)

14. crowning glory, the
定义: 终极成就, 最高荣耀.
例句: For 10 Kiwi women it's the chance of a lifetime—a big cash prize, overseas travel, fame and the crowning glory of being named "Miss Popularity." (对十位纽西兰女郎来说, 这是一个千载难逢的机会—一笔巨额奖金, 国外旅游, 声名大噪以及被授与"最受欢迎小姐"最高荣耀)

15. crowning moment, the
定义: 最荣耀的时刻, 最辉煌全盛的时刻.
例句: The crowning moment for any Buddhist monk is the conferring of Upasampada or Higher Ordination. (对任何佛教僧侣来说, 他最荣耀时刻是在被授与比丘具足戒或更崇高神职的时候)

16. crowning touch, the
定义: (完工前最后的)神来之笔, 画龙点睛之作.
例句: Tailfins were the crowning touch for Cadillac's 1948 design, which was executed by a small team working under Hershey at his farm in Detroit. (尾翼是凯迪拉克一九四八年设计的神来之笔, 这是由赫许所领导的一小组人员在他的底特律农场所完成的)


17. crow's-foot, the
定义: (眼角边)鱼尾纹.
例句: They are prominent when one smiles and span out in the shape of a crow's foot. Crow's feet are signs of aging or severe sun damage. (当一人笑的时候, 他/她的眼部皮肤形成明显的鱼尾纹. 鱼尾纹是老化或严重日晒损伤的症状)

18. cruel joke, a
定义: 残酷的笑话/玩笑, 伤人尊严的笑话/玩笑.
例句: My body is playing such a cruel joke on me right now—I can't sleep even though I'm dead tired. (此刻我的身体正跟我开这种残酷的玩笑—虽然我累得要命我没法睡着)

19. cruise control, the
定义: [汽车术语]汽车定速巡航系统.
例句: Testers at Edmunds said they hadn't expected cruise control to save much gas but were surprised when they saw the results. (爱德蒙兹的测试员说他们并不指望汽车定速器会省多少汽油, 但看了测试结果之后他们很惊讶)


20. cruise missile, a
定义: [军事术语]巡航导弹或巡弋飞弹.
例句: The building appeared to be destroyed, hit by cruise missiles or laser-guided bombs. (这个建筑物看起来像被巡航导弹或激光制导炸弹所击中而摧毁)




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