二十笔实用成语 264

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二十笔实用成语 264

帖子 royl » 周二 12月 20, 2011 10:57 pm

二十笔实用成语 264

01. cry on someone's shoulder, to
定义: 哭诉自己问题或委屈以博得别人的同情及安慰.
例句: He stood by me, holding my hand and letting me cry on his shoulder every step of the way. (他一直以来鼓励支持我, 给我指引, 让我哭诉自己的问题和给予同情及安慰)

02. cry one's eyes out, to
定义: 大哭一场, 悲泣.
例句: Today as I watched this beautiful woman cry her eyes out. I pondered who is this man who was making this beautiful lady so heartbroken? (今天当我看到这个美丽女子大哭一场. 我在想哪一个男人让这个美丽女士如此地心碎悲伤?)

03. cry one's heart out, to
定义: 泣不成声, 大哭.
例句: Poor girl! She's crying her heart out because he hasn't called her. (可怜的女孩! 由于他没打电话给她让她哭得泣不成声)

04. cry oneself to sleep, to
定义: 哭到睡着.
例句: My son cried himself to sleep again today. ​​The earthquake had hit when we were at home, so in some strange way he is now terrified of being at home. (我儿子今天又哭到睡着. 这个地震来袭时我们正好在家, 因此由于某种奇怪原因他现在害怕待在家里)

05. cry out for ..., to
定义: 急需要...
例句: The new room that he built cries out for a new set of furniture. (这间他新造的房间急需要一套新家具)

06. cry over spilled/spilt milk, to
定义: 覆水难收; 木已成舟, 悔之晚矣. (注: 请注意spilt=spilled)
例句: The game is lost, there is no point crying over spilled milk. (这场比赛已经输了. 再悔恨也没意义)

07. cry roast meat, to
定义: [俚语]吹嘘自己的成就或幸运.
例句: Tom deliberately tried to make others feel bad while crying roast meat. (当他吹嘘自己的幸运时候, 汤姆故意地让别人感觉难受)

08. cry stinking fish, to
定义: 自曝其短; 自贬身价; 批评贬低自己的工作, 家庭或生活.
例句: I am sure you are right but it is how these things start: too much pride to back down, then crying stinking fish when it all falls apart. (我肯定你是​​对的, 不过这种事情就是这样地开始:自尊心太强不肯退让, 然后当情况变糟之后就把自己贬得一文不值)

09. cry the blues, to
定义: 爱抱怨, 诉苦, 哀怨.
例句: Lan is crying the blues because Bing left her for another woman. (兰在哀怨因为宾离弃她跟另外一个女人跑了)

10. cry uncle, to
定义: 认输或投降.
例句: He finally had to cry uncle when the other wrestler pinned him to the mat. (在另一个摔跤选手把他压制在地垫上之后他最后不得不认输)

11. cry up, to
定义: 公开赞扬, 大肆赞赏, 吹嘘.
例句: The street merchant cries up his own goods but cries down those of others. (这个地摊贩子吹嘘他自己的货品但贬低别人的货物)

12. cry wolf, to
定义: 喊狼来了, 骗人的假警报.
例句: He is crying wolf. There is no real danger or worry about the electrical system causing a fire. (他在拉假警报. 这个电路系统根本没有真正危险也不值得忧虑它会造成火灾)

13. crybaby, a
定义: 爱哭, 爱抱怨的人; 怕痛, 怕吃苦的人.
例句: It was the way I was raised—never give in, never give up, and don't be a crybaby about the pain. (这就我从小被教导的—永不退缩, 永不放弃, 不抱怨痛苦)

14. crying shame, a
定义: 太不幸, 真可惜, 很遗憾.
例句: It's a crying shame that they didn't have fire insurance and don't know who to blame for the fire. (真可惜他们没有保火险, 也不知道谁该为这个火灾负责)

15. crying towel, a
定义: 哭泣, 自哀自怜. (注: 对爱哭的讽刺话语)
例句: He mocked the plight of the uninsured by saying, "Get out the crying towel." (他嘲弄那些没保险受害人的困境说, "准备哭泣吧.")

16. crystal ball, a
定义: 水晶球, 用来预测未来的工具或方法.
例句: I don't have a crystal ball. I just do the best I can, and I don't look back. My aim is to stay firmly grounded in the present moment. (我没法预测未来. 我只是尽全力冲刺, 我不回顾过去. 我的目标是在目前这一​​刻坚持脚踏实地, 不骄纵, 不浮夸)

17. crystal clear, be
定义: 非常清楚, 完全听懂了, 很明白.
例句: After Mr. Tsai explained the concept to me, he asked, "Is that clear?" "Crystal clear," I replied. (蔡先生跟我解释完这个概念之后, 他问, "听懂了吗?"我回答, "非常清楚.")

18. CTO, a
定义: 公司的技术部门主管. (注: CTO是Chief Technical Officer的缩写)
例句: As a corporate officer, the CTO typically reports directly to the CEO and is primarily concerned with long-term and "big picture" issues. (作为一家公司官员, 技术部门主管一般直属首席执行长的管辖, 他主要负责的是, 公司长期以及"全面性"的议题)

19. cuckoo in the nest, a
定义: 破坏别人家庭幸福者, 迅速扩张并占据别人地盘者.
例句: At 59, Zille is a cuckoo in the nest of African politics. For a white woman to lead the major opposition party in South Afr​​ica is unprecedented. (现年五十九岁, 席勒是个占据非洲政治地盘者. 对于一个领导南非主要反对政党的白种女性来说这是个史无前例的事情)

20. cuckoo, a
定义: 布谷鸟, 愚蠢, 脑筋不正常的人.
例句: Call me a cuckoo, but I still think that my solution was the best so far. (你可以说我是个脑筋不正常的人, 但我仍然相信我的解决方案是目前为止最好的一个)



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