二十笔实用成语 278

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二十笔实用成语 278

帖子 royl » 周日 1月 08, 2012 6:13 pm

二十笔实用成语 278

01. dead tired, be
定义: 累得要命, 非常疲惫.
例句: After hours of mowing the lawn and pruning trees in the Texas summer heat, I was dead tired. (在德州盛夏炎热之下, 花了几个钟头割草和修剪树木之后, 我累得要命)

02. dead to rights
定义: 有足够某人犯错证据; 正在犯错或犯罪的当场.
例句: They caught him dead to rights stealing from his job. They even gave him the option of resigning from his job, rather than be fired. (他们当场抓到他藉由工作窃取公司财物. 他们甚至给他辞职而不被解雇的选择)

03. dead to the world, be
定义: 熟睡, 酣睡, 醉倒, 或晕过去.
例句: The little boy was dead to the world when his father carried him out of the car. (当他父亲把他抱出车子的时候这个小男孩正在酣睡)

04. dead wrong, be
定义: 毫无疑问的错了, 完全错了.
例句: I was dead wrong about the word: it's prejudice, not prejudism. (对于这个字我完全错了: 应该是prejudice, 而不是prejudism)

05. deadbeat dad, a
定义: 离婚后不付抚养费的父亲.
例句: As a deadbeat dad, his paycheck is being garnished each month by the state for child support. (作为一个不付抚养费的父亲, 州政府每个月从他薪水中扣除子女抚养费)

06. deadbeat, a
定义: [名词]游手好闲的人; 死不付钱者; 离婚后不付赡养费(的父或母).
例句: In credit card industry parlance, a "deadbeat" is a customer who pays his bill in full each month, incurring no finance charges. (在信用卡业界的用语中, 一个"死不付钱者"是个每月把卡债付清的客户, 他自然也不欠卡债利息. 注: 本句意指信用卡公司的主要盈利来自卡债高额利息)

07. dead-cat bounce, a
定义: [股市术语]死猫反弹, 经过长时下跌短暂的复苏但随后又下跌的股市.
例句: Your stock prices going up is no more than a dead-cat bounce: it doesn't have the juice to stay up. (你的股价上扬不过是个死猫反弹: 它并没有足够能量继续维持这个价格)

08. deaden the pain, to
定义: 减轻痛苦.
例句: I think voting is the opium of the masses in this country. Every four years you deaden the pain. (我认为选举在这个国家是个民众的鸦片. 每四年你需要它来减轻痛苦)

09. deaden the sorrow, to
定义: 减轻悲伤, 缓和悲恸情绪.
例句: Alcohol won't deaden you sorrow or help you feel better. (喝酒不会减轻你的悲伤或让帮助你感觉好一些)

10. dead-end job, a
定义: 一个没有升迁或没有前途的工作.
例句: If you're in a dead-end job or feeling stuck in your career, know that the power to change that is in your hands. (如果你处在一个没有前途的工作中或陷在生涯的泥淖里,你须知道改变人生的力量是操在你手中)

11. deadeye Dick/deadeye, a
定义: 神枪手.
例句: We call him Dead-eye Dick. He can shoot the dot off an i. (我们叫他神枪手. 他能够把i上面的圆点射穿掉)

12. deadhead, a
定义: [名词]不付车票或入场券钱的人; 愚蠢鲁钝的人.
例句: People knew that she was a deadhead and voted for her anyway. (选民明明知道她是一个蠢人; 即使这样, 他们还是投票给她)

13. deadly sin, a
定义: 不可饶恕的罪愆, 恶性.
例句: Cheating is dishonorable, but I don't consider it a deadly sin. I cheated in the past and it made me feel terrible. (欺骗是可耻的, 但我不认为它是一个不可饶恕的罪愆. 我过去曾欺骗过, 它让我很难受)

14. deadly weapon, a
定义: 致命武器.
例句: Assault with a deadly weapon is the act of menacing another person with a weapon that could cause death. (以致命武器攻击是一个使用可能会致死的武器威胁另一人的行为)

15. dead-man's float, a
定义: 俯卧漂浮姿势, 面朝下四肢伸展的浮水姿势.
例句: I can't put on scuba gear in the water, but I can do what my dad called the dead man's float. (我无法在水中穿上潜水装备, 但我能够做出我爸爸所说的俯卧漂浮姿势)

16. dead-on, be
定义: 完全正确, 完全吻合.
例句: I had some Chinese food the other day, and the fortune cookie was dead on about me. It said, "Your cholesterol just went up." (前几天我吃中国餐, 这个签语饼干完全正确地说到我. 它说, "你的胆固醇刚才升高了." 注: 签语饼干是饭后才吃的甜食, 到这时候你的胆固醇升高应该是正常的)


17. deadpan, be
定义: 面无表情的.
例句: Tom's deadpan delivery of his dry-wi​​tted commentary about cars turning on their owners kept me laughing through the entire show. (汤姆面无表情地讲出有关车辆攻击它们的主人的冷面笑话解说, 使我在整个表演大笑不止)

18. dead-stick landing, a
定义: 飞机或飞行器在无动力下着陆.
例句: Your chances of surviving a dead-stick landing depend not just on the skill of the pilot, but also on the type of aircraft involved. (你的飞机无动力着陆生存机会不光是看飞行员的驾驶技术来决定, 也要看飞得是那一种飞机)

19. deaf as a doornail/post, be (as)
定义: 完全聋, 完全听不见.
例句: The baby was deaf as a doornail, so he never heard my voice. I held him and sang lullabies to him anyway. (这个婴儿完全听不见, 因此他没法听到我的声音. 即使这样, 我还是抱着他, 对他唱催眠曲)

20. deal a blow, to
定义: 打击, 给某人一击或一拳.
例句: Mexican authorities said Monday that they had dealt a blow to the country's most powerful drug cartel with the capture of a top lieutenant. (墨西哥官方星期一说, 由于他们逮捕了一名高级黑帮干部, 给予该国势力最大的贩毒集团一个打击)



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