二十笔实用成语 287

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二十笔实用成语 287

帖子 royl » 周三 1月 18, 2012 6:26 pm

二十笔实用成语 287

01. die of old age, to
定义: 寿终正寝, 自然死亡.
例句: Not one American has died of old age since 1951. Since then, the law changed and doctors had to make up a cause to put on the death certificate. (自从1951年美国没有一个人是自然死亡的. 从那时起, 法律已经改变了, 医生必须要编造写在死亡证明书上的死亡原因)

02. die of/from natural causes, to
定义: 寿终正寝, 自然死亡.
例句: A post mortem has established that a 69-year-old man whose car crashed into a hedge near Katy, died from natural causes. (一名于凯帝市附近撞进树篱身亡的六十九岁男子的验尸报告证实了他是自然死亡的)

03. die off, to
定义: 死亡殆尽, 灭绝.
例句: Animal species have been coming and going for thousands of years. Thousands of species died off before humans even inhabited the planet. (几千年来, 许多动物物种出现了又消失. 甚至在人类居住这个星球之前几千个物种已经死亡殆尽)

04. die out, to
定义: 突然急速地灭绝, 消失.
例句: Besides dinosaurs, many other species of mammals, amphibians and plants died out at the same time. (除了恐龙之外, 许多其他哺乳类, 两栖类以及植物同时突然急速地灭绝)

05. die with one's boots on, to
定义: 工作至死, 过劳死, 殉职.
例句: He died with his boots on. If he could have chosen the way he had to die on operations that would have been it. (他殉职了. 如果他可以选择他必须死亡于军事行动的方式的话, 他会选择它. 注: 意指此人宁愿死于沙场)

06. die/wither on the vine, to
定义: 中途夭折, 提早失败, (被漠视)任其自生自灭.
例句: Even the best business opportunity will die on the vine if it cannot be communicated in a clear and compelling manner. (如果它无法以清晰和令人信服的方式与人交流的话, 即使最佳的生意机会也会提早失败)

07. die-hard conservative, a
定义: 死不妥协的保守派.
例句: My brother is a die-hard conservative, verging towards libertarian. I am politically agnostic, but I spent my adolescence in the San Francisco Bay Area. (我兄弟是个死不妥协的保守派, 几乎跟自由放任派接近.我对政治是个什么都不相信的人, 但我从小在旧金山湾区长大)

08. die-hard fan, a
定义: 死忠支持者, 影迷, 球迷.
例句: A die hard fan is a person who goes to see a losing team plays every single game, even in the rain or if the game is a practice game. (一个死忠球迷是个去看输球球队每一场比赛的人, 即使在场地下雨或练习性比赛的时候他也来看)

09. different as chalk and cheese, be (as)
定义: 两回事. (注: 两个表面相似但本质完全不一样)
例句: This is the story of two men, as different as chalk and cheese, who shared a passion for scientific research and a dogged desire to succeed. (这是一个两人共同享有科学研究的热情和坚决要成功的渴望但本质完全不一样的故事)

10. different as night and day, be (as)
定义: 完全不同, 有如日夜之差.
例句: The contrast between hearing and listening can be as different as night and day. ​​In a business environment, not listening to customers can result in a failure. (听到和聆听之间的差距有如日夜之差. 在商业场合, 不仔细聆听客户的需求会可能造成一个失败)

11. different ball of wax, a
定义: 完全不一样的东西, 两回事, 另一码事, 不可相提并论.
例句: Jobless people often get help from friends/relatives because the impulse to help is strong. Homeless people are a different ball of wax; most of them are alcoholics/addicts. (失业人们经常得到亲友的帮助因为想要帮助的冲动很强劲. 而无家可归人们却完全不一样; 他们大多是酗酒者/吸毒者)

12. different kettle of fish, a
定义: 完全不一样的东西, 两回事, 另一码事, 不可相提并论.
例句: A cult is not a religion. A cult is a different kettle of fish entirely. (一个邪教并不是一个宗教. 一个邪教完全是另一码事, 不可相提并论)

13. different ropes/strokes for different folks
定义: 各有喜好, 每人都有自己独特喜好.
例句: He didn't like how his neighbors had painted their houses. The colors were ugly, but different strokes for different folks, he thought. (他不喜欢他邻居把他们的房屋所油漆的颜色. 这些颜色真难看,但他认为, 每人都有自己独特喜好)

14. different take on ..., a
定义: 对...有不同的看法.
例句: I have a different take on 2012 end-of-the-world scenario; I believe that we will start to see the changes that we all are looking for so desperately. (我对2012年的世界末日情节的看法不同;我相信我们会开始看到我们都极度渴望的改变出现)

15. difficult place to be in, a
定义: 处于艰困, 难受, 难以满足的情况.
例句: Feeling discouraged is a difficult place to be in. It is a place that stands between where you are and where you want to be. (感到沮丧是一个处于艰困的情况. 这是一个介于你的现况和你想要的理想状况之间的障碍)

16. diffuse a crisis, to
定义: 化解危机.
例句: If you have to diffuse a crisis, it is important to use non-threatening verbal techniques by calmly showing the consequences of possible situations. (如果你必须要化解危机的话, 使用非威胁性的话语技巧把可能会发生状况的后果冷静地说明是很重要的)

17. dig (a little) deeper, to
定义: 掏更多钱花或给人; 多出一点力.
例句: The coach asked the team to dig a little deeper, to give their best. (这个教练要求全队要多出一点力, 全力以赴)

18. dig dirt about someone, to
定义: 挖掘及散布丑闻, 恶毒的谣言, 令人尴尬或有犯罪嫌疑的消息.
例句: I don't like her for sure, but digging dirt about her private life is beneath contempt. (我虽然确实不喜欢她, 但挖掘及散布她私生活的丑闻是个令人不耻的行为)

19. dig down, to
定义: 深挖; 调查; 挖墙脚, 破坏别人; 掏腰包; 慷慨解囊.
例句: So I decided to dig down some more and I realized a few things I hadn't really learned about. (因此我决定做更深的调查, 我了解到有些事情我以前确实不知道)

20. dig in one's heels, to
定义: 坚决不妥协, 死硬不屈服.
例句: When we discuss my salary, my boss digs in his heels. "No raises," he says. (当我们讨论到我薪水的时候, 我老板坚决不妥协, 他说, "不加薪.")



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