二十笔实用成语 293

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二十笔实用成语 293

帖子 royl » 周一 1月 30, 2012 6:54 pm

二十笔实用成语 293

01. distance learning, a
定义: 远程教育.
例句: For poor countries to catch up in education, distance learning is the most significant way to produce a miraculous, leapfrogging transformation. (为了贫穷国家在教育上的追赶, 远程教育是个产生奇迹式, 跳蛙式转变的最重要方式)


02. distance oneself from ..., to
定义: 与...疏远或画清界线.
例句: I must distance myself from this complicity with racism, including anti-Muslim racism. (我必须要跟这个种族歧视, 包括反回教徒的歧视, 的任何关联画清界线)

03. distress sale, the
定义: 亏本紧急出售.
例句: Distress sales and bank foreclosures can add up to a rea​​lly good way to get a fantastic deal on a new home. (亏本紧急出售和银行没收财产意味着一个寻找新屋惊人好价钱的极好方法)

04. distress signal, a
定义: 遇难求救呼叫; 求救讯号.
例句: Mayday is an emergency procedure word used internationally as a distress signal in voice procedure radio communications. (Mayday是一个紧急操作步骤的音讯使用于国际无线电通讯通话程序的求救讯号)

05. distressed merchandise, the
定义: 受到损伤的或使用过的商品, 削价廉售商品.
例句: Back then, the priority for companies was simply getting rid of their distressed merchandise as fast as possible in order to empty the warehouse and cut costs. (当初, 公司的优先考虑只不过是尽快地清除他们的损伤或使用过的商品以便清出仓库空位和削减成本)

06. ditch class, to
定义: 逃学, 翘课.
例句: You shouldn't ditch class, but if you do, you should grab a seat near the door and slowly and quietly go while everyone is busy. (你不应该逃学, 但如果你真要逃学的话, 你应该坐在一个接近门口的位子, 当大家都在无暇他顾的时候慢慢地, 悄悄地离开)

07. ditch someone, to
定义: 摆脱, 离开某人; 跟某人断绝关系.
例句: I tried to ditch him at the mall but he held on to my hand. (我想要在购物中心摆脱他但他一直抓住我的手)

08. ditto
定义: (告诉别人你的)想法一样.
例句: "I don't like broccoli." "Ditto." ("我不喜欢吃西兰花." "我也不喜欢它.")


09. ditz, a
定义: 傻乎乎的人; 不在乎的人.
例句: You ditz! You put ketchup on my ice cream! (你这个傻乎乎的人! 你把蕃茄酱放在我的冰淇淋上!)

10. diurnal bird of prey, a
定义: 白天活动的猎鸟或猛禽. (注: diurnal是白天活跃的)
例句: The largest diurnal bird of prey is the Andean condor, which weighs up to 14 kg and has a wingspan of up to 3.2 m. (最大的白天活动猛禽是安地斯秃鹰, 重达十四公斤, 翼展三点二公尺)


11. dive-bomb, to
定义: 俯冲轰炸, 俯冲攻击.
例句: A man was dive-bombed by hawks on the campus of Tufts University in Somerville on Friday, leaving him with scars to prove it. (星期五, 位于萨莫维尔市塔夫斯大学的一名男子被一群鹰隼俯冲攻击, 让他留下伤疤来证明这起攻击事件)

12. diversionary attack, a
定义: 牵制性攻击, 转移注意的攻击, 佯攻, 围魏救赵.
例句: I lost an uncle at the Somme. It was a diversionary attack and therefore all the soldiers killed were expendable. (在索姆战役里我失去了一个舅舅. 它是一个牵制性攻击, 因此所有阵亡的士兵都是可以牺牲的)

13. diversionary tactic, a
定义: 转移注意的战术, 调虎离山计.
例句: Human Rights lawyer claims Conservatives are using a diversionary tactic to avoid public scrutiny over Afghan detainee abuse scandal. (人权律师声称保守派使用转移注意战术来避免公众对被居留阿富汗人虐待丑闻的监督)

14. divert attention from, to
定义: 将焦点转移注意到别处.
例句: A red herring is a fallacy in which an irrelevant topic is presented in order to divert attention from the original issue. (一个转移注意的事物是个提出一个不相关的假议题来转移大家对原来争议注意的诡计)

15. divide the nation, to
定义: 使国人意见分歧; 分化这个国家.
例句: The issue of capital punishment has divided the nation. (这个对死刑的争议使国人意见分歧)

16. divide and conquer, to
定义: 分化再征服, 分而治之, 各个击破.
例句: Anyway, I bring up this argument that race is used to divide and conquer the poor and working class for the benefit of economic elites. (不管怎样, 我提出这个论点也就是种族差异被用来各个击破贫穷阶级与工人阶级以方便经济精英阶层统治)

17. divide something in/into thirds, to
定义: 把某(些)物分成三份.
例句: First, let the dough rise and divide it into thirds. Roll each third into a rectangle, spread with pineapple preserves and roll up like a jelly roll. (首先, 让面团发好, 把它分成三份. 把它们擀成长方形, 涂抹上凤梨果酱再卷起来像个果酱蛋卷)


18. divide something three ways, to
定义: 将某(些)物分成三份.
例句: Instead of each earning our own money, we would take our tips out at the end of the night, throw them in a pile and divide them three ways. (与其让我们各人赚自己钱, 我们应该在晚上结束时把我们的小费拿出来, 放在一起再分成三份)

19. divide-and-conquer strategy/tactic/technique, a
定义: 分化再征服/分而治之/各个击破的战略/战术/技巧.
例句: Throughout history, those in power have used the divide-and-conquer technique, based on gender, race, religion, and so on to thwart the unity of ordinary people. (纵观历史, 那些掌权者使用分而治之技巧以性别, 种族, 宗教, 等等为基础来分化人民, 阻挠平民团结)

20. divine intervention, a
定义: 神之干预; 神迹. (注: 当不可解释的奇迹发生例如某人九死一生地脱险只好以神的干预作为解释)
例句: Tom was fired yesterday for packing heat. He needs a divine intervention to get him reinstated. (汤姆昨天因携带枪械被解雇. 他需要一个神迹才会再被雇用)



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