二十笔实用成语 299

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二十笔实用成语 299

帖子 royl » 周五 2月 10, 2012 12:22 am

二十笔实用成语 299

01. do someone in, to
定义: 击败或摧毁某人; 杀死某人; 疲倦, 疲惫; 欺骗某人.
例句: There was a girl who was addicted to everything under the sun, and it was crystal meth that finally did her in. (有一个女孩对世界上所有的毒品都沉迷, 但她最后还是死在冰毒上. 注:这里的crystal meth就是甲基安非他命亦称冰毒)

02. do someone out of something, to
定义: 以诡计诈欺或剥削某人权益.
例句: First, he has been done out of his job, which leads to the loss of his wife and a portion of his sanity. (首先, 他的工作被剥夺, 因此导致失去他的妻子以及让他几乎丧失他的理智)

03. do someone over, to
定义: 抢劫, 攻击, 伤害某人, 揍某人一顿.
例句: He came to the big city, got done over by a gang of teenagers and couldn't afford the hospital treatment. (他来到这个大城市, 被一群少年攻击打伤, 他负担不起医药费)

04. do someone wrong, to
定义: 对不起某人, 对某人不忠诚.
例句: Heaven help the fool who did her wrong. It's too late, too bad, she's too far gone. He should've thought of that before he left her. (老天帮帮这个对不起她的蠢货. 太迟了,活该, 她已经远离他了. 他当初抛弃她之前就应该想到这个)

05. do someone's bidding, to
定义: 听命于某人, 遵照某人意思办事, 充作某人马前卒.
例句: In some societies, men still assume their wives are there to do their bidding. (在有些社会, 男人仍然想当然耳地认为他们的妻子应该听命于他们)

06. do someone's head in, to
定义: 使某人烦扰及不痛快, 把某人逼疯.
例句: You're doing my head in with the things that you do. You nag at me and you constantly scream at me. (你一直把你所做的事情来烦扰我. 你跟我叨叨念念, 不停地对我大叫)

07. do something about it, to
定义: 设法处理或解决某个问题.
例句: He certainly can't change her, but maybe he can get through to her that her life is a mess and she needs to do something about it. (他肯定不能改变她, 但也许他可以让她明白她的生活是一团糟, 她必须要设法解决这个问题)

08. do something behind someone's back, to
定义: 在别人背后偷偷地做令人不喜欢的事.
例句: My mom has snuck me some care packages, but she has to do it behind my dad's back. (我母亲偷偷地寄一些爱心包裹给我, 但她必须背着我父亲做这些事. 注: 这里的care packages就是寄给远离家人亲子的食物或衣服的包裹, 亦称爱心包裹)

09. do something blindfolded, to
定义: 轻而易举地, 很纯熟地去做某事. (注: 原译为可以闭着眼做某事).
例句: I could navigate my way around the house blindfolded. (我可以闭着眼在家中到处走动)

10. do something on one's own initiative, to
定义: 自动自发地(不凭借别人帮助的)做某事.
例句: Frank Whittle had to persist his research on his own initiative and received his first patent on turbojet propulsion in January 1930. (法兰克•威特尔必须自动自发地坚持他的研究工作, 于一九三零年一月他取得他第一个涡轮喷气推进的专利)

11. do something out of concern/pity/spite/curiosity/..., to
定义: 为了某个原因做某件事.
例句: The woman takes the abuse out of concern for her children because she needs her husband for putting a roof over the children's heads and food in their stomachs. (因为她需要她丈夫给儿女供应食宿温饱, 这个女人为了顾念到她的子女受丈夫的虐待)

12. do something rash, to
定义: 做出鲁莽, 轻率或后悔莫及的事.
例句: She is extremely angry so I h​​ope that she doesn't do anything rash. (她极为愤怒所以我希望她不会做出鲁莽的事)

13. do something special, to
定义: 做一件特别的事情.
例句: You don't have to wait until a special occasion to do something special for your girlfriend. It's the small gestures that make a difference in a relationship. (你不须要等到一个特殊节日才为你女友做一件特别的事情. 一些小小的表示对两人的关系会有重大收获)

14. do something standing on one's head, to
定义: 轻而易举地, 很纯熟地去做某事. (注: 原译为可以倒立着做某事).
例句: Bill boasted that he could do the income tax return standing on his head. (比尔吹嘘他能够轻而易举地申报所得税)

15. do something to someone, to
定义: 伤害某人, 做出对不起某人的事, 对某人产生影响.
例句: Have I done something to you in the past? It certainly seems like you have a personal vendetta against me. (我过去曾经伤害过你吗? 你显然似乎对我怀抱着私仇)

16. do something to/with ..., to
定义: 把...做一些改变.
例句: What have you done to your face? (你怎么把你的脸弄成这样子?)

17. do something useful for a change, to
定义: 来点改变, 做件有用的事. (注: for a change常用于做件有益事情或吃点不一样的东西来换个生活方式或换个口味)
例句: We always play on Thursdays. Let's do something useful for a change. (我们总是在星期四玩扑克牌. 我们来点改变, 做件有用的事吧)

18. do something without effort, to
定义: 轻而易举, 毫不费力地办好某事.
例句: Jenny has this amazing ability to link all of the points in her lecture together in a silky manner, and she seems to do it without effort. (珍妮身怀令人称奇的能力, 她能把讲课的所有要点流畅地一气呵成而且她似乎毫不费力地讲出来)

19. Do tell us.
[成语句型]一定要告诉我们/请快告诉我们. (注: do在此用来强调语气)

20. Do tell!
定义: 真的吗! 是这样吗! 有这可能吗! 快告诉我! (注: 表达惊讶语)
例句: You say Tom is going to get married after all these years being single? Do tell! (你说汤姆单身了这么多年之后准备要结婚了吗? 有这可能吗!)



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