二十笔实用成语 300

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二十笔实用成语 300

帖子 royl » 周五 2月 10, 2012 11:27 pm

二十笔实用成语 300

01. do the bidding of someone
定义: 听命于某人, 遵照某人意思办事, 充作某人马前卒/走狗.
例句: Rabid imperialists call for Syrian President to step down and hand over power to self-appointed opposition leaders who do the bidding of the Western powers. (狂热的帝国主义​​者要求叙利亚总统下台, 把政权交给充作西方列强走狗的自己任命的反对派领袖)

02. do the dirty on, to
定义: 做出对不起某人的事, 对配偶/情人不忠贞, 以狡诈卑鄙的手段对付别人.
例句: If your partner did the dirty on you and ran off with someone else, it's time to close the door on that chapter and move on. (如果你的配偶或情人对你不忠贞跟别人跑了, 你应当把这段伤心往事做一了结, 继续走你的人生)

03. do the dishes, to
定义: (饭后)洗碗盘.
例句: Doing the dishes can be fun if it means a mental break from homework, and give you a chance to refresh yourself. (如果作为一个做功课思考的暂时休息, 洗碗盘可以令人轻松愉快, 它给你一个机会重振精神)

04. do the donkey work, to
定义: 做苦差事, 干枯燥乏味的活.
例句: We're trying to take away talented people from other countries, bring them here, put them into dead-end jobs and make them do the donkey work. (我们尽力地把别的国家人才抢走, 带他们来这里, 给他们薪水微薄又没前途的工作, 让他们做苦差事)

05. Do the facts matter?
[成语句型]事实重要吗? (注: 这句话不是问人​​而是谴责有些人根本无视于事实的存在而继续胡说或择恶固执)

06. do the honors, to
定义: 尽地主之谊尤其是替人倒酒, 敬酒; 介绍客人以及照顾客人.
例句: Would you like to do the honors and pour everyone a glass of wine? (能不能请你尽地主之谊, 替大家斟一杯酒?)

07. do the job, to
定义: 适用某种用途; 可以达成目的; 可以成功.
例句: I'm sure you can find some excellent cleaners that will do the job without tons of scrubbing. (我肯定你可以找到某些极有功效的清洁剂可以达成去污的目的而不必刷洗大半天)

08. do the legwork, to
定义: 奔走办事, 做跑腿工作. (注: 意指搜集资料, 寻访证人证据的调查工作)
例句: I don't mind making the phone calls if you do the leg work. (如果你做跑腿工作的话, 我不介意打电话联络别人)

09. do the needful, to
定义: 做该做的事.
例句: Please do the needful to have my car fixed or I will lose my job. (麻烦你把我车子该修的修好否则我会失去我的工作)

10. do the research, to
定义: 作研究, 进行调查.
例句: We've done the research and prepared so we're set up for success. That doesn't mean it will be a cakewalk, but I think we can handle it. (我们已经做好了研究也安排就绪所以我们就准备成功. 这并不意味着这是一件易如反掌之事, 但我认为我们有办法应付)

11. do the right thing, to
定义: 做出正确的事. (注: 常用经过心中挣扎之后决定做正确之事)
例句: I've found that the most important principle in business practice is always doing the right thing whether or not you make money. (我发现了企业实务最重要的原则, 不论你赚钱与否, 永远做出正确的事)

12. do the roll call, to
定义: 点名.
例句: I told my students how we do the roll call and that each student should say "present" once they hear their name. (我教导我的学生我们如何点名, 一旦听到他的名字每个学生应该答覆"有" )

13. do the sights, to
定义: 观光, 浏览风景.
例句: Arriving in Beijing, we jumped on a tour bus and did the sights of Forbidden City, Summer Palace, Great wall, and Tiananmen Square. (到达了北京之后, 我们马上跳上游览车, 浏览了故宫, 颐和园, 长城, 和天安门广场的风景)

14. do the spadework, to
定义: 做事先准备工作或事先研究工作.
例句: Time is precious, let us do the spadework and get the ball rolling. (时间宝贵, 我们赶紧做事先准备工作, 马上开工)

15. do the town, to
定义: 庆祝或狂欢; 游览大城市.
例句: Let's do the town tonight, then later we can go back to my place. My roommates will leave us alone for a few hours. What do you say? (我们先去狂欢. 然后到我的住处. 我的室友们会暂时不打扰我们几个钟头. 你们意下如何?)

16. do the trick, to
定义: 达到想要的结果, 有效果, 获得成功, 大功告成.
例句: If your sauce tastes a bit sour, add a teaspoon of sugar that should do the trick. (如果你做的酱汁有点酸的话, 加进一茶匙的糖就大功告成)

17. do their dirty work, to
定义: 做别人的肮脏工作, 作打手, 作恶人.
例句: The ones who start them, stand back and profit from them and send others to do their dirty work by whipping them up into a frenzy of nationalism. (这些人先煽动他人, 再往后一站从中获取渔利, 以激起众人爱国主义狂热情绪让别人做他们的打手)

18. do time, to
定义: 在监狱里服刑; 在部队里服役.
例句: If you don't want to do time in the can, make sure you don't break the law. (如果你不想在监狱里吃牢饭的话, 你最好就别犯法)

19. do to someone, to
定义: 对待某人, 伤害某人, 做出对不起某人的事, 对某人产生影响.
例句: What have I done to you for you to hate me so much? (我做了什么对不起你的事让你这样地痛恨我?)

20. Do two wrongs make a right?
[成语句型]两个错就成对吗? (注: 意为甲对乙做错了事而乙做同样事报复甲; 或者甲做错了事而乙也做错了事但乙拿甲的错误为自己辩解, 实际上两者皆错, 不能因为别人的过失来掩盖自己的过错)



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