二十笔实用成语 317

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二十笔实用成语 317

帖子 royl » 周三 3月 07, 2012 3:37 pm

二十笔实用成语 317

01. double as something, to
定义: 兼具另外一个职务, 功能或用途.
例句: This folding table doubles as a serving buffet or dining table. (这张折叠桌可以兼作摆放自助餐或晚餐的桌子)

02. double back, to
定义: 走回原处, 循原路往回走.
例句: We decided to double back from the arena to get some money to go to a movie. (我们决定从体育场走回原处拿一些钱去看电影)

03. double bill, a
定义: (一个接一个进行的)两个主要项目, 例如两个影片或两场音乐会.
例句: I managed to see today's double bill as well and I enjoyed both episodes, though I think I liked the first one more. (我也完全地看完了今天的两出影集, 这两集我都喜欢但我比较喜欢前一集)

04. double cross, a
定义: [名词]原先答应别人要输而却赢了比赛; 诈欺, 背叛或出卖的行为; 植物杂交.
例句: Divorced from the mob, he was a stool pigeon for the FBI. Now Anthony says the feds made him the victim of a dirty double cross. (离开了这个黑帮, 他成为了联邦调查局的线民. 现在, 安东尼说这些情治人员让他成为这个卑鄙出卖行为的牺牲者)

05. double date, a
定义: 两对恋人参与的约会.
例句: A disastrous double date leaves Bill wondering if he and Pamela should have gone out with each other. (一个灾难性的两对恋人约会让比尔怀疑他当初和潘美拉的约会是否是对的)

06. double dribble, a
定义: [篮球术语]两次运球. (注: 一个犯规的动作因为双手同时运球或已经双手握球后再运球)
例句: If someone passes you the ball and the first thing you do is pump fake, you haven't taken a dribble yet so it's not a double dribble. (如果有人传球给你而你一开始做个假投篮动作,由于你并没有运球, 所以这不算是个两次运球)

07. double Dutch
定义: 难懂的话, 天书; 两条绳子同时以相反的方向转的跳绳.
例句: This book on English grammar is written in double Dutch. I can't understand a word. (这本英文文法书写得像一本天书. 我一个字都看不懂)

08. double duty
定义: [名词]双重功能, 双重用途.
例句: French company Wysips is working on a new technology which would cause smart phone touch screens to do double duty as solar panels to recharge phones. (Wysips这家法国公司正开发一个新科技, 它可以使得智能电话的触控萤幕具有太阳能充电板的双重用途)

09. double entendre, a
定义: 一语双关; 含糊或模棱两可的话, 一语多义.
例句: "Chink in the armor" is a double entendre to express vulnerability. But when you use the term to refer to someone of Chinese descent, it takes on a whole new meaning. ("Chink in the armor"是个一语双关的表达"防卫弱点"字眼, 但当你使用这个字眼针对一个华裔的话, 它具有一个完全不同的意义)

编者注: chink是一个对中国人, 华裔和亚裔非常不尊重的羞辱语.

10. double entry
定义: [会计术语]复式簿记. (注: 美国的簿记任何一笔帐登录一定要放在借方与贷方所以借贷双方的总额是相等的)
例句: In double entry accounting, the total of all debit entries must match the total of all credit entries. When this happens, the system is considered to be in balance. (在复式簿记的记帐里, 借方帐目的总额必须要等于借方帐目的总额. 当这个情况发生时, 这个会计系统被认为是平衡的)

11. double feature, a
定义: 一次播放两部影片的电影节目.
例句: Although the double feature put many short comedy producers out of business, it was the main source of revenue for smaller B movie studios. (尽管这种一次播放两部影片的电影节目使得笑剧短片制作人停业, 它却是小型廉价劣质电影制片厂主要的收入来源)

12. double genitive/double possessive
定义: [文法]双重所有格. (注: 造句时把介词of名词或代名词一起用在所有格上)
例句: The double genitive construction as in "A friend of Tom's is a friend of mine." may appear overly possessive, it has been around for centuries and it's correct. (这个"汤姆的朋友就是我的朋友."双重所有格语句结构也许看起来过份使用所有格, 它已经被使用了几百年, 而且是正确的)

13. double in brass, to
定义: 身兼两职.
例句: Doubling in brass as police chief, the Mayor and his five-man force stopped speeding drivers and educated them about the dangers of speeding. (身兼市长和警察局长两职, 这个市长和他的五人警力拦截超速驾驶人以及教育他们超速驾驶的危险)

14. double jeopardy
定义: 一罪两审. (注: 意指两次审理一个人的同一个案件. 多数国家的法律不允许一罪两审)
例句: Double jeopardy is a procedural defense that forbids a defendant from being tried again on the same charges following a legitimate acquittal or conviction. (一罪两审是一个程序的辩护, 禁止一个合法地被判无罪或被定罪的被告在同一个指控之下再度受到审判)

15. double negative, a
定义: 双重否定语气. (注: 例如I don't know nothing. 在美国说英语最忌讳双重否定语气, 但是仍有许多人还是在用双否定)
例句: In most logics, double negatives cancel one another and produce an affirmative sense; in other languages​​, doubled negatives intensify the negation. (在大多数的逻辑学里, 双重否定语气互相抵销并形成一个肯定语气; 在其他语言里, 双重否定语气反而加强否定语气)

16. double or nothing/double or quits
定义: 双赔或扯平. (注: 输家把已输的数额作为赌注, 若输则多付一倍, 若赢则与赢家一笔勾销)
例句: After losing the first bet, I said, "Double or nothing this time!" (输了第一把之后, 我说, "这次要双赔或扯平!")

17. double play, a
定义: [棒球术语]双杀, 双出局.
例句: He managed to get a strikeout followed by a double play to get out of the inning unscathed. (他成功地投出三振出局再紧接又投出双杀, 没有失分地结束了这一局)

18. double standard, a
定义: 双重标准.
例句: The international human rights movement continue to be plagued by double standard and politicization. (这个国际人权运动仍旧被双重标准及政治化所困扰)

19. double take, a
定义: 惊讶地愣一下, 再次细看某人或某物一次. (注: 常用于喜剧的设计)
例句: I did a double take when I saw her father with another woman. (当我看到她父亲跟另外一个女人在一起的时候, 我愣了一下之后再仔细看他们)

20. double time pay, a
定义: 双倍工资. (注: 美国时薪工资分三种: 正常工资即一周40小时之内工资, 超时工资=正常工资乘1.5即超过一周40小时之后工资, 双倍工资=正常工资乘2 , 双倍工资很少使用)
例句: When the hours California employees worked in one day exceed 12, then they are paid double time for every hour worked thereafter. (当加州的员工在一天之内工作超过十二个小时的时候, 自此之后每工作一个小时他们就可取得双倍工资)



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