二十笔实用成语 323

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二十笔实用成语 323

帖子 royl » 周二 3月 27, 2012 1:02 am

二十笔实用成语 323

01. dramatic shift for the worse, a
定义: 戏剧性地恶化.
例句: Things do gradually get better, and sometimes they take a dramatic shift for the worse, or we'll have a day where everything is amazing. (情况确实渐入佳境, 有时候它们戏剧性地恶化, 有时候我们也会碰到令人惊喜的一天. 注: 这里的它们是指复数的things, 也就是情况)

02. drape oneself in the flag, to
定义: 装着爱国, 其实动机是自私的.
例句: It's just another chance for her to drape herself in the flag and parade her phony ultra-patriotism for her base. (这只是给她另一个装着爱国和炫耀她虚伪极端爱国主义给她群众基础的机会)

03. Drastic times call for drastic measures.
[成语句型]非常时期要用非常手段. 乱世用重典.

04. Drat!
定义: [咒骂语]讨厌! 该死! (注: drat与damn相同)
例句: Drat! I've lost the key. How can we get into the apartment? (该死! 我弄丢了我的钥匙. 我们怎么进入公寓啊?)

05. draw a bead on, to
定义: 瞄准, 针对, 看准一个目标或计划.
例句: The study drew a bead on Generation Y workers born after 1982; four in ten would engage in "dishonest behavior" to keep their jobs." (这个研究是针对出生于一九八二年之后的八零后工人所做的; 他们十人中有四人为了保住他们工作而做出"不诚实行为.")

06. draw a big/large crowd, to
定义: 吸引大量/大批群众.
例句: The Cherry Blossom Festival drew a large crowd along the sidewalks of Third Street on Saturday. ​​(星期六的樱花节吸引了大批群众聚集在第三街两侧的人行道上)

07. draw a blank, to
定义: 无法取得回应; 无法达成某事; 脑袋一片空白; 一时想不起来.
例句: He said he tried to remember the date of the meeting, but he drew a blank and couldn't tell us. (他说他努力回想这个会议的日期, 但他一时想不起来, 没法告诉我们)

08. draw a conclusion, to
定义: 得出结论.
例句: It should be noted that it is not always fallacious to draw a conclusion about the parts of a whole based on the properties of the whole. (应该注意的是, 基于整体的特性, 从整体的部分中得出结论并不永远是错误的)

09. draw a gun, to
定义: 拔枪.
例句: The convenience store clerk looked on in disbelief as the little old lady drew a gun from her purse and leveled it at his chest. (这个便利商店店员不可思议地看着这个老弱妇人从她的钱包里拔枪对准他的胸部)

10. draw a line between ..., to
定义: 在两者之间画一条线; 分清, 划清, 厘清两者的界线或差异.
例句: Those mediums, however, often don't draw a line between fact and opinion. Some outlets deliver opinion but call it fact. (但是, 这些媒体经常不厘清事实与意见. 有些新闻媒体报导意见却把它称之为事实)

11. draw a line in the sand, to
定义: 划清界线; 告诉/警告别人你的容忍或支持的极限.
例句: As in a Western movie, Tom drew a line in the sand and declared: up to here and no further! (就像在西部电影一样地, 汤姆警告别人他的容忍极限并宣布: 到此为止, 别再得寸进尺!)

12. draw a sober breath, to
定义: 清醒, 认真起来; 不酗酒, 没酒醉.
例句: They say he hasn't drawn a sober breath since his son was killed. (他们说, 自从他的儿子被杀死之后, 他一直借酒浇愁)

13. draw a veil over, to
定义: 笼罩, 隐藏或避免讨论某事; 保密不让别人知道.
例句: I think we should draw a veil over this conversation and pretend it never happened. (我认为我们应该把这个谈话加以保密, 就好像它从没发生过一样)

14. draw a/the line, to
定义: 划清界线; 分清事务使其不混淆; 告诉/警告别人你的容忍或支持的极限.
例句: You have to draw the line somewhere. I am a fairly easygoing employer, but I cannot allow my employees to take two hours for lunch. (你必须要某个程度上警告别人你的容忍极限. 我已经算是个相当随和的雇主, 但我决不能容许员工花两个钟头在午休时间)

15. draw an inference, to
定义: 凭事实或证据推出结论或意见.
例句: You may draw an inference so long as all the evidence and reasonable inferences in the case together prove the defendant's guilt beyond a rea​​sonable doubt. (只要你能够把这个案件所有的证据跟合理的推论结合在一起证明被告毫无疑问地是有罪的话, 你可以凭证​​据得出结论)

16. draw and quarter, to
定义: 严厉, 残酷地惩罚; 古刑: 车裂, 分尸或四马分尸.
例句: To be drawn and quartered was the penalty ordained in England for the crime of treason. It is considered by many to be the epitome of cruel punishment. (被车裂是英国判处给叛乱罪者的刑罚. 许多人认为它是残酷刑罚的典型. 注: 这种死刑曾在英国十三世纪至十八世纪期间施行)

17. draw attention, to
定义: 吸引注意, 展示给别人看.
例句: If you wear a short skirt, you draw attention to your legs. (如果你穿着一件短裙的话, 你引起别人注意你的双腿)

18. draw away, to
定义: 超越竞争对手; 引开/引起(注意).
例句: Jenny drew away too much notice by her late arrival at the party. (由于她姗姗来迟地到达这个派对, 珍妮引起太多的注意)

19. draw back, to
定义: 撤退, 退缩, 撤回.
例句: When I saw this green misty figure that scared me so much that I drew back in horror and then it simply vanished. (当我看到这个像雾一般的绿色形体我受到极大惊吓, 毛骨悚然地向后退缩, 接着它就这样消失了)

20. draw blood, to
定义: 抽血; 激起愤怒; 伤害某人感情.
例句: The doctor decided to draw some blood from the patient to check up on his blood sugar level. (这个医生决定从病人身上抽一些血来检验他的血糖指数)



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