二十笔实用成语 325

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二十笔实用成语 325

帖子 royl » 周五 3月 30, 2012 6:41 am

二十笔实用成语 325

01. draw straws, to
定义: 抽签, 抓阄. (注: 以平头的长短不同的草秆令人抽出以最长者被选出)
例句: We only have two tickets available, so we draw straws to see who will go. (我们手中只有两张门票, 所以我们以抓阄来决谁去)
抽签, 抓阄

02. draw the blinds/curtain/shades on, to
定义: 打开窗帘, 闭幕, 结束, 关闭帘幕(掩盖某事或物).
例句: Emily drew the blinds on the windows so no one could see in. She liked to be alone in her own world. (为了不让人看进屋内, 爱茉莉关上百叶窗. 她喜欢单独地处在她自己的世界)

03. draw the game, to
定义: 比赛打平手, 以平手结束.
例句: It's an endgame technique in which a player is able to create an impregnable position and thus draw the game, despite having a material deficit. (尽管手中棋子少于对方, 这是一个残局的技巧, 一个棋手能够建立一个坚不可摧的阵地如此以平手结束)

04. draw the line at, to
定义: 划清界线; 分清事务使其不混淆; 告诉别人你的容忍或支持的极限.
例句: We have to draw the line somewhere—I can't let you invite yourself into my house whenever you want. (我们必须某个程度地告诉别人我们的容忍极限—我们不能容许你随时想来我家就不请自来)

05. draw the longbow, to
定义: 鬼扯, 夸张, 吹牛; 拉长弓.
例句: "I have played my piano in Beijing in front of tens of thousands of people," Tom smiled. Personally, I think Tom is drawing the longbow. ("我曾经在北京数万观众前演奏我的钢琴,"汤姆微笑地说. 就个人而言, 我认为汤姆是在吹牛)

06. draw the shortest straw, to
定义: 抓最短阄; 输了; 被选派做不愉快的事.
例句: He drew the shortest straw again and had to work the weekend shift. (他又抓到最短阄, 他不得不上周末班)

07. draw to a close, to
定义: 渐入结束或完结.
例句: As the year draws to a close, I would like to thank you for the considerable efforts that many of you have made this year. (当今年将结束之时, 我要感谢诸位中许多人今年付出巨大的努力)

08. draw to a halt/stop, to
定义: 减速并停止.
例句: His eyes narrowed into slits as he watched the car draw to a stop, but patiently he waited to see how the driver handled the traffic situation. (他的眼睛眯成一条线当他注视这部车减速停止, 但他耐心地等待观察这个驾驶人如何处理这个交通状况)

09. draw up one's knees/legs, to
定义: 将膝盖/腿部卷曲并收向胸部.
例句: From age 3 weeks she had had repeated episodes of crying during which she would draw up her knees, clench her fists, and urinate frequently. (自从三周大开始, 她重复地发作哭闹同时将膝盖卷曲并收向胸部, 双拳紧握, 频频排尿)

10. draw up, to
定义: 排列好部队; 准备好文件或契约; 带到静止; 挺胸直立以表现尊严或表达愤怒.
例句: They were able to draw up the new contract while we were waiting. (就在我们等待的时候, 他们能够把新契约准备好)

11. draw upon, to
定义: 接近; 穿戴; 雇用; 充分使用.
例句: This summer when I was driving and my car began to overheat. I drew upon past experiences, and my instincts told me to pull over and check the oil. (今夏当我开车的时候, 我的车子开始过热. 我利用我过去的经验, 我的直觉告诉我把车停到路边并检查机油)

12. draw/run a bath, be
定义: 浴缸放满水.
例句: He would rise from sleep at midnight, get dressed, pick his wife up and bring her home, then draw a bath for her and cook her meal. (他会在午夜起床, 穿衣, 接他妻子回家, 然后替她浴缸放满水, 给她做餐饭)

13. drawing card, a
定义: 吸引大量观众的表演/人事物.
例句: The community hired a comedian as a drawing card for the fair. (这个社区请了一个喜剧演员作为吸引观众参加展览会的亮眼人物)

14. drawn against, be
定义: 被抽选出跟某人/某队比赛或对抗.
例句: The US team have been drawn against Greece in the first round. (第一回合, 美国队被挑选出来跟希腊队对抗)

15. drawn more deeply into, be
定义: 被拖入或深陷入.
例句: Officials within the ECB itself are wary about the central bank being drawn more deeply into supporting Greece and other debt-stricken states. (欧洲央行内部官员们忧心中央银行被越来越深地卷入支持希腊和其他负债累累的国家)

16. drawn-out
定义: [形容词]冗长的.
例句: I'm not going to bore you with a drawn-out story of how I exactly developed this theory that is of no interest to you. (我不再以我发展这个理论的整套冗长经过令你们厌烦, 你们也不会对这个故事有兴趣)

17. dream away, to
定义: 幻想, 遐思, 虚度光阴.
例句: Go ahead, dream away. If you change your thinking, you can change your life. (放手地遐想吧. 如果你改变你的思考, 你就能够改变你的人生)

18. dream different dreams in the same bed, to
定义: 同床异梦.
例句: A common goal to reduce crimes will allow them to cooperate in working towards that objective; otherwise people will continue to dream different dreams in the same bed. (拥有共同减少犯罪的目标将使他们同心协力地努力达成那个任务;否则人们会继续同床异梦)

19. dream home, a
定义: 梦寐以求的家园.
例句: Many people want their first dream home to be a great experience. I've always wanted my own two-story home. (许多人希望他们第一个梦寐以求的家园成为一个极愉快的经历. 我一直希望要一栋属于自己的两层楼房)

20. dream job, a
定义: 梦寐以求的工作.
例句: A big congratulations for landing your dream job. Nothing beats having a job you know you will enjoy. (大大地恭贺你找到你的梦寐以求工作. 没有比拥有一个你熟悉和你喜欢做的工作还快乐)



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