二十笔实用成语 327

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二十笔实用成语 327

帖子 royl » 周二 4月 03, 2012 10:09 pm

二十笔实用成语 327

01. drink like a fish, to
定义: 纵酒, 酗酒, 喝大量酒类.
例句: He smokes like a chimney, drinks like a fish and dresses like a gang-banger. (他抽烟像个老烟枪, 纵酒像牛饮, 穿着像个帮派份子)

02. drink one under the table, to
定义: 醉倒在地上.
例句: After three glasses of beer, you're nearly drunk. I bet I can drink you under the table. (你三杯啤酒之后就快醉了. 我肯定我能把你灌醉倒在地上)

03. drink oneself into a stupor, to
定义: 喝得酩酊大醉.
例句: We had a great time apart from Rob who drank himself into a stupor. (除了罗伯喝得酩酊大醉之外, 我们玩得很痛快)

04. drink out of the same bottle, to
定义: 与某人关系密切, 与某人亲密友好.
例句: We used to drink out of the same bottle, Nick, but now we argue constantly. What happened between us? (尼克, 我们过去亲密友好但现在我们不停地争吵. 我们两人之间到底出了什么问题?)

05. drink the Kool-Aid, to
定义: 盲目信任或参与某人邪恶计划. (注: 此成语出于邪教, "人民圣殿", 的领导人吉姆•琼斯要求他的信众喝下被下毒的饮料集体自杀的典故)
例句: Why don't you go drink the Kool-Aid and follow some people off a cliff!? (你干嘛不喝下了毒的饮料, 再跟着一些人去跳悬崖!?)

06. drink up, to
定义: 喝干, 干杯.
例句: Drink up, my friends. It's Buddy's birthday! (干杯, 我的朋友. 今天是巴迪的生日!)

07. drinking water
定义: [名词]安全饮用水.
例句: However, when safe drinking water is unavailable, it is more than just an inconvenience, it can become a health hazard. (但是, 如果没有安全饮用水供应的话, 这不仅是不方便, 它足以成为一个危害健康的问题)

08. drip, a
定义: 枯燥无味, 懦弱的人.
例句: Lisa says her new roommate is a drip. (丽莎说她的室友是个枯燥无味的人)

09. drive a coach and horses through, to
定义: 揭穿某一论点的谬误, 某一证词的破绽; 破坏殆尽某一法规, 意见, 计划或传统.
例句: She produced statistics which drove a coach and horses through his argument. (她拿出统计数字揭穿他论点的谬误)

10. drive a hard bargain, to
定义: 狠狠地杀价; 迫使对方接受苛刻条件.
例句: When buying this car, Carl drove a hard bargain. He paid a low price for it. (在买这部车的时候, 卡尔狠狠地杀价. 他付了低价买它)

11. drive a point home, to
定义: 阐明并令人明白自己的观点或论点.
例句: You are more likely to drive a point home with a simple message than with a complicated one. (你如果以简洁的话语表达想法会比使用复杂的言语更能令人明白你的观点)

12. drive a standard (shift), to
定义: [汽车术语]开手排档汽车.
例句: Can you drive standard? My car has a five-speed transmission. (你会开手排档汽车吗? 我的车子用的是五档变速器)

13. drive a stick shift, to
定义: [汽车术语]开手排档汽车.
例句: Almost every single person that I've met that drives a stick shift car would never consider allowing anyone to learn how to drive in their vehicle. (几乎我所认识的开手排档汽车的人绝不会考虑让别人使用他/她的车子来学习开车)

14. drive a wedge between, to
定义: 分化, 挑拨离间, 造成不和.
例句: The constant altercations drove a wedge between Mike and his wife. (这些不停的口角造成麦克和他妻子不和)

15. drive a wedge into, to
定义: 打进一个楔子, 打进, 冲破, 分裂, 产生裂缝, 造成不和.
例句: By this means, the attacking troops could drive a wedge into the defense, pass through its tactical zone, and sometimes gain operational depth. (以这个方式, 这支进攻部队可以冲破敌人的防线, 越过它的战术区域地带, 有时还可以取得作战纵深)

16. drive an argument home, to
定义: 阐明并令人明白自己的观点或论点.
例句: A picture is worth a thousand words, and sometimes an illustration is exactly what you need in your paper to drive an argument home succinctly. (一幅画胜过千言万语, 有时候一个图解正是你论文所需要的用来简洁阐明你自己的观点)

17. drive around, to
定义: 汽车载人, 漫无目的兜风.
例句: A Houston, Texas man has been arrested after police spotted him driving around a parking lot with a young boy on the roof of his vehicle. (一名德州休士顿男子由于被警员发现把一个小男孩放在车顶上在停车场上兜风之后被逮捕)

18. drive at, to
定义: 意有所指, 表达某一个意见.
例句: I don't know what he was driving at, but he sounded rude. (我不知道他意指为何, 但他听起来粗鲁)

19. drive away, to
定义: 驱离, 赶走, 让人却步.
例句: There are actions and practices that far too many businesses engage in that can unknowingly drive customers away. (太多的企业进行的一些可能无意中让客人却步的行为以及习惯)

20. drive in, to
定义: 驶进, 开进; 打入, 敲进; 得分.
例句: The last time I drove in a torrential downpour I pulled over and waited it out. (我上一次开进一个倾盆大雨地区, 我把车子停靠路边然后等风暴结束之后才继续开走)



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