二十笔实用成语 333

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二十笔实用成语 333

帖子 royl » 周四 4月 12, 2012 8:21 pm

二十笔实用成语 333

01. dry behind the ears, be
定义: 成熟的, 有经验的.
例句: He is a short-haired, tight-muscled kid who, under normal circumstances, is considered by society as half man, half boy; he is not yet dry behind the ears. (他是一个短发, 肌肉结实的年青人, 在正常的情况下, 他被社会视为半个成年人, 半个小孩, 他还不算成熟)

02. dry nurse, a
定义: 照顾婴儿但不哺乳的保姆.
例句: After years of being a dry nurse to other women's children, she longed to have a child of her own. (多年来作为照顾别的女人子女的保姆之后, 她渴望有一个自己的孩子)

03. dry off, to
定义: 擦拭干, 晾干, 弄干.
例句: I hate that whenever you get out of a shower it takes forever to dry off. (我很不喜欢每次洗好澡之后要花很久的时间把身子弄干)

04. dry one's eyes, to
定义: 擦干眼泪, 停止哭泣.
例句: He put a hand on her shoulder as she tried to dry her eyes. "I haven't helped you much lately, have I?" he said quietly. (当她尽量停止哭泣的时候, 他把手放在她的肩上. 他轻声地说, "我最近没帮你什么忙, 是吗?")

05. dry out, to
定义: 接受戒酒的治疗.
例句: She's drying out at a treatment center. It's a four-week program. (她正在戒勒中心接受戒酒治疗. 这是一个为期四周的疗程)

06. dry party, a
定义: 不提供酒类的派对.
例句: Steve assured me it's going to be a dry party and it also has board games for the children. (史帝夫向我保证这将是个不提供酒类的派对, 它还供应图版游戏给小朋友玩)
典型的图版游戏 – 大富翁

07. dry run, a
定义: 干排(有别于彩排, 不穿戏服的全套戏剧排演); 军方演习(不使用弹药的全部排练).
例句: Let's do a dry run of our play so I can add the background music. (让我们做一次干排, 这样我可以加入背景音乐)

08. dry spell, a
定义: 禁欲期, 低潮期, 干旱期. (注: 比旱灾要轻微及短暂)
例句: These flowers died during a dry spell. (这些花木在干旱期间枯死了)

09. dry up, to
定义: 干涸, 来源枯竭; 失水干死, 枯萎凋谢; 停止说话, 闭嘴.
例句: I wish he'd dry up. He talks too much. (我希望他闭嘴. 他唠唠叨叨说个没完)

10. DSL
定义: [网路术语]数字用户线路/回路, 一种宽频网路连接. (注: DSL是digital subscriber line或digital subscriber loop的缩写)
例句: I need to get a DSL modem and AT&T offers one for $62 delivered. Is it cheaper to buy one elsewhere? (我需要买一台数字用户线路调制解调器, AT&T愿意提供一台送到家, 要价六十二块钱. 如果到别处买会不会便宜一些?)
DSL modem

11. DSS
定义: 数字卫星广播服务. (注: DSS是digital satellite service的缩写)
例句: With my DSS, I can see sports programs from all over the world. (使用我的数字卫星广播, 我可以观赏全世界进行的运动节目)

12. duck and drake/ducks and drakes, the
定义: 打水漂游戏. (注: 用扁圆石片打水面看能跳跃几次)
例句: By a lake, we played ducks and drakes skimming flat pebbles across water that hardly stirred. (在湖边, 我们玩打水漂游戏, 扁平石头漂荡在水波不惊的湖面上)

13. duck out, to
定义: 紧急, 秘密地离开; 推诿(责任).
例句: Are you trying to duck out of your responsibility? (你是不是想要推诿你的责任?)

14. duck soup, a
定义: 容易做的事情.
例句: Hooking up your computer system is by no means a duck soup but if you do it carefully, step by step, everything will work fine. (把你的电脑系统接通起来并不是一件容易做的事情, 但如果你仔细, 按部就班地做, 一切都会运作正常)

15. duck the issue, to
定义: 逃避议题.
例句: They can't duck the issue. The grim reminder of oil slick in Tampa Bay which killed countless birds that trapped in the gooey mess. (他们没法逃避这个议题. 这个令人无法忘怀的残酷坦帕湾漏油事件把陷于黏稠污秽环境的无数鸟类致于死地)

16. duck's guts/duck's nuts, the
定义: [澳洲俚语]最好的, 最适当的事或物; 事务或问题的核心.
例句: It's an expensive sound system, but compared to what I've heard about other systems, it's the duck's guts. (这是一部​​昂贵的音响系统, 但比较于我所听到的其他系统, 它是最好的系统)

17. dud, a
定义: 哑弹, 未爆弹; 失败; 无能或没用者; 没效果的事或物.
例句: The tomato seeds I bought last year must have been duds because the plants never grew. (我去年买的这些蕃茄种子肯定是一些没用的种子因为这些植物根本长不大)

18. Dude!
定义: [惊叹语]表示惊讶的用语.
例句: Dude! I can't believe you are leaving us. I'm still in shock from when I found out. (哎呀! 我真不能相信你要离开我们. 当我听到这个消息之后我到现在还是很惊讶)

19. dude, a
定义: 重视自己衣着及态度的男子; 老兄, 伙计; 一般打招呼的用语(并不限男人); 不熟悉农牧生活的城市人.
例句: Why don't you ask that dude over there? Maybe he will know. (你为什么不去问那边那个人? 也许他会知道)

20. due diligence
定义: [名词]审慎合理, 详尽调查, 恪尽职守, 严格审查.
例句: When an employer fails to exercise due diligence and a person is harmed by an employee, that employer can be sued. (当一个雇主未能恪尽职守而使某人受到一个雇员的伤害, 他可以控告这个雇主)



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