二十筆實用成語 337

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二十筆實用成語 337

帖子 royl » 周六 4月 21, 2012 10:32 am

二十筆實用成語 337

01. dwell on the past, to
定義: 沉迷, 老是想著, 老是放不下過去的事.
例句: There is no use dwelling on the past. What you do tomorrow is what matters. (老是放不下過去的事於事無補. 你明天要做什麼才是重要的)

02. dwell on/upon, to
定義: 老是想著, 思念或談論於某一件事.
例句: I wish he wouldn't always dwell on his personal problems. (我希望他別老是談論他的私人問題)

03. dwindle down, to
定義: 漸漸減少/減弱.
例句: She has intentionally let the enrollment dwindle down to only a few children. (她一直有意地讓入學率減少到只有幾個小孩)

04. dwindle out, to
定義: 漸漸消失.
例句: Engineering job outlook is expected to grow at about an average rate of most other careers; it's not a booming but it's also not dwindling out, either. (工程師的工作前景估計將與其他大部分工作類似地以平均速度成長; 它既不會大量激增也不會漸漸消失)

05. D'ya feel it?
[成語句型]你感覺到它嗎? (注: 'd是do或did的簡寫; ya是you的簡寫)

06. dyed-in-the-wool
定義: [形容詞]死不悔改的, 不妥協的, 死硬派的.
例句: While Hank is a dyed-in-the-wool Democrat, as we suspected from his populist leaning, he is not so keen on the Democratic Party. (儘管漢克是個死硬派的民主黨員, 有如我們從他的民粹主義傾向所懷疑的一樣, 他對民主黨並不是那麼熱衷)

07. dying before our eyes, be
定義: 死亡在我們眼前.
例句: Millions of children are dying before our eyes. Steadily rising levels of HIV-positive girls are putting before the world a critical moral dilemma. (數百萬兒童在我們眼前死亡. 持續攀升數量的患有艾滋病女孩們呈現在世界之前一個危急性的道德困境)

08. dying for ... (noun名詞), be
定義: 渴望; 極想要. (注: dying for後面加名詞)
例句: When I eat junk all weekend long, I'm dying for Chinese food on Monday. ​​(我整個週末吃了垃圾食物之後, 到了星期一我就極想要吃中式餐點)

09. dying of thirst, be
定義: 很渴, 渴死了.
例句: Doctors are prescribing drinking water for neglected elderly patients to stop them dying of thirst in hospital. (醫師們開飲用水的處方給被疏於照顧的年老病人來防止他們渴死在醫院裡)

10. dying seconds, the
定義: 最後幾秒鐘, 將要逝去的幾秒鐘.
例句: The score was tied 3 - 3 in the dying seconds of the third period. (在第三節最後的幾秒鐘, 這個比賽的得分是個三比三平手)

11. dying swan act, the
定義: 戲劇性的動作, 裝腔作勢, 裝模作樣.
例句: "She's very ill. She's got a high temperature and looks awful." "It's just the dying swan act! I saw her put the thermometer in the microwave when you went to get dressed." ("她病得很重.她發高燒, 看起來很糟糕." "這只是個裝模作樣! 我看到她在你換衣服的時候把溫度計放進微波爐裡.")

12. dying to ... (verb動詞), be
定義: 渴望; 極想要. (注: dying for後面加動詞)
例句: I'm dying to hear how he spins it and what outlandish claims he'll make. (我很想要聽聽他怎麼樣來自圓其說, 看他要說出什麼樣的稀奇古怪說法)

13. dying to know, be
定義: 極渴望想知道.
例句: Amy is dying to know the name of the guy in the leather jacket. (愛美極渴望想知道這個穿皮夾克男子的姓名)

14. dynamite, a
定義: [俚語]極令人興奮或美妙的事與物; 具潛在危險的事與物.
例句: Census has remained a political dynamite because there are "powerful forces" who do not want an accurate census figure. (人口普查一直是個具有潛在政治危險的事因為有幾批"強而有力的勢力"不想要有一個正確的人口普查數字)

15. dysfunctional family, a
定義: 問題家庭, 不正常家庭.
例句: Tom comes from a dysfunctional family – his father hasn't had a job in years, and his mother is serving time in state prison. (湯姆出身於一個問題家庭– 他父親已經失業多年, 他母親仍然在州政府監獄服刑)

16. e pluribus unum
定義: [拉丁文]合眾為一. (注: 美國國徽, 國旗及硬幣上的所印上的拉丁文)
例句: E pluribus unum was considered a de facto motto of the United States although it was never codified by law. (合眾為一曾被視為美國實際上的格言儘管它從未被編列入法律)
美國國徽上的e pluribus unum格言

17. e.g.
定義: [拉丁文]例如. (注: eg是Exempli Gratia的縮寫)
例句: The company has hundreds of small factories around the world – eg Italy, Mexico, Thailand and Korea. (這家公司在全球擁有數百個小型工廠– 例如義大利, 墨西哥, 泰國與韓國)

18. each and every one
定義: 每一個(單獨的)人或物.
例句: Each and every one of us, as a human being, is hardwired to choose the path of least resistance. (作為人類, 我們每一個人都有與生俱來的選擇最省力途徑的傾向)

19. Each of them makes something easier, but all of them together make things very complicated.
[成語句型]各別的做還容易, 整個一起做就複雜了.

20. each other
定義: 互相, 彼此.
例句: The same kids who used to wear each others clothes and used to share toys are now not about to share girlfriends. (這個同一對小孩過去曾彼此穿對方的衣服, 曾經互玩對方的玩具, 現在卻不願意分享女朋友)



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