二十筆實用成語 339

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二十筆實用成語 339

帖子 royl » 周五 4月 27, 2012 10:20 am

二十筆實用成語 339

01. ease off, to
定義: 減輕嚴重性, 舒緩, 減弱.
例句: The rain gradually eased off and the sun came peeping through the clouds. (這陣雨漸漸地減弱, 太陽從雲端探出頭來)

02. ease out, to
定義: 小心翼翼地離開, 靜靜地離開/離職; 漸漸地及輕巧地抽取或除去.
例句: He hit the turn signal and eased out into traffic. (他打了方向燈, 小心翼翼地駛入熙來攘往的道路上)

03. ease up on ..., to
定義: 對...放鬆, 舒緩, 減弱.
例句: There are two ways to stop a vehicle: ease up on the gas pedal or apply the brakes. (使車子停下來有兩個辦法: 放鬆油門或踩煞車)

04. ease up, to
定義: 減輕嚴重性, 舒緩, 減弱.
例句: The US economy has been shedding about a million jobs every two months, and there are no signs that pace will ease up soon. (美國經濟每兩個月失去大約一百萬個工作, 而且這個步伐一時沒有減緩的跡象)

05. ease your (troubled) mind, to
定義: 令你安心, 減輕煩惱.
例句: Good luck to you, hope you can find something that can ease your troubled mind. (祝你幸運, 希望你能夠找到一件事來你減輕你的煩惱)

06. ease your pain, to
定義: 舒緩你的痛苦.
例句: There are many things you can do to keep yourself occupied and help ease your pain. (有許多事情你可以做來讓你自己忙碌和幫助舒緩你的痛苦)

07. easier said than done, be
定義: 說比做容易.
例句: I admire your positivity, but it's easier said than done. (我欽佩你的進取態度, 但說比做容易)

08. easier than you ever thought possible, be
定義: 比你想像的要容易多了.
例句: These clear, concise, step-by-step methods make it easier than you ever thought possible. (這些清楚, 簡明, 按部就班的方法使這個工作比你想像的要容易多了)

09. easily moved to anger, be
定義: 容易動怒的.
例句: I am not easily moved to anger but I believe "impeachment" was the only way I can live through the next four years with this evil force we call a president. (我不是一個容易動怒的人但我相信"彈劾"是能夠在這個我們所謂的總統的邪惡勢力下渡過未來四年唯一的解決方法)

10. east by north
定義: 正東偏北.
例句: Tennessee is bordered on the east by north by Virginia, on the east by south by Georgia. (田納西州正東偏北與維吉尼亞州接壤, 正東偏南與喬治亞州交界)

11. east by south
定義: 正東偏南.
例句: Cambodia is bounded on the west by Thailand, on the north by Thailand and Laos, on the east by Vietnam and on the east by south by the Gulf of Thailand. (柬埔寨與西邊的泰國接壤, 北邊與泰國和老撾毗鄰, 東邊與越南交界, 正東偏南濱臨暹羅灣)

12. east of the Rockies
定義: 落磯山以東地區.
例句: We've had numerous destructive and deadly tornadoes already this spring east of the Rockies and it's not even mid-April yet. (今春以來, 我們已經有數不清的毀滅性和致命的龍捲風發生在落磯山以東地區, 此時還不到四月中旬就開始颳龍捲風)

13. east-northeast
定義: 東北東.
例句: Take Loop 610 exit and turn right heading east-northeast. Turn left on US 63 then head north. Turn left on Main Street. Turn right into our parking lot entrance. (走610環道出口, 右轉開往東北東方向. 左轉上國道63號公路再往北開. 到了緬因街左轉. 右轉開進我們的停車場入口)

14. east-southeast
定義: 東南東.
例句: The aftershock was centered about 40 miles southeast of Mexicali, or about 135 miles east-southeast of San Diego. (這個餘震中心位於墨西卡利東南約四十英哩處, 或大約於聖地牙哥東南東一百三十五英哩處)

15. easy as 123, be (as)
定義: 很容易.
例句: Stealing passwords is easy as 123 despite all the reports of Internet security breaches, people are still using easy-to-guess passwords for nearly all their online activity. (儘量多次互聯網安全受到破壞的報導, 盜取密碼還是很容易, 人們仍然使用容易猜得到的密碼於幾乎他們所有的線上活動上)

16. easy as ABC, be (as)
定義: 很容易.
例句: If you think that buying a property is as easy as ABC, you are gravely mistaken. Find a rea​​l estate agent first. (如果你認為購買房地產很容易的話, 你就大錯特錯. 你應該先找一個房地產經紀人)

17. easy as an old shoe, be (as)
定義: 舒適, 熟悉或自在的.
例句: Jenny is really enjoying her third summer at the same hotel for her it's comfortable as an old shoe. (由於它讓人舒適自在, 珍妮確實在這家同一旅館享受她第三個夏季旅遊)

18. easy as anything, be (as)
定義: 非常容易.
例句: Baking potatoes is easy as anything, but it does take a little time. (烤洋芋非常容易, 但它需要花一點時間烘烤)

19. easy as falling off a log, be (as)
定義: 非常容易.
例句: I didn't do all that great of a job writing it and surely made some mistakes but all in all it took little time, was easy as falling off a log. (撰寫它我做得並不是很理想, 肯定犯了一些錯誤, 但總的來說它只花了一點時間, 也非常容易)

20. easy as pie, be (as)
定義: 很容易.
例句: That math problem is easy as pie. I'll show you how to do it. (那個數學問題很容易. 我會教你如何解答它)



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