二十筆實用成語 340

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二十筆實用成語 340

帖子 royl » 周日 4月 29, 2012 10:18 pm

二十筆實用成語 340

01. easy chair, an
定義: 安樂椅.
例句: You may fall asleep in the easy chair in the evening for several hours, wake to watch a late-night TV program, and go to bed for the remainder of the night. (晚間你也許會在安樂椅上​​睡幾個鐘頭, 醒來之後看個深夜電視節目, 餘下的夜晚再回床上睡覺)

02. easy come, easy go
定義: [俚語]來的快, 去的也快.
例句: As Yue-ming was spending his lottery money, he said, "Easy come, easy go." (當岳明在花光他中彩券贏來的獎金時候, 他說, "來的快, 去的也快.")

03. Easy does it.
[成語句型]慢一點. 小心點. 冷靜下來. 別發火.

04. easy listening, be
定義: 悅耳的, 好聽的.
例句: She's young and perky and, to top it all off, she not only adores easy listening music, she thinks Burt Bacharach is a great orchestral pop musician. (她年輕活潑, 尤有甚者, 她不只喜愛悅耳好聽的音樂, 她還認為伯特•巴卡洛克是一位偉大的流行交響樂音樂家)

05. easy mark, an
定義: 容易上當或受騙的的人.
例句: Ask Charlie for a loan. He's an easy mark. (你跟查理借錢. 他是個好騙的人)

06. easy money, an
定義: 橫財, 容易賺的錢, 真好賺的錢.
例句: All they are doing is ordering the car then handing it over to you. It's easy money for them. (他們所要做的是訂購你要的車子再把它轉交給你. 對他們來說這個錢真好賺)

07. easy on someone, be
定義: 對某人客氣, 寬容某人.
例句: Maybe you were being too easy on others and too hard on yourself. (也許你太寬以待人, 過份嚴以律己)

08. easy on the ears, be
定義: 美麗動聽的, 悅耳的, 不刺耳的.
例句: This song is rich in harmonies and easy on the ears. (這首歌充滿了和諧旋律, 美麗動聽)

09. easy on the eyes, be
定義:美麗動人的, 悅目的, 不刺眼的.
例句: The soft light is easy on the eyes. (這個柔軟的燈光不刺眼)

10. easy pickings
定義: 容易得來的收穫或回報, 容易下手的對象.
例句: Thieves roamed the neighborhood streets, looking for easy pickings. (盜賊們在這個鄰近街道遊蕩, 尋找容易下手的對象)

11. easy read, an
定義: 易讀或易懂的書/讀物.
例句: Her book was an easy read and a page-turner but nothing happened in the book. (她的書是本易懂的讀物, 令人愛不釋手但這本書沒有什麼重大情節)

12. easy ride, an
定義: 輕鬆順利的旅程, 生活或工作.
例句: I want the good life but I don't want an easy ride. What I want is to work for it. (我雖然希望過好日子但我並不想要一個輕鬆順利的生活. 我想要的是為生活自食其力)

13. easy sledding, an
定義: 輕鬆工作, 舉手之勞.
例句: This job won't be easy sledding. (這件工作可不是個輕鬆工作)

14. easy street, an
定義: 順暢之路, 安樂富足, 財務狀況良好, 無憂無慮.
例句: I figured if I could get the job, I'd be on easy street. (我估計如果我能夠取得這個工作, 我將無憂無慮地過日子)

15. easy target, an
定義: 容易攻擊的目標, 容易下手的受害者.
例句: Kidnapped Chinese workers were freed today in Egypt, but as more Chinese workers become easy targets abroad, citizens back home are calling for action. (被劫持的中國工人今天在埃及被釋放, 但當越來越多中國工人在國外成為容易下手的受害者, 國內公民正公開要求採取行動)

16. easy terms, the
定義: 寬厚的條件; 優惠的分期付款方式.
例句: They offer 5% discounts for those who qualify, and balances are kept on easy terms. (他們提出百分之五的折扣給那些符合條件的客戶, 扣去頭款所欠的餘額也給予優惠的分期付款方式償還)

17. easy to follow, be
定義: 容易看懂或遵循. (注: 意指閱讀指示, 說明書等)
例句: The basics of staying healthy seem pretty easy to follow: eat well, exercise, get enough sleep and you should be on the right track. (維持健康身體的基本法則似乎相當容易遵循: 吃得好, 運動, 睡眠足夠, 你應該會做得成功)

18. easy to look at, be
定義: 美麗動人的; 容易看/閱讀/檢查.
例句: It's easy to look at other's lives and think of them as perfect and picturesque, but then look at our own lives as something boring or less than perfect. (我們容易看到別人的生活而認為它們是完美和多彩多姿的, 反過來看我們自己的生活卻認為是枯燥無味或不盡理想)

19. easy victim, an
定義: 易上當受騙的受害者.
例句: Many retirees fall easy victim to financial scams. (許多退休的人們成為金融騙局的易受騙受害者)

20. easy virtue, an
定義: [名詞]水性楊花, 放蕩.
例句: She a beautiful, but scarred, woman of easy virtue, a drug-addicted pariah shunned by God-fearing villagers. (她是一個美麗動人但受過創傷的放蕩女子, 一個被敬天畏神村民所避之惟恐不及的患有毒癮的被社會遺棄者)



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