二十筆實用成語 342

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二十筆實用成語 342

帖子 royl » 周三 5月 02, 2012 4:59 pm

二十筆實用成語 342

01. eat one's (own) gun, to
定義: 舉槍自殺.
例句: When surrounded by the police yesterday, the ex-cop did the right thing – he ate his own gun, thus saving the taxpayers some money. (昨天被警方圍捕的時候, 這個前警員做了正確的事– 他舉槍自殺, 因此替納稅人省下不少錢)

02. eat one's cake and have it, to
定義: 得隴望蜀, 兩者兼得.
例句: Don't buy a car if you want to walk and stay healthy. You can't eat your cake and have it too. (如果你想走路和維持健康的話, 別買車. 你不可能兩者兼得. 注: 意指你不可能以開車代替走路又想保持健康)

03. eat one's hat, to
定義: 我敢打賭, 我肯定...否則我吃了我的帽子. (注: 因為你確定某事才會說: 如果沒有發生我會吃我了的帽子)
例句: I'll eat my hat if this is a legitimate business deal. (我敢打賭這件交易肯定不合法)

04. eat one's heart out, to
定義: 傷心痛苦; [奚落語]氣死某人. (注: 意指有人炫耀自己成就, 要某人因此嫉妒難過就會說Eat your heart out)
例句: The children are eating their hearts out over their lost dog. (這些小朋友為了他們走失的狗傷心痛苦)

05. eat one's words, to
定義: 承認你所說的是錯誤的, 吞下你所說的話.
例句: I'm going to make you eat your own words! (我會要你吞下你所說的話!)

06. eat out of someone's hand, to
定義: (經常用於進行式)玩弄某人於股掌中, 對某人唯命是從, 言聽計從.
例句: When I get done with him, he'll be eating out of my hand. (等我好好地修理他之後, 他會對我唯命是從)

07. eat out of the palm of someone's hand, to
定義: (經常用於進行式)玩弄某人於股掌中, 對某人唯命是從, 言聽計從.
例句: You can't keep the crowd's attention and have them eating out of the palm of your hand. (你沒辦法抓住群眾的注意以及玩弄他們於股掌中)

08. eat out, to
定義: 在外面吃飯(多為餐館吃); 尖銳的批評.
例句: If you are going to eat out, try not to order a beverage and order water instead. These days, one drink costs over $2.00, which is ridiculous. (如果你在外面吃飯儘量別點飲料, 點一杯水就好. 現在, 一客飲料要花兩塊錢, 簡直沒道理. 注: 幾乎所有的餐館供清水免費, 瓶裝水例外)

09. eat shit and die, to
定義: [咒罵語]吃屎去死吧! (注: 憤怒, 痛恨時所用咒詛語)
例句: If you punched a UAW thug and told him to eat shit and die at some point, you are more correct than you think. (如果你在某個時候打了一個屬於美國汽車聯合工會的惡棍一頓並叫他吃屎去死吧, 你的作為比你想像的還正確. 注: 意指你打得好!)

譯者註: 除了美國國內汽車公司主管貪污腐化之外, 美國汽車聯合工會也是一顆毒瘤, 美國汽車工業走到今天這個悲慘的地步兩者都要負主要責任. 請看這篇具有代表性的文章, "底特律的癌症: 看看UAW是怎樣玩死美國汽車產業的."
文章連接: http://news.backchina.com/viewnews-43431-big5.html

10. eat someone alive, to
定義: 擊潰, 傷害, 痛宰敗某人, 令某人痛苦, 把某人整得死去活來.
例句: Jealousy will eat you alive if you let it. Don't watch others live their lives; live yours! (如果你不停止的話, 妒嫉之心會讓你痛苦. 別光看別人過他們的生活; 活出你自己的喜悅逍遙吧!)

11. eat someone for breakfast, to
定義: 輕易把某人擊敗. (注: 英語說把某人當餐點吃表示某人太弱只有被痛宰的份)
例句: In a game of racquetball he'll eat you for breakfast. He's too quick and powerful. (如果要打一場短柄牆球的話, 他會痛宰你. 他速度太快而且力道也太強)

12. eat someone out of house and home, to
定義: 把某人吃垮; 把某人資源耗光.
例句: My mom is complaining that I eat her out of house and home. (我媽正抱怨我把她吃垮)

13. eat someone out, to
定義: 尖銳的批評, 斥責, 訓斥.
例句: The sergeant ate the corporal out; then the corporal ate the private out. (這個中士訓斥下士; 接著這個下士訓斥這員列兵)

14. eat someone's ass out, to
定義: [不雅語]痛斥, 尖銳的批評.
例句: After our grandmother's funeral, my older sister took me aside and ate my ass out like a drill sergeant because I wasn't overcome with grief. (辦完我祖母喪事之後, 我姊姊把我拉到一旁, 像新兵訓練營班長一樣地痛斥我一頓因為我沒有表現出悲痛欲絕的樣子)

15. eat someone's lunch, to
定義: 剝削/侵蝕某人利潤; 擊敗, 支配某人; 掠奪...市場.
例句: These aren't happy days at Dish where subscription growth has slowed to less than a crawl. Competitors are eating the company's lunch left and right. (對衛星電視網來說, 最近一些日子真不好過因為它的訂視成長率已經慢到快停下來. 它的競爭者正在大肆掠奪它的市場)

16. eat up, to
定義: 將食物吃光; 輕易相信, 容易上當; 貪婪地享用; 完全擊敗.
例句: That's a good boy. Ea​​t it up and then you can go out to play. (這才是個好孩子. 把食物吃光然後你就可以出去玩)

17. eat your fill, to
定義: 吃到飽為止.
例句: Eat your fill. You won't have another meal till we get home. (要吃飽飯. 直到我們回到家之前我們不會停下來在路上吃飯)

18. Eat your heart out!
定義: [奚落語]因嫉妒而難過, 氣死某人. (注: 意指有人炫耀自己成就, 要某人因此嫉妒難過)
例句: Phil is going to found the next Microsoft. Eat your heart out, Bill Gates! (菲爾將要創建下一個像微軟一樣的公司. 比爾•蓋茲, 氣死你!)

19. eat your own dog food, to
定義: 使用自己公司的產品. (注: 意指公司使用自己產品來供應每天的營運; 對自己產品有信心)
例句: The idea behind "eating your own dog food" is that if the company expects customers to buy its products, it should also be willing to use those products. ("使用自己公司的產品"這個理念是, 如果這家公司指望客戶購買它的產品, 它也應當願意使用這些產品)

20. eaten up with jealousy, be
定義: 受到嫉火中燒的煎熬.
例句: If you're being eaten up with jealousy, you might be surprised to learn that the cure for this emotion is to build self-esteem. (如果你受到嫉火中燒的煎熬, 你也許會出乎意料地得知, 袪除這種情緒問題的治療方法是建立自尊心)



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