二十筆實用成語 344

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二十筆實用成語 344

帖子 royl » 周日 5月 06, 2012 11:27 pm

二十筆實用成語 344

01. egg roll, an
定義: 春捲.
例句: Today's lunch special is BBQ pork fried rice served with an egg roll and hot-and-sour soup. (今天的特價午餐是叉燒炒飯並附上春捲和酸辣湯)

02. egg tart, an
定義: 蛋撻, 蛋塔.
例句: Commonly found in Asian countries, the egg tart is a popular pastry which consists of an outer crust that is filled with egg custard and baked. (在亞洲國家一般常見的蛋撻是個普遍的一個由烤派餅皮包著凝固蛋漿所組成的糕點)

03. egghead, an
定義: 蛋頭學者, 懷有優越感的知識份子, 有隻懂高談理論的學者.
例句: Charles can't order lunch without using an algebraic formula – what an egghead! (查爾斯非得要使用代數公式才能點午餐– 真是個蛋頭學者!)

04. eggs for breakfast, to have
定義: 早餐吃蛋.
例句: People who had eggs for breakfast reported feeling less hungry throughout the day. ​​(據報導, 早餐吃蛋的人們整天感覺比較不飢餓)

05. egg-sucking dog, an
定義: 偷吃蛋的癩皮狗; 卑鄙小人; 賊頭賊腦的人.
例句: You're a lily-livered, egg-sucking dog! How could you do such a thing? (你這個沒膽的卑鄙小人! 你怎麼會做出這種事?)

06. ego trip, an
定義: 表現出自命不凡來滿足自我膨脹意識.
例句: If you tell him he played well, he'll go on an ego trip. (如果你告訴他彈得很好, 他就會擺出一副自命不凡的樣子)

07. eh
定義: [表達語]使用於: 詢問別人肯定某訊息; 重複別人的話; 詢問.
例句: Going out again, eh? (又要出去啦, 嗯?)

08. eighteen hundred hours
定義: 十八點整, 下午六點整. (注: 軍方使用的時間術語, 以一天二十四小時來論; 如果要指早上九點整就要說oh nine hundred hours = 0900 = 9 AM )
例句: It is now one o'clock afternoon or thirteen hundred hours. You have the afternoon to settle in. Supper is at eighteen hundred hours or six o'clock. (現在是下午一點鐘或十三點整. 你可以利用整個下午安頓下來. 晚餐時間是十八點整或六點鐘)

09. eight-hundred-pound gorilla in the room, an
定義: 極為明顯卻被人避而不談/拒絕面對/拒絕處理的事情或問題. (注: 意指對明顯事實視若無睹)
例句: Among the many mistakes of this legislation, perhaps the most striking failure is to address the eight-hundred pound gorilla in the room—hyperinflation. (在這個立法過程許多的錯誤中, 也許最引人注目的是拒絕面對這個極為明顯的惡性通貨膨脹問題)

10. eight-hundred-pound gorilla, an
定義: 強勢, 不好惹的勢力; 相當棘手的問題.
例句: The eight-hundred pound gorilla beating up reluctant legislators is an national debt that's reached starts-with-a-"T" proportions. (這個讓多一事不如少一事的國會議員頭痛不已的棘手問題是一個以"萬億"起跳為範圍的國債. 注: 這裡的"T"乃是指trillion, 也就萬億或兆)

11. eighty percent financing, an
定義: 百分之八十融資.
例句: A conventional loan may only allow eighty percent financing and require twenty percent equity by the buyer. (一個傳統貸款也許只給予百分之八十融資以及要求買主自行負擔百分之二十的房地產淨值/自付額)

12. eighty-six it, to
定義: 扔掉, 拋棄, 刪除.
例句: Our menu has too many entrees. Let's eighty-six the beef stroganoff. (我們的菜單上有太多的主菜. 我們乾脆把俄式酸奶牛肉刪除掉)

13. eighty-six, to
定義: [俚語]拒絕服務某客人, 趕走, 除去, 扔掉, 刪除.
例句: Just a year ago, she was eighty-sixed from the local post office for buying too many two-cent stamps. (正好一年前, 她因為買太多的兩分錢郵票被當地的郵局拒絕服務)

14. Einstein of the 21st century, the
定義: 二十一世紀的愛因斯坦. (注: 請注意此格式你可以自行創造類似此名詞片語)
例句: He is the Einstein of the 21st century. He teaches everything you need to know. (他是個二十一世紀的愛因斯坦. 他會教你任何你所需要知道的事物)

15. either way
定義: 不論如何, 兩者皆可.
例句: Give me a call either way and let me know if you want to come visit us. (不論如何你都要打個電話告訴我是否你決定要來看我們. 注: 意指不管你決定來或不來看我們都要打電話告訴我你的決定)

16. Either way you'll have it.

17. eke out a living, to
定義: 勉強糊口, 省吃儉用過日子. (注: 意指賺錢不多, 勉強夠生活)
例句: On the small farm we were able to eke out a living. (在這個小農場, 我們還是能夠勉強糊口)

18. eke out, to
定義: 補貼, 補充不足; 省吃儉用, 克勤克儉; 竭力達成.
例句: He eked out his small income by working for neighbors on the side. (他以替鄰居打工兼差來補貼他的微薄收入)

19. el cheapo, be
定義: [美國俚語]小氣,吝嗇; 劣質.
例句: It makes no sense to buy top-of-the-line speakers and components only to use el cheapo cables with which to connect them to one another. (買高檔的音響喇叭和主要設備然而卻使用劣質電線來接通它們簡直沒道理)

20. elbow grease, some
定義: [名詞]費體力的工作, 重活.
例句: It's going to take some elbow grease to get this refrigerator clean. (把這個冰箱清理乾淨將需要一些費體力的工作)



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