二十笔实用成语 359

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二十笔实用成语 359

帖子 royl » 周三 5月 30, 2012 1:02 am

二十笔实用成语 359

01. express oneself, to
定义: 表达自己的观点或看法.
例句: I just can't express myself articulately without visual aids. (没有视觉辅助, 我真没法清晰和有效地表达我的看法)

02. expressions of interest, the
定义: 意向书, 意愿书.
例句: Despite the very challenging circumstances facing the retail sector, we have received various expressions of interest for our business. (尽管零售业面临极为严峻的状况, 我们还是收到了许多对我们业务有兴趣的意愿书)

03. extend credit to ..., to
定义: 提供信用贷款, 允许...以信用购买, 允许...赊帐.
例句: If your small business hasn't yet acquired a solid credit rating, commercial banks may be unwilling to extend credit to you. (如果你的小企业还没有取得可信赖的信用评鉴的话, 商业银行可能不愿意提供信用贷款给你)

04. extend welcome to ..., to
定义: 欢迎...
例句: First, I would like, on behalf of the Ministry of Commerce, to extend welcome to delegates attending the Symposium. (首先, 我想代表商业部欢迎各位代表参与这次的专题讨论会)

05. extended family, an
定义: 家族, 大家庭. (注: 扩大的家庭定义包括祖父母, 父母, 阿姨, 舅父母, 姑父母, 堂表兄弟姐妹三代以上同堂者)
例句: In traditional societies extended families often live together. (在传统的社会里, 大家庭通常住在一起)

06. extenuating circumstances, an
定义: 情有可原的情况, 不能控制的情况, 有苦衷的情况.
例句: Extenuating circumstances render conduct less serious and thereby serve to reduce the damages to be awarded or the punishment to be imposed. (情有可原的情况通常使得犯行的裁决比较不严厉, 因此可以用来减轻赔偿金额或刑罚处分)

07. extol to the skies, to
定义: 把某人捧上天, 大肆表彰赞扬某人.
例句: Some have extolled him to the skies, other have overwhelmed him with censure. He does not deserve to be treated in either way. (有些人把他捧上天, 也有人骂得体无完肤. 他不应该受到这两种过犹不及的待遇)

08. extra credit
定义: 额外加分.
例句: You can write that tutorial and earn extra credit. The best part is that you'll learn something and have some fun while doing it. (你可以撰写那个辅导教材获得额外加分. 这个工作的最大益处是你可以多学一些知识并且在撰写的时候得到一些乐趣)

09. extracurricular activity, an
定义: 课外活动.
例句: Children who take part in extracurricular activities tend to do better in school. (参与课外活动的儿童在学校的功课会比较强)

10. extraneous digression, an
定义: (与主题无关的)枝节话题.
例句: This plot is deftly kept fluent, and the absence of extraneous digression makes the story appetizing for mystery hungry readers. (这个小说的情节被巧妙地保持流畅也不牵扯枝节话题, 对于推理小说的爱好者来说, 这个故事很合胃口的)

11. extraordinary rendition, the
定义: 非凡的演出; [法律术语]特别引渡, 将嫌犯从一国引渡到另一个比较允许严刑拷打犯人的国家.
例句: Extraordinary renditions are the abduction and transfer of a person from one nation to another where laws in the country of destination allow human torture. (特别引渡等同于绑架并转移一个人从一国到另一法律上允许对人身凌虐的目的地国家)

12. extricate oneself, to
定义: (使自己)摆脱困难/困境.
例句: She still hasn't been able to extricate herself from her legal problems. (她至今仍然没法摆脱法律麻烦的困境)

13. exude from ..., to
定义: 从...渗出, 从...发散.
例句: Moisture exuded from the cave walls and the air is saturated with water vapor. (水滴从洞窟墙壁渗出, 空气中弥漫着水汽)

14. exult at/over something, to
定义: 为某事欢欣鼓舞.
例句: Iran on Tuesday exulted at a US intelligence report contradicting earlier Bush administration assertions that it was building an atomic bomb. (由于一份美国情报报告对布什政府所坚持的伊朗正在制造原子弹主张的反驳, 伊朗于星期二欢欣鼓舞)

15. eye allergies, the
定义: 眼睛敏感症.
例句: Eye allergies are a condition when the eyes react to an allergen, making them red, itchy, tearful and swollen. (眼睛敏感症乃是一个眼睛对过敏原产生反应, 令其红, 痒, 流泪以及肿胀的生理状况)

16. eye candy, an
定义: 赏心悦目的人或物; 华而不实的事或物. (注: 意指用来使人看了喜悦的摆设, 并无实质意义)
例句: A lot of the material on their Web site is just eye candy. (他们网站上许多的材料只是华而不实的摆设)

17. eye contact, an
定义: 目光接触.
例句: A 1996 Canadian study with 3 to 6 month old infants found that smiling in the infants decreased when adult eye contact was removed. (一份一九九六年加拿大对三个月至六个月大婴儿的研究发现当成人转移了目光接触之后, 婴儿的微笑则减少)

18. eye for an eye, an
定义: 以眼还眼报复, 有仇必报; 以其人之道, 还治其人之身.
例句: While Western Philosophy has always demanded eye for an eye, Eastern philosophy believes a person must live with the guilt of what he has done, and that alone is punishment. (虽然西方人生观一直主张有仇必报, 东方人生观则相信人必须对自己的所做所为怀着罪恶感, 这本身就是一个惩罚)

19. eye of a needle, the
定义: 针眼.
例句: Some of the smartphones' fonts are as small as the eye of a needle. (有些智能手机的字体跟针眼一样大小)

20. eye of the problem, the
定义: 问题的核心.
例句: I'm glad that you've gotten to the bottom, know the eye of the problem, you should be feeling a lot better now. (我很高兴你已经查个水落石出, 了解到问题的核心, 现在你应该感觉好多了)



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