二十笔实用成语 361

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二十笔实用成语 361

帖子 royl » 周五 6月 01, 2012 5:51 pm

二十笔实用成语 361

01. fab, a
定义: [电子术语]半导体芯片/晶圆制造厂. (注: fab是semiconductor fabrication plant的缩写)
例句: Sadly, in the US, we've seen chip makers shut down their fabs one-by-one over the years. Very few fabs are now built in the US (悲哀啊, 在美国, 多年来我们所看到的是芯片制造商一家接一家地关闭他们的芯片厂. 现今极少数的芯片制造厂仍在美国兴建)

02. face as long as a wet week, a
定义: 闷闷不乐的表情.
例句: He's had a face like a wet weekend all day. ​​(他一整天闷闷不乐)

03. face facts, to
定义: 面对现实.
例句: If we face facts, we can see that one salary is not enough. (如果我们面对现实的话, 我们会了解一份薪水是不够用的)

04. face it, to
定义: 面对现实吧. (注: 意指面对或接受不愉快或艰难的状况)
例句: Face it, pal, the American people don't want Congress tossing our money down the Fannie Mae hole. (面对现实吧, 小子, 美国人民不想让国会把我们的钱扔进房利美这个坑洞)

05. face like thunder, a
定义: 怒气冲天, 怒形于色.
例句: Tom had a face like thunder for the rest of the day and later said: "Everyone is picking on me today." (汤姆整个下半天怒形于色, 事后他说: "今天每个人都找我麻烦. ")

06. face new choices, to
定义: 面临新抉择.
例句: Each day we all face new choices. I choose to move forward and I know that I will take one step forward and two steps back but that is life and I accept it as such. (我们每天都面临新抉择. 我选择勇往直前, 我知道我将来会进一步和退两步但这就是人生, 我也接受这个现实)

07. face off with/against, to
定义: 与...竞争, 对抗, 对决.
例句: This week our team is going to be facing off against the best team in the league. (这个星期我们队将要跟本联盟最强的一队对抗)

08. face off, to
定义: 冲突, 对抗, 对决.
例句: Eight of the candidates for the Republican presidential ticket faced off in a nationally televised debate last night. (共和党八名总统后选人在昨晚的全国性电视辩论会上对决)

09. face someone down, to
定义: 无畏地面对某人直到他退让, 慑伏某人.
例句: I'll put my trust in someone who has shown the gumption to face down thugs. (我会信任一个有勇气面对并慑伏暴徒的人)

10. face the music, to
定义: 面对自己行为的后果.
例句: Hanna broke the plate and had to face the music when her parents got home. (汉娜打破了这个盘子, 当她父母回家后, 她必须要面对自己行为的后果)

11. face time, a
定义: 电影露脸时间; 当面讨论/交谈时间; 超时工作时间.
例句: We can only take it so far over the phone or by email. Tom, I really think we need some face time to close this deal. (透过电话或电子邮件只能做到现在这个地步. 汤姆, 我确实认为我们需要一些当面讨论的时间来商定这个交易)

12. face to face with
定义: 面对面, 濒临.
例句: She must return home and deal face to face with the problems created by her children. (她必须回家, 面对面地处理她儿女惹出的麻烦)

13. face up to, to
定义: 面对或接受一个不愉快或艰难的状况.
例句: You must face up to the fact that you are never going to have enough money to buy that car. (你必须面对你永远不会有足够的钱买那部车的事实)

14. face value, the
定义: 面值, 钞票或债券印在纸面上的价值(并不代表真正的价值); 表象, 表征; 听听就好, 别当真.
例句: He is a nice person but you must take at face value what he says. (他是个好人但你千万别把他所说的话当真)

15. face with, to
定义: 面临, 面对.
例句: I am faced with a tax bill that I can't pay. Am I completely at the IRS's mercy, or do I h​​ave some options? (我现在面临一张我付不出的缴税罚单. 我是不是任凭国税局的摆布, 或者我还有一些选择?)

16. face your demons, to
定义: 面对或不逃避你的问题, 恐惧或痛苦.
例句: He finally was able to face the demons from his unhappy childhood. (他终于能够面对他童年所留下的问题)

17. faced with the conundrum/dilemma, be
定义: 面临困境或窘境.
例句: He is faced with the conundrum of finding a job without experience. (他面临一个找工作却没有经验的困境)

18. face-lift, a
定义: 整容. 除去脸上皱纹的手术; 建筑物的翻新或整修; 冲突; [运动术语]在曲棍球或冰上曲棍球比赛时裁判把滑片掷于两队中央由双方争夺控制滑片.
例句: The hotel was given a million-dollar face-lift. (这家旅馆花了一百万翻新整修)

19. fact is fact, a
定义: 事实就是事实, 实话实说.
例句: Whether you accept that or not but fact is fact that proper business attires will help you make your image positive in a workplace. (不论你接不接受但事实就是事实, 穿着适当的上班服装将会协助你在工作场合里塑造正面的形象)

20. fact of the matter is ..., the
定义: 事实上是...
例句: But the fact of the matter is that a fetus is a child, a young living human; therefore killing a fetus should be considered murder. (但事实上胎儿是一个幼儿. 一个胎儿是个未成年的活人; 因此杀害一个胎儿应该被视为谋杀)



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