法律术语 1

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法律术语 1

帖子 royl » 周二 6月 05, 2012 10:30 am

法律术语 1

01. abstract of record
定义: 案卷历史概述, 记录提要, 案卷摘录
例句: When criminal history record information is released, it is printed in an abstract of record commonly referred to as a "rap sheet." (当犯罪历史记录被开放的时候, 它是以历史概述的形式发表, 一般俗称为"前科档案.")

02. acknowledgement
定义: 确认, 宣誓确认(所提出的诉讼文件是真实的)
例句: A confession is "a criminal suspect's acknowledgement of guilt, usually in writing and often including details about the crime." (一份供词是"一份犯罪嫌疑人的认罪书, 一般以书面形式并且通常包括犯罪的细节.")

03. acquittal
定义: 无罪判决, 无罪释放
例句: The case resulted in acquittal of the defendant. (这个案件最后以无罪释放被告结束)

04. action
定义: 诉讼, 诉讼案件
例句: Former county employee brought an action against the county he worked for under the Texas Whistleblower Act. (前县政府员工对他所工作的县政府依德州告密条例提出控告)

05. active judge
定义: 全职法官
例句: Only an active judge may vote to determine whether a case should be heard or reheard en banc. (只有全职法官才可以投票决定是否一项法律案件应该由全体法官出庭审理或再审理)

06. adjournment
定义: 休庭(待续到下一次开庭)
例句: The jury retired to consider their verdict during the morning session of the court, and at the time of the adjournment of the court in the afternoon they had not agreed. (在早上开庭审理的期间, 这个陪审团退庭来商讨他们的裁决, 于下午休庭的时候他们还无法取得一致意见)

07. adjudication
定义: 判决, 裁定, 仲裁.
例句: It is generally much easier to get an adjudication expunged than a conviction. Even so, there are very real consequences to a juvenile adjudication. (一般来说, 消除一个裁决的记录比消除定罪记录要容易多了. 即使如此, 未成年犯罪的裁决仍旧会带来非常现实的后果)

08. adjudicatory hearing
定义: (少年法庭)裁决性听证(决定对此少年嫌犯的指控是否属实以及是否要受审)
例句: Prior to any adjudicatory hearing, the court shall determine whether the youth admits or denies the offenses alleged in the petition. (在任何裁决性听证开始之前, 这个法庭应当决定是​​否这名少年嫌犯承认或否认这份起讼状上所指控的犯罪行为)

09. Administrative Office of the United States Courts (AO)
定义: 美国联邦法院行政管理局
例句: The AO provides a wide range of administrative, legal, financial, management, program, and information technology services to the federal courts. (美国联邦法院行政管理局给予联邦法院提供广泛的行政, 法律, 财务, 管理, 程序, 以及资讯科技等服务)

10. admissible
定义: (证据或证词)可以接受的, 可以在作出决定时列入考虑的
例句: To be admissible in court, the evidence must be of probative value and not prejudicial, confusing, a waste of time, or based on hearsay. (为了在法庭上可以被接受, 这个证据必须具有可资证明的效力并且不是偏颇, 令人疑惑, 浪费时间, 或基于传闻的)

11. adult court transfer
定义: (十四岁以上)少年嫌犯转移至成人刑事法庭或成人监狱
例句: Males, older juveniles, and those with a violent adjudicated charge were more likely to be transferred to adult court. (男性, 年龄较大的少年, 以及那些被指控暴力犯罪的嫌犯更有可能被转移至成人刑事法庭)

12. adult probation
定义: (十六岁以上)成年缓刑感化
例句: The goals of adult probation are to aid the offender in his/he​​r rehabilitation and reintegration into the community, and to ensure the safety of the victim and community. (成年缓刑感化的目的是协助犯罪人改造更生, 重返社会的准备, 以及维护受害者与社会的安全)

13. adversary proceeding
定义: 对抗性诉讼程序; 破产法庭解决债务人资产分配纠纷诉讼
例句: When a creditor files an adversary proceeding, it is usually because the creditor is arguing that the debt owed to the creditor should not be discharged in the bankruptcy. (当一名债权人提出一件资产分配纠纷诉讼, 一般是因为这名债权人提出证明这笔债务不应当在这个破产案件被解除)

14. affidavit
定义: 宣誓证词书
例句: We have a signed affidavit stating that the two men were seen entering the building, soon after a loud bang was heard, and the duo ran out of the building. (我们有一份已签署的宣誓证词书声称这两名男子被目睹进入这栋建筑物, 不久之后听见一声巨响, 随后这两名男子逃出这栋建筑物)

15. affirmation
定义: (等同宣誓却因宗教或其他原因不能宣誓)确认证词完全属实的宣示; (判决)的确定
例句: When asked if the statement was true, he nodded his head in affirmation. (当被问及这份声明是否是真实的时候, 他以点头确认属实)

16. affirmative defense
定义: 确认抗辩(被告确认原告部分的指控并提出额外的资料用来减轻其罪行或证明其行为的正当性. 最常用的确认抗辩是"自卫")
例句: In an affirmative defense, the defendant affirms that the condition has occurred but offers a defense that prevents the plaintiff's claim. (在一个确认抗辩的的案件里, 这名被告确认这个情况的发生但提出一个阻挠原告求偿的辩护)

17. affirmed
定义: 高院同意地院的判决, 裁定维持原判; (不经宣誓而)确认
例句: The decision was affirmed by a higher court. (这个判决已由高院裁定维持原判)

18. aiding and abetting
定义: 协助与教唆他人(犯罪)罪
例句: A defendant can be found guilty of aiding and abetting an offense even if the principal offender is found not guilty of the crime itself. (即使主嫌本身被判无罪, 一名被告仍有可能被判协助与教唆他人犯罪的罪)

19. AKA/also known as
定义: 别名, 化名, 又称, 亦称
例句: Winifred Jiau, aka "Wini," was arrested today for allegedly giving insider information. (温妮费蕾德•焦, 别名"温妮,"今天依所指控的提供内线消息被逮捕)

20. alcohol education program
定义: (酒驾初犯者)饮酒教育课程
例句: In addition to being sentenced to install an ignition interlock system, judges may also order alcohol education program as a penalty for DUI. (除了被判安装一套酒醉测试锁定引擎系统之外, 法官也许还会命令酒醉驾车者上饮酒教育课程作为处分)



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